Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Thirty Eight


Katherine stretched herself out as she woke up, yawning and tying her hair back up in the ponytail it had been in last night.

She felt strangely refreshed this morning compared to the way she had been feeling in the last few weeks, and she knew exactly why.

She had spent the night with Damien, and it had been more than blissful.

Turning over on the bed, she snaked an arm around Damien’s torso, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek, lightly so she wouldn’t wake him up.

Ever since they’d reconciled back at his office, Katherine felt like things were almost back to normal, and she was readily basking in this spare time.

These days he was now more than willing to take her out on dates, he was also starting to pay more attention to her and give her compliments when she wanted to hear them. Heck, he even let her make him lunch! What more could she possibly ask for? All that was left now was to slowly ease him into the talk about their marriage.

Katherine was already tired of waiting.

She had daydreams about how grand their wedding would be. It would be the talk of the town and would probably trend on social media for months. Her stomach bubbled with excitement from the thought. But she wasn’t too bothered, since it wouldn’t be long now as things were going really great for them.

She just had to go easy on him, and in a few months or even weeks there would be a diamond on her finger, and she would be officially his.

This thought bringing a smile to her face, she climbed out of the bed and made her way into the kitchen to find something to eat. She was rather hungry and because she was in high spirits today she decided she would have some meat.

Humming to herself, she sliced up some wheat bread, added her vegetables and ham, and poured herself a cup of coffee.

As she carried her sandwich off to the balcony, a knock sounded at the door. Katherine frowned as she wondered who could possibly be at the door. m this early.

From what she knew she wasn’t expecting any visitors, and so was Damien to.

Tightening her robe around herself, she slowly unlocked the front door. Her brows furrowed in surprise when she saw that it was a postman. Why would the postman be here? She wondered.

It had been so long that she couldn’t even remember the last time Damien received a letter.

“Mail for Mr Damien Daniels…?” The postman said, rousing her from her thoughts.

“I’m his girlfriend. He’s asleep now so I’ll take it.”

The postman nodded, digging a hand into his messenger bag and slipping out a single letter which he handed to Katherine.

“Please, sign here.” The man said and Katherine nodding, picked up the pen and signed.

When she was done, she hurriedly shut the door, still wondering why Damien had a letter in the mail. Out of curiosity, she turned the letter over to see who it was from, and her eyes fell on the name ‘Madison Connor’.

“What the hell?” She muttered, her hands beginning to shake as rage pumped through her.

Why would that bitch send a letter to Damien? She wondered seething.

For all she knew Damien was not in contact with her, so what did this mean? Without a second thought she tore it open and began to read.

She paused in the middle of reading, as another blast of fury coursed through her.

Madison sounded extremely desperate with her words, and she could see that the letter was about the investigation and the bitch begging a rather serious Damien to stop what he was doing.

Why the hell was he still investigating about the damned family? Katherine thought that by now he would have stopped the investigation, but no he still continued. He was still having something to do with the damned family, with the stupid bitch! Fuck!

Katherine felt anger run through her once again. After their talk the other day when they reconciled, she thought he would end the investigation, but he hadn’t.

They were doing so well now. Wasn’t that enough for him? Why was he still keeping tabs on the surly waitress family. Yes, they had been close but it was in the past, and what did he want again?

Managing to calm herself and pushing her anger aside, Katherine started to see things clearer a bit.

Damien had set his mind on getting revenge on these people and he was working fervently on it, yes that was it.

Katherine knew that this family must have treated Damien so badly, for him to be consumed with so much hatred. And now she was faced with the question of what they did? What the hell did they do? What really happened?

She needed to know… she needed all these facts.

Sighing, she made a mental note to tell the men watching Madison to also hasten their investigation on the Connor family too.

Turning back to the letter she continued to read the end, “I apologize for everything you went through. Please try to see from my point of view. I’m truly sorry, Damien. For everything. I…” Katherine read out, shaking her head as she came to the end of the letter.

She scoffed, “Pretentious fucking bitch. Stupid thing.” She muttered under her breath as she began to rip the letter into pieces, squeezing the paper tightly in her hands.

She couldn’t believe Madison had the audacity to send Damien a letter. How dare she even think of doing that? She was so desperate that was obvious, and it disgusted Katherine to the core. Turning back to the kitchen, Katherine grabbed a lighter from the drawer and lit up the pieces of the letter in her hand. Satisfied, she watched it burn, the flames increasingly making her more happy.

The last thing she would allow was that low-life woman coming in contact with Damien in any sort of way, be it physically or through a letter. She didn’t want to even think about what would happen if Damien eventually began to warm up to her again, or think of reconciling with her.

What if he had even seen this letter? Damn! She would not let anyone snatch her man from her, she was going to make sure of that.

