Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

The Family Dinner Prt 1

“Here, take my hand and relax. Lift your chin up, you look pretty, stop fidgeting.” YuZhi gently scolded TangShi as he helped her out of his black Lotus Emira. His boy toy that he rarely got to drive nowadays due to needing his blacked-out chauffer driven SUV to avoid the press. It was low and hard to slide out of when wearing heels and a satin dress, so he had to tug her up and catch her to set her upright. Being the attentive date tonight.

TangShi inhaled heavily, her nerves frayed about this dinner and tugged at her dress to make it longer, aware it was showing more leg than she was used to. It was one that Rhea picked out for her in a recent shopping outing, seeing as they were still making a point to hang out once a week for the lingering nosey reporters.

A fitted navy shift dress that clung to her curves and brought out her nice figure but was shorter than what she was comfortable with. Formal enough for a family dinner, but dressy enough for an upmarket restaurant in the late evening. Paired with killer silver heels that were slowly destroying her feet and a matching clutch bag. She was so stiff because she felt like she was on display.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Xiaosu had spent an hour on her hair and makeup in case they were photographed, so she was red carpet material tonight. She felt like she was playing Barbie dress up, but YuZhi had taken one look at her and wolf whistled when he arrived at the house to collect her. For the first time he had openly complimented her without a hint of malice or untruth, and she had been blushing ever since.

YuZhi was in a black fitted roll neck under a black open suit jacket, dark grey jeans, and black boots. He was going for casual tonight, even if he should have made more effort. He looked suave and mysterious; his usually ultra-smooth sexy self that was always camera ready that came with good genes and a great face. His hair styled like always which suited his features perfectly. He had come from the gym so had ditched his work suit for something comfy as he knew tonight was going to be painful enough.

“Come on. The faster we go in there, the faster it’s over. Try feeling as confident as you look. You’re knockout in this dress.” YuZhi had to tug her away from the car as she was reluctant to move, and he could sense her growing nerves, despite her intensified blush at his words. The past week had seen them being less conflicted with one another and developing a mutual understanding and amicable way of interacting. He was trying to not be such a jerk, be patient with her, and show her some warmth and TangShi was trying to believe it was real. Having been someone who was rarely given compliments and care growing up, she was finding it hard to trust this massive change in him.

“Linlin said she would be here. I don’t see her.” TangShi resisted, pulling his wrist back to stop him leading her on and shook her head when he nodded, gesturing her to move.

“We can wait for her inside. I’m sure we’re first here anyway.” He tried pleading, not really wanting to drag her with him when the car park was already busy with people wandering about. It was cold out, dark, and the mosquitos were already biting.

“Uh uh.” TangShi caught the handle of his car with her free hand and held on, looking like a scared child who was about to put up a fight and YuZhi, despite his irritation found himself laughing at her. Amused with her cuteness, he reached up and bopped her on the end of her nose with his fingertip. TangShi recoiled, the heat of her face spreading further and tried to ignore the crazy heartbeat in her stomach and flutters he had been causing since he picked her up.

“What? You think they’ll eat you in there if she’s not here. Am I worthless as a protector?” Her big-eyed timid look was melting his frustration at not moving, and he rubbed the back of his head to relieve his agitation. He hated standing around in public because he knew it was a matter of time before some passing citizens would recognize him and take pictures. Not that it would be a bad thing being caught here with her, it would add to their cover story and news about tonight would leak faster.

TangShi felt sick. It had been a long time since she saw her family and things at the Leng’s were not exactly a happy environment. She would have to sit at a table with mostly people who didn’t like her and despite YuZhi seemingly putting down his battle weapon when it came to her, she wasn’t secure in his presence. She needed Linlin to be there. She needed to feel that one person was going to be on her side and swoop in to help her if she needed it.

“Call her. We will wait as long as she is close. If she’s not, I’ll carry you in there if I have to.” YuZhi leaned in, an edgy tone to make it clear he wasn’t playing and smirked when she turned from doe face to glaring at him. A little sass on show at his threats and he looked away to hide his amusement. Somehow that fierce hint of fire she sometimes popped out with was a mood enhancer lately. He just wished she used it more often when dealing with people like Aunt RuiZi.

TangShi pulled out her phone from her bag, shaking his hand free so she could do it and called Linlin.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. I’ll be there in like a minute. I was caught in traffic and some ass is up my rear revving at me like he doesn’t want to live. Soon as I stop, I may have to dent his car. He seems to be following me.” Linlin answered without giving her a second to speak. She was pissed, glaring at the yellow Lamborghini behind her who was blinding her with his high beams and cursed him out over her music before sticking her middle finger up in the center of her windscreen hoping he could see it.

