Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Chapter 5 – Good Morning, wife.

TangShi stretched out and yawned, balling a fist in her sleepy eyes, forgetting her predicament for a second, and sighed with just how exhausted she was. It was a fitful night of unrest, given her not being used to sharing a bed with a warm body, and the lingering anger which had made her toss and turn most of the night away.

YuZhi seemed to sleep soundly, oblivious to her presence and not phased at all that she was in his bed and hating on him so venomously. It only served to anger her on a whole other level and the result was fatigue, and dark circles under her normally bright eyes. She felt muggy and heavy, and her mood was already low. He was clearly no stranger to sharing his bed with a warm blooded female.

There was a rapid chap on her door that gave her the distinct impression someone was in a hurry and turned to see if YuZhi intended to reply. Only she found his side of the bed was completely empty and the room around her was bright and quiet, showing her he was not here at all. She had no idea when he got up and left.

“Miss Lei, can I come in?” the hurried tone and sheepish voice sounded a lot like Xiaosu and TangShi quickly slid out of bed to go open the door and let her enter. Remembering too late that she was wearing a scrap of lace and covered her chest in embarrassment as Xiaosu’s eyes widened at first sight. The girl blushed and looked away with a small smile before averting her eyes to the ground and remembering why she was so frantic.

“You’re late for breakfast and old master has already left in such a terrible mood.” Xiaosu’s hastened words, her strained tone, and instant paling of her skin told TangShi this was not a great start to her new life here and she had already offended the grandfather.

She had a vague memory of being told the household were expected to eat breakfast with grandfather at dawn and anyone who was late would be in the bad books for days. This was a tradition of this house and would cause great offence to the rigid old miser. He liked his routine and TangShi had already messed up.

TangShi glared back at the empty bed one more time, cursing YuZhi under her breath because he obviously got up and left her asleep on purpose. He had every opportunity to wake her and make her come down for breakfast. The fact is, he wanted to see her screw up and face his grandfathers wrath.

“Quickly, help me get ready.” TangShi pulled Xiaosu inside, suddenly frantic and panicking, knowing she had no idea where any of her clothes had been put when she arrived here. She was relieved to notice Xiaosu was carrying a dress and bag of undergarments for her. She had brought along something for her to wear that would not offend the remaining members at the breakfast table and it looked pleasantly like something TangShi would have chosen herself.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come for you before now. Young Master Leng had me go to collect the milk and eggs from the nearby village that Aunt is so fond of far earlier today and told me to not bother you until I returned.” Xiaosu flushed crimson, knowing what she said made it clear YuZhi had delayed the girl and did this to make TangShi annoy his family members as much as she annoyed him.

That man! How childish for a future CEO of the Leng empire to scheme against her.

TangShi gritted her teeth, hurried into the bathroom to quickly wash her face and pulled on the clothes that Xiaosu held out for her. It was a simple lemon dress with a daisy print all over, in a soft floaty fabric. The underwear was white and simple, not at all sexy, with new white slippers to wear downstairs.

This was more TangShi’s style and judging by the lack of labels, it seemed these had not just been bought. There was a fresh scent of laundry detergent and they seemed to have been ironed meticulously already.

“I brought them from my room because I heard young Master tell the Madame he expected you to come down dressed for a strip club. He seems to have had your clothes that you brought with you left downstairs to be disposed of.” Xiaosu knew she was saying things she really shouldn’t, given she had worked for the Leng home for many years, but the girl was sweet by nature and had taken an instant liking to TangShi the first moment she met her. She felt YuZhi was being unusually cruel for his normally laid back nature and unfair to sabotage the young miss first days in his family, for no good reason. She could sense she was not the scheming and spoiled rich brat that YuZhi told his aunt she was.

He was mad at the world for his grandfather forcing his hand in marrying a girl from a suitable family, but Xiaosu did not feel this was TangShi’s fault. She seemed like she too was put in a position she didn’t ask for. His hatred for her made no sense to Xiaosu.

“Thank you, Xiaosu, this really means a lot to me. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness today.” The girl was a little shorter and curvier than TangShi, but this style of dress was loose and long and on her slender figure it looked pretty. Casual and formal enough for breakfast and TangShi hurriedly brushed her hair before following Xiaosu in haste to the awaiting breakfast table.

She had spent years of her life at hostile dinner tables, so she braced herself for a scolding and an unpleasant meal. Knowing she could endure it without losing too much face.

Damn this YuZhi!

