Forbidden Heat R18

Chapter 40 Evening Gala Date

“My date looks stunning!” Edward exclaimed as he eyed me from head to toe.

Since we had to attend a gala dinner tonight with our business partners, I had to get dress in formal evening attire. Annoyingly, Edward was the one who picked out this dress for me and had a stylish do my makeup and hair to perfection. I personally felt that this is a bit over the top for a work-related gala dinner. The last time I was this dolled-up was when I went to a movie premiere for one of the movies that Zak sponsored. The dress I had on was a rosy pink long dress with a very high slit running up my left thigh all the way to almost my hips. Gold pin-point high heels and my favorite timeless black caviar clutch bag completed the ensemble. My hair was put up in a stylish bun by the stylish along with rose-gold tone make-up. I have to say I looked quite attractive in the mirror.

Both Edward and R were in their tuxedoes. This event is probably bigger and more important than I thought at first. R drove us in Edward’s Bentley while I sat together with Edward at the back. I have to admit that I was less nervous about meeting the client and the whole event than I was about the potential of me tripping over in the golden pin-point heels that Edward had undoubtedly chosen.

“The client that we’re meeting today and the co-host of this event is the CEO of one of our lab’s major partners. His company is responsible for the production of many of our new products based on the research completed at the lab. He’s a bit of a womanizer. So, watch yourself,” Edward warned me teasingly as he ran his hand up my leg where the fabric of my dress parted.

I immediately slapped his hand away which resulted in Edward laughing uncontrollably.

“More so than you?” I teased back. I couldn’t imagine a man being more of a womanizer than Edward. I’ve seen my fair share of gossip columns of his various affairs with celebrities in the tabloids. Those articles rivaled other articles covering him on his philanthropic projects. Edward is truly an enigma.

“Perhaps a little less than me…” he said unfazed and flashed me a smile taking my hand in his. His hands are so warm. I wondered what would happen between us if Edward found out about my recent developments with Lucien…and vice versa. These two brothers that seem to be in a love-hate relationship with each other are giving me a real headache.

On top of that, I’ve been having a weird repeated nightmare lately ever since Edward took me to that cottage by the lake. Perhaps the dream and the event are not even related. This whole thing could be driven by my own stress and anxiety. I’ve been trying not to think about the dream so much and trying to focus more on the reality when I am awake.

We arrived at the venue which was at a famous 5-star hotel. No surprise there. R opened the door for us and Edward took my hand to help me out of the car. I succeeded in stepping out of the car without falling on my face while still able to flash a few smiles to the crowd of cameramen. Achievement of the day right here. I was very conscious of Edward holding my hand in front of the press. I pulled my hand away after he successfully helped me out of the car. There could be big and unwanted news if we, niece and uncle, were photographed with our fingers laced together as if we were a couple, which we are not.

A group of bodyguards escorted us as representatives from various news agency swarmed in trying to get as close to Edward as possible to ask him questions. The flashes from the cameras were blinding and I was getting quite annoyed and sick of the attention. Edward was smiling and keeping up his perfect public appearance. R pulled me away from Edward and used his big body to shield me from the crowd as he led me away while the other bodyguards continued to guard Edward by keeping enough space between him and the press. It was a mess and I was thankful to R for leading me inside safely and without much hassle.

“Thank you for getting me out of there,” I thanked R when we were finally inside the conference hall.

“No problem,” He replied curtly.

What should I do now? Should I go to my seat and wait for Edward or should I go and socialize with other people to try to build up relationship and connections. I’m not a big fan of socializing but work is work.

“I’m going to go greet some guests over there,” I informed R and he nodded before following behind me. I guess he really will be stuck to me 24/7.

I met a couple of professors and researchers that I already knew from past introductions and seminars that I’ve attended. I managed to introduce myself to many new people in the field as well as some high-profile investors. I guess I wasn’t doing too bad for myself, although, I have to admit that I was doing so well because of Edward’s connections and reputation. People immediately became friendly and trusting when I mentioned that I was his niece and is now working for him.

It was time for the official presentation to start and everyone was headed to their seat. R led me to my designated seat where I met up with Edward as we sat next to each other for the presentation. Edward was invited to give a few opening remarks to kick-off the session. Edward’s speech captured the audience and gave them hope and inspiration for the future of technology and medical research. The round of applaud at the end of his speech was proof enough that he was amazing. Edward’s public persona was flawless. Flawlessly smart, charming, empathetic and captivating. I guess very few people know how different his real personality is.

I didn’t end up meeting the “womanizer” CEO. Perhaps that was because Edward kept him quite occupied with some talks. This made be a bit relieved. I guess Edward has his own ways of protecting me and I have to thank Edward for that.

Finally, the presentation came to an end. Edward was being swept away by the crowd of guests and the press once again.

“Come this way,” R whispered in my ear as he took my wrist in his hand before pulling me away from the crowd.

“Are we going home? What about Edward?” I asked. Edward was still stuck in the middle of the crowd. It doesn’t look like he’ll be able to free himself from them anytime soon. Poor Edward.

“Please follow me,” R instructed as he continued to drag me by the arm. Noticing that I was struggling to keep up with his long strides, he slowed his pace to match mine.

To my surprise, instead of heading home, we took the elevator from the lobby up to one of the top floors of the hotel. When the elevator opened, R dragged me along before we entered a luxurious hotel suite.

“Please rest here until Edward is done with his business. I will take you home later. I have already informed Lucien so there is no need for you to worry,” R explained as he led me to a sitting room and gestured for me to sit down on the sofa.

I flopped down on the soft sofa and immediately took off my high heels. My feet and legs needed the rest and my mind needed to wind down from the stress of meeting so many people. My feet are killing me, wearing brand new high heels to an event was such a bad idea. Some parts of my feet were scrubbed raw by the leather straps, I looked down at my feet to see that they were bleeding slightly.

“Let’s clean and bandage them up,” R said softly as he crouched down in front of me on one knee, taking my foot into his large and warm hands. Amazingly, he already had a first aid kit next to him, ready to take care of my wound.

“Wait! I can do it myself…” I protested, slightly embarrassed at his touch.

“You did your job for this evening, now let me do mine,” R brushed my protest aside and started to tend to my wound. His touch was gentle and he finished taking care of the wounds on my feet professionally in no time.

“Thank you, R…” I murmured my thanks.

“You’re welcomed, Natalia…” He replied as our eyes met. Wow, these long auburn lashes framing his bright blue eyes are hard to look away from, I thought as I stared, lost in those eyes.

“Finally! I managed to escape. Set up dinner please so I can finally dine with my girl,” Edward’s loud entrance into the room broke the spell.

“Right away, Sir Edward,” R replied professionally and exited the room.

“We’re having dinner here?” I asked, a bit confused.

“Yes, to celebrate the success of this event. To be frank, I got Reiner to arrange all this in advance because I wanted to celebrate alone with you…and also because I knew I would be drained from the event. Or would you rather go to my place?” Edward explained while turning to give me a wicked smile. He obviously knows that I don’t want to go over to his place. Come to think of it, I actually don’t know where Edward lives. Unlike his siblings, Edward does not live in a mansion in the family compound. Zak’s mother no longer lives in her mansion either so it’s just Zak alone in his mansion. Due to her health issues, she had to move out of the city to a place with fresher air.

–To be continued…This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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