“We’re standing near the door. I’ll wait for you.” TangShi sighed a breath of relief, knowing she was close, and turned away from YuZhi to watch the entrance, rubbing her arms to combat the cold. She jumped when YuZhi hung his jacket around her shoulders in an unexpected move to keep her warm and again had to deal with another eruption of internal butterflies and her insides going to goo. It seemed any hint of him being nice and TangShi melted inside.

“She has three minutes, tops.” He warned, pacing away to lean on the bonnet of his car, casual model pose with a foot propped up on the bumper and pulling out his own phone to scroll.

TangShi sighed with relief as the small orange VW beetle came rolling on in, loud and invasive, much like Linlin herself and screeched around the car park to find a spot. She was tailed by the yellow car that she complained about and it did seem to be following her closely. Linlin spun around in a U turn finally separating from it and abandoned it in a spot before jumping out and marching TangShi’s way. Her face thunderous as she glared at the car who had gone to the far corner at the opposite end and reversed in smoothly to another spot.

TangShi walked towards her to close the gap but caught sight of YuZhi heading off from the bonnet and making his way to the car that just came in. She hadn’t said anything but maybe he had seen the reckless driving and was going to have a word. TangShi gawped after him, aware Linlin too was staring in confusion until the familiar figure hopped out in all his glory and TangShi sighed.

“It’s ZhengLi Kim…. I should have known. You’re about to meet YuZhi’s best friend and assistant. Your idiot driver is his ultimate bromance.” She pushed Linlin in the curve of her waist as a warning to play nice, even if she was mad as hell.

“I don’t care who he is. I’m going to smack him in the face for driving like that.” Linlin was brooding as they watched the two men walk together, back towards them, and ZhengLi threw a devilish grin at Linlin. Looking her over from head to foot and liking what he was seeing.

“We finally meet. YuZhi here has told me you’re Linlin Choi. I’m…..”

“The idiot who can’t drive and thinks having an expensive car gives him the right to drive like a jerk and get up in people’s space. Yeah, I met you. Maybe you should stay at my rear seeing as you like it so much and that way I don’t have to acknowledge you!” Linlin sassed him right out, not caring one bit if it was YuZhi’s friend, turned on her heel with a hair flick and sashayed off dragging TangShi by the hand without a backwards glance.

ZhengLi stood in open mouthed admiration for this mouthy little hellcat until YuZhi swatted him in the shoulder and brought him back to reality.

“How many times have I told you to not drive like a schmuck. Way to go, pissing off the best friend right before we have this dumb dinner. Like I need bad moods and drama like I need another hole in the head.”

“Hey. I was trying to catch her attention to tell her that her taillight was out. For once I was driving carefully!” He defended himself, but YuZhi just shook his head and motioned for them to follow. “She’s pretty sexy though. Just my type and spirited too. I need that girls WeChat.”

“I think it’s more likely she will draw blood if you dare try and ask for it. She’s the most terrifying miniature girl I have ever met.” YuZhi mocked but he was only half joking. For a tiny thing Linlin had big person energy and she had enough attitude that TangShi had never needed it. He could sense from the briefest of encounters the girl was trouble with a capital T if you crossed her.

Linlin dragged TangShi at speed, stopping only to check with the maître de where they were to be seated and didn’t wait on the men to catch up. She was in bossy mother mode, here to shield TangShi from the idiot family and act as support and dampener with her evil stepmother. Linlin had come ready for battle, knowing fine well YuZhi’s aunt, uncle, and grandfather were going to be here too, and she didn’t have any sort of good impression of them either. No one in this family circle was treating her best friend the way she deserved and tonight, she was not going to keep quiet if they did anything to her. She would be a lady as long as they were nice to her girl.

“Sit here. Next to me.” Linlin commanded and pulled out a seat at the table that was close to a pillar so TangShi would be shielded almost in a corner. Her plan was to hem her in a corner where they were less likely to single her out.

“Nope. She’s mine tonight. Here.” YuZhi caught TangShi’s arm from behind and pulled her over to the seat on Linlin’s other side, where she would be between him and Linlin glared at him for a long silent moment. “She’s my date, not yours.” He raised a brow and challenged her with a long look of his own.

“Fine, but I’m watching you. Don’t think I don’t know that she hasn’t exactly been treated like the princess she is for the past couple of months.” Linlin warned him.

“I think I just fell in love” ZhengLi mocked, blowing a kiss at Linlin before walking around the three of them and plonking himself in the seat Linlin had first picked out for TangShi. It put him right next to the feisty mini girl. Linlin turned her glare to him, locking eyes in a battle of wills and yet sat down slowly and deliberately without blinking or taking her focus of his for a second. ZhengLi had to admit as an intimidation technique it was effective and he swallowed a little harder than normal.

“Feel free. Means your close enough all night to stab you with my cutlery should you annoy me further. I’m ordering steak… it comes with the sharpest knives.” She turned away and picked up her napkin, whipping it his way to unfold it and narrowly missed his face.

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