Eyeing her sandwich still seated on the counter, she pushed it away into the sink, turning on the tap and watching the bread soak. She had already lost her appetite, all because of that witch.

She needed to make plans.

Her mind racing frantically, she remembered that she someone at the post office, and she used to pay him in the past to intercept letters or do some other sort of things for her.

She knew what she was going to do. She was most certain that even though this was the first letter from Madison, it definitely would not be the last and she had to put an end to it before it was to late.

What she needed to do was intercept each letter before it got to Damien. Meaning they would have to be delivered to her and not him. Soon, when Madison saw that Damien was not replying at all, then she would definitely get tired of sending any more letters.

Sliding out her phone from the counter, Katherine dialed the number of the man from the post office, and brought the phone to her ear.


Madison took a deep breath as she stared at Alvarez’s name on her phone.

She was too nervous to call him, but she didn’t feel good keeping things from him either. She hadn’t told him before she sent the letter to Damien because she knew he would try to dissuade her, but there wasn’t much he could do now if he found out, and she had promised to keep him updated about the whole thing with Damien.

Finally she dialed the number, and it didn’t even ring twice before he picked up.

“Hey, Madison. What’s up?”

She swallowed, trying to gather her words, “I’m okay, thanks for asking. How about you?”

“I’m great. What’s up? Is something wrong?”

How he was always having the hunch that something was always wrong with her, baffled her sometimes and it brought a sad smile on her face.

She took a few seconds to gather herself before she spoke, “Nothing is actually wrong though but I know you’re going to be pissed at me for this…” She trailed of pausing a bit before she continued, “I wrote Damien a letter, and I already sent it to New York some days ago.”

An uncomfortable silence took over for a few moments and Madison started feeling guilty for not telling him before.

“Why?” He finally questioned, his voice slow and concerned as he exhaled a breath to, “You know how Damien is with these things. At best he wouldn’t even read the letter once he sees your name written on the parcel. You shouldn’t have done that, Madison.”

“I know, I know.” She replied her heart clenching painfully, “But there was nothing else I could do. I had no choice, Alvarez. Maybe he’d be more willing to listen if I’m not standing in front of him. Maybe he wouldn’t be so … so angry. I just don’t want him going back at my family again. I already have to much on my plate and my bro…” She instantly paused hoping that Alvarez wouldn’t ask her to finish what she had started to say, and luckily he didn’t.

Alvarez gave a deep sigh, one she could hear from the phone. “I don’t like it… but I guess it’s too late for my opinions now. At best the letter must have gotten to him.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Madison wasn’t sure what to say so she didn’t speak. She just prayed that everything would work out accordingly, and all she could do was keep her fingers crossed.

“What were the contents of the letter? What did you tell him?”

“Um…” Madison tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, as she narrated everything, “It’s about my family, and I also explained the whole thing about my family the same way I did to you. I pleaded with him to stop the investigation and I’m hoping he’ll see reason with me and maybe…” She sighed, “Maybe he might listen to me. Well, I haven’t gotten a response yet, but I still keep my fingers crossed, you know?”

From the silence on the other end, she could tell that this still didn’t didn’t sit right with him.

“Look, Madison. I know you’re only trying to get yourself out of this situation, but you know how Damien is. I don’t want you begging at his feet or anything like that. I’m hoping you didn’t make it sound too pathetic lest he starts to think you’re at his mercy, and does something even more harmful to you. He will bruise you Madison you know that.”

“No!” Madison breathed, his last statement about Damien bruising her tugging at her heart. He had hurt her back then, and even till today she was living with the scars he left her so she knew first hand what he could do. Well at least she didn’t think her letter sounded too pathetic.

She had simply asked him to consider her and her situation, as well as asking him to stop the investigations on her family. He had all he wanted now, what more could he need again?

“Just…be careful, Maddie. I don’t want you getting hurt in any way. Okay?”

“I will, I promise. I am careful.”

“Okay then. I hope you’re doing okay. Generally, and at work…?”

Madison smiled, as they diverted the topic from Damien to other important things, “Work is going great, actually. I feel really good about this one, you know? If I keep working this hard I might be able to move out of my small apartment in a few months. This should be the most stable job I’ve had in years, and I’m so happy.”

“Really?!” Alvarez sounded excited for het, “That’s amazing, Madison. More grease to your elbows then.”

Madison chuckled.

She wondered how she had gone from worried and sombre to chuckling at Alvarez’s jokes all in a minute, and according to his requests, she went on to tell him about her experiences at work which they both laughed about.

“I have to go now, it’s getting late.” Madison said after a while, “It was nice talking to you. Say hi to your wife and Ivy for me okay?”

When they had bade each other farewell, Madison hung up, falling into her bed and shutting her eyes, feeling a little bit of relief.

She had this hope that all would go well. Maybe not now, but soon…

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