TangShi was surprised when she hurriedly walked into the open, beautiful breakfast room, to see only two people sat at a long low table, at far ends. A table which would easily sit twelve people or more with a little squeeze. She expected a grand family of angry faces, but then she remembered the Leng family had suffered many losses in recent years and the numbers were low. Many relatives no longer lived in Shanghai. The table was mostly empty with only a plate in front of the older woman who sat near the window which framed the ornate garden.

It was still early in the day and when TangShi entered, she felt eyes all turn to her as she blushed apologetically. Lowering her head to show her remorse and averting her eyes from the grand lady who was piercing her with a stiff glare.

The older woman was dressed in a beautiful, midnight blue, satin house robe, that was traditional in style yet adorned with beadwork and beautiful embroidery, giving her an air of elegance.

“I’m so sorry I seem to have overslept due to not being used to my surroundings, it won’t happen again. I’ll do better.” She gushed towards the hostile faced woman who was appraising her with scrutiny. She then flicked her eyes to YuZhi, who was smirking like a smug oaf while glancing over some documents in his hand. Lounging casually while he took in her annoyed, pinched expression, and seemed amused with it. He was very casual in his lounging position despite being dressed in a shirt and dark grey waistcoat over matching dress trousers, his suit jacker over the back of his chair and striped tie sticking out of the pocket.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

“Good morning, Wife. Lazy as well as rude. Your talents surpass each one the more they show face.” He smirked and went back to picking up his coffee mug and swirling it slowly before taking a deliberate sip.

Every mannerism was slow, precise, and graceful as though he knew he was far superior to her in every way. His posture, despite being relaxed, still exuded an air of command and it only made TangShi despise him more.

TangShi’s spine stiffened and the anger in her heart towards him increased tenfold. She was absolutely sure now he did this to make her look stupid, and now the grandfather was gone, and this woman was glaring at her like an evil imposter. He was trying to give them all the worst impression of her and make her lose face in the home she would have to continue living in.

“Sit down and eat. I don’t want apologies; I just require punctual attendance.” The aunt snapped; her irritation heavy in her low voice. She didn’t even introduce herself but given her attitude and the mature aging of her face, TangShi assumed she was either YuZhi’s grandmother or his aunt that Xiaosu mentioned. Maybe his mother, if his father had been the older gentleman she met yesterday, but she gave no maternal sense to TangShi and didn’t seem overly sweet to YuZhi at this moment either.

TangShi quickly sat at a seat one away from YuZhi to give herself space, not caring if it looked petty, and he cocked an eyebrow at her and raised a mocking smirk her way. Seemingly even more amused with her not wanting to sit near him.

“Nice dress. What happened to your little black number? Shame not to see you parading around in that all day.” he was purposely trying to cajole her in front of this women and her face flamed crimson. He was referring to the sexy nightdress which she had been given, and he knew fine well it was not appropriate for anything beyond the bedroom. She would never wear it again.

“What happened to my clothes?” she mumbled under her breath in a hissing response, low enough to only be directed at herself but YuZhi had sensitive hearing and chuckled to himself. He was amused that she already knew her clothes had been discarded and she had nothing else for the time being.

TangShi clenched her fists and sat back when Xiaosu returned with a tray of food for her.

“Here, Miss lei, Aunt has ordered your diet should be suited for being fertile and readying for childbirth.” She slid down two bowls in front of TangShi that she had never seen before. In all her years living in China, she had never eaten anything that looked like this.

One was plain broth with noodles and sliced vegetables and smelled bland and salty, while the other contained some sort of fermented paste, mixed with eggs that stunk to high heavens and TangShi gagged at the sudden assaulting scent. She had no idea what these dishes were at all. They looked like someone who had no idea how to cook had thrown together what was left in the food store in a hope they wouldn’t go to waste.

“I’m not pregnant yet!” She blanched in shock, looking at the unusual breakfast as her stomach churned then lurched in disgust, and looked at the woman present for some kind of help. She just tutted, rolled her eyes in disdain at this bothersome girl and returned to staring out at the garden. Ignoring her with a cold face and making it clear she was only causing herself further dislike.

“Well, it’s always good to get ready for it… eat up. Aunt RuiZi is being more than hospitable by taking care of your dietary requirements to benefit our future child. Be grateful, she has a million more traditional recipes and herbal medicines for you to savor.” YuZhi was enjoying this. He didn’t know finding himself a live-in feuding partner could be so satisfying and was really excelling at his mischief this morning. Lately life had been dull and monotonous and now he had a new challenge to play with.

He had watched her sleep so soundly when he rose, looking deceivingly angelic, and left the room smiling to himself that he would make grandfather curse the woman he had chosen over his more filial and wonderful Rhea. His plan was simple enough. To make his family regret never letting him choose his own wife and mother of his future children, while punishing this scheming girl for daring to force him to this outcome.

