Forbidden Heat R18

Chapter 57 Playful Ride

The counselling session with Doctor Greta has ended and I am walking back to the car with Reiner. I was troubled, to say the least, after hearing the Doctor’s opinion of my case. I’m a little disappointed that she couldn’t diagnose my dream right away and just tell me the truth of what happened or didn’t happen. I guess this is not a movie after all and the Doctor doesn’t just know it all according to the script. How will I find out? How will I know for sure if the event in the dream is just a dream conjured up by my fear or that it actually happened to me?

…something someone said…a place I’ve been to recently…

I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said.

“Natalia…Natalia…” Reiner’s calm voiced brought me back from my troubled thoughts.

“Oh…sorry, you were saying something?” I asked apologetically.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’ve been standing in front of the car’s door for a while now. Want to get in?” Reiner asked teasingly as he opened the car’s door for me to get in.

“Thank you…I’m sorry for spacing out like that,” I replied softly.

“It’s ok. I’m sure you have a lot to think about. Don’t over stress yourself. If it’s hard on you, maybe you don’t need to remember…” Reiner said as he patted my head softly. His smile warmed me up inside.

“…Are we heading home already?” I asked Reiner in a shy voice. He probably knows that I don’t want to go back to the mansion. I haven’t set foot out of the family estate for days.

“hmm…not quite,” He replied as he drove faster.

“Where are we going?” I asked without hiding the excitement in my voice. I know what we were about to do doesn’t play well by the book but I couldn’t help feeling thrilled at bending the rules…and spending more time alone with Reiner.

“…you’ll see,” Reiner replied casually as he kept his eyes on the road. Guess this man is full of secrets and surprises as well.

“So, do you know how to row a boat?” Reiner asked winking at me.

“Umm…No?” I said in a light panic.

Isn’t it a bit too late for him to ask me that now? We were already standing on a small wooden dock at the side of a green-blue lake. I didn’t know there was a small lake quite close to the city. This lake was surrounded by a small park. This place must be quite popular during the early mornings, evenings and weekends since there’s a running track where people could jog and exercise. However, in the late afternoon on a weekday like right now, the park was pretty much deserted.

Are we really going to fit in that tiny wooden boat? I thought while I stared dubiously at the white wooden boat docked next to where we were standing. The boat was probably as long as Reiner was tall. This is going to be an…interesting experience.

“Give me you hand,” Reiner instructed and when I looked up, I realized that he was already in the boat with his hands held out to me in order to help me in. I’m not sure which is scarier, getting out of the car in high heels in front of the press of getting into a clearly shaky small wooden boat.

“Umm…are you sure about this?” I asked in a shaky voice. My discomfort must have been clear since Reiner responded by laughing slightly.

“Can you swim?” he asked still laughing a little.

“Yes…” I replied sensing that my safety had just been compromised.

“Then there shouldn’t be a problem,” Reiner said as he grabbed and tugged at my hand, pulling me into the boat. I let out a little scream as my feet landed on the small boat before I quickly sat down. The boat rocked side to side…

“R! What did you just do?!” I exclaimed in slight shock. The boat continued to rock side to side.

“Helping you get in the boat…what else?” Reiner replied without a care. This is so not good for my heart.

Reiner started to row the boat away from the dock. The boat stopped rocking and I was relaxed enough to look around at the scenery. This place is actually very peaceful and beautiful. We didn’t speak. We just spent time silently enjoying each other’s company. Reiner’s probably doing all this to cheer me up from being locked up in the mansion for days and from the stressful session I just had with Doctor Greta. I truly appreciate his effort and the fact that he was here with me. I could not imagine how lonely and depressed I would feel if I was left alone after the counseling session. I wonder what Reiner thinks about my dream…

“R…what do you think about my dreams? Do you think the event I dreamt of actually took place or not?” I asked. Nothing to gain and nothing to lose from seeking his opinion.

“I don’t know. Honestly, I think what matters is if you really want to find out,” Reiner answered after thinking about it for a short while in silence.

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Something that someone said…a place you’ve been to recently. She said those things could have triggered your memory if the event was in fact real. You already know what to do, right? So, in the end, it’s just a matter of do you want to find out or not,” Reiner replied with a knowing smile.

He’s got me. I think I already know what started this dream. The only uncommon place that I went to that also coincided with when these dreams started was the house by the lake that was surrounded by thick forests. Edward…why did you take me there? Reiner was right. If I really wanted to find out, I knew exactly who to ask.

“I need to ask you something,” I texted Edward. Lucien will go a rampage if he finds out that I plan to meet Edward but what other choices do I have.

“I’ll see you soon, My Princess,” I got his replied almost immediately as if he’d been expecting my text. This is a little scary. How will he see me soon though? I’m still supposed to be locked up at home…

“Did you decide already?” Reiner asked as he continued to row the boat slowly through the calm waters.

“Yeah…thanks,” I thanked Reiner for helping me make up my mind. Some time all we need is that little supporting push.

The wind in my hair feels nice and relaxing. No matter what my little investigation leads me, I’ll come to terms with what I discover. That is what I was finally able to decide on. Glancing at Reiner, I found him looking directly at me. Reiner always watches out for me, I guess.

“Are you going to get into trouble for bringing me out here when we’re supposed to head straight home?” I asked. Admittingly, I was slightly curious. For someone who takes his work so seriously, why is he going out of his way to bring me here.

“Lucien can’t terminate my employment. Only a unanimous decision from the three elders can terminate the employment of a highest-ranking butler. You have nothing to worry about,” he replied with a slight grin.

The wind was blowing, the sun was slowly approaching the horizon, the birds were chirping and suddenly Reiner seemed much closer. The setting sun behind him illuminated his silhouette.

“Thank you for bringing me out here. I really needed this break. Even if you’re just doing this as part of your responsibility of being my butler…I still really appreciate it,” I said as I gazed deeply into his breath-takingly beautiful blue eyes.

Reiner stared back at me silently. He looked as if he wanted to say something but then decided against it before he turned away.

“Are you blushing?” I asked teasingly. I didn’t know if he was blushing or it was just the ray of the setting sun dying his face…but…that is why I have to get closer to confirm my suspicions.

“Let me see!” I cried out with excitement as I got up to approach him. I just need to see his face closer. I stumbled a little but I did reach him. I stumbled right into his awaiting arms as he supported me. My hands clutched at his chest for balance.

“Natalia!” Reiner cried out in panic.

“Just let me…Ahhh!!”

Oh no, I forgot we were on a boat and a small and shaky one at that. We were both on our feet with Reiner’s arms around me but the boat was shaking so much now. Oh no…I know exactly what comes next!


I don’t know how it happened exactly but the next thing I knew I was already soaking wet in the water and outside of the boat. I’m a decently strong swimmer…as if that made me feel any better in this situation.

My dress felt so heavy now that it was wet. I need to get my head above the water and fast.

“Natalia!” I heard Reiner calling my name the moment I broke the water’s surface.

This is a complete disaster. I’m sure I look like a drowning kitten to him and I feel like a total mess.

“I’m…fine,” I managed to reply as I whipped my hair back from my face.

Reiner was also completely soaked. Although to my surprise he didn’t seem upset about the fact that he was all wet.

–To be continued…

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