TangShi couldn’t respond, or retaliate, knowing it was futile, and had to grit her teeth, clench her fists and steady her rapid breathing to conceal how angry she felt in this moment. She hated his cheesy and malicious smile as much as she was starting to hate him but decided to not let him see it.

If there was one thing TangShi had perfected all these years, it was not showing someone who was bullying you that they were affecting you. She had plenty of practice at it.

She picked up a spoon and chopsticks and dug in with forced fervor, trying not to gag on the mix of tasteless noodles and over stewed vegetables, or the fishy and sour accompaniment that had literally no spice to numb out the awfulness. She was sure she had never heard or seen either of these in the whole time she had lived on this planet and whoever the cook was, had overdone everything until it had the texture of mush. No doubt another gift from YuZhi, in ordering the servants to help make her life worse. Already the cook was even against her.

TangShi swallowed it all down, so painfully, and controlled every outward reaction and facial expression like a pro. Acting as if this was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten, while inwardly retching and struggling to swallow, and even avoided drinking water or allowing Xiaosu to pour her tea until she was done. She didn’t want to look like she was washing it down, she wanted to seem like this was adequate and tasty and YuZhi wasn’t getting to her at all.

The old aunt occasionally looked her way and her expression seemed to get more ridged with every bite TangShi swallowed. Her obvious dislike of the girl growing as she watched her, because she hated high and mighty women who tried to save face when they should be bowing.

TangShi didn’t know if it was insulting her by being late or if YuZhi had already said bad things about her to color the water before she came down. She guessed it was probably both.

“Well, as enjoyable as your company is, I have to go to work. Can’t laze around like a coat tail riding trophy wife all day, can I?” YuZhi picked up his documents and pushed his mug away, winking TangShi’s way with mischief, scooping his phone from the table as it lit up and smiled at whoever’s name was flashing on screen.

He leaned in towards TangShi with a devilish look and for a moment she paused, holding her breath, so sure he was going to kiss her on the cheek in a show of shock affection. He didn’t. Instead, he leaned in and whispered in a threatening tone.

“Stay out of my way. Don’t expect anything from me to ease your stay here. Obey the rules, do what you’re told and be ready to produce an heir. Other than that, my life is nothing to do with you and it’s going to stay that way. Hope you’re happy with what you asked for.” he nudged against her arm and shoulder as he slid past, causing her to spill what was left on her spoon all over her lap and cursing him under her breath. Xiaosu immediately rushed forward to help mop it up, knowing she only had this dress and nothing else to wear. TangShi stiffened and held herself still so as not to react. Cursing the man to death in her mind.

YuZhi sauntered to the door before throwing a glance back, enjoying the moment and hoping she had gotten his loud and clear message in the last twenty-four hours. She was the thorn in his side, and he was not going to make anything easy for her while he had to endure their marriage. He wanted nothing to do with her and already had instructed Xiaosu to supply her fertile days to his phone by noon, after she was examined by his doctor. He would do his duty, and the rest of the time, he wouldn’t touch her in any way. He intended to ignore her presence unless he felt like torturing her a little.

“You will be taken for a new wardrobe today; I do hope you have something clean to wear. I had your luggage burned as it was not suitable for this household. You don’t need to carry on the act of poor and modest my dear, it doesn’t fly with me. Your father is one of the wealthiest men in Shanghai, yet you play the victim to turn favor. Despicable.” It was aunt who spoke the venomous words, tossed TangShi’s way in a bitter sneer. Clear that for whatever reason, she had joined her nephew in the dislike of TangShi and life was looking less rosy by the minute.

Of course, they wouldn’t believe that a daughter of Lei would be penniless and downcast, struggling to make ends meet. They only saw that her clothing was fake and an act to appear pitiful.

“I will find something.” TangShi could only hope Xiaosu would have another dress, as the only things upstairs when she dressed was her nightdress and the gown she got married in yesterday. It was hardly something you would wear to go shopping. It was an evening gown and only to be worn with jewels and high shoes.

“Good. My assistant will take you; she’s also collecting my pride and joy to accompany you and Xiaosu. Such a good girl and wonderful fashion sense. She will help you with your style and stop you from embarrassing us further.” For the first time some animation and light flooded the aunt’s face and her eyes sparkled with adoration.

“Your daughter?” TangShi inquired trying to sound as pleasant and polite as she could, showing an interest in hopes of warming the atmosphere. Knowing she had to walk on eggshells with this woman already if she was going to survive.

“No, I have no children of my own… My future niece of course. My darling Rhea, such a joy. Someone you will never replace and should never have had the opportunity to stand in front of.”


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