Daniel would have loved nothing more than to spend a whole day in bed with Emma. He realized that with his past lovers, he had always wanted to leave right after the sex. Always in a hurry to leave. But this time it was different. It wasn’t the same with Emma. This was new. He thought. And he liked it.

But very early the next morning, after a full night of the most intense lovemaking of his life, he glanced at the clock by her bed and knew he had to go. He had work to do. He needed to rush home, shower and then get to the office. He was sure she had work to do too.

He hated to wake her, she looked exhausted. As she should after all they had done during the night. He smiled. But he certainly wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye. Knowing he shouldn’t delay, he still couldn’t force himself to do anything but watch her sleep for just a little while longer.

Emma’s long lashes rested on her cheeks, her beautiful, kiss-reddened lips were parted as she drew in slow, even breaths.

The sun had begun to rise. As he watched her slumber, long rays of brilliant golden sunshine gradually traveled across the room, falling onto the bed. It caught the highlights in her hair and spotlighted her beautiful face. She looked as warm and sensual as a summer angel.

“Emma” he whispered, leaning over to brush a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. “I’ve got to go.” he said

She went from a deep sleep to full wakefulness in an instant, her eyes flying open. Staring at the ceiling, he could almost see the wheels churning in her brain as she put together the memories of all the wild and wicked things they had done together the night before.

Finally, licking her lips, she turned her head to look at him.

“Daniel” she said

“Expecting somebody else?” he asked with a laugh.

He bent to kiss her good-morning, but Emma slipped away before he could do it. She scooted to the edge of the bed, stood, then glanced down at her naked body. She wore nothing but sunlight very well.

Unfortunately, she didn’t wear it for long. Grabbing a silky robe from her dresser, she yanked it on. She tied the sash tightly around her waist, crossed her arms and clenched the fabric in her fists, still not sparing him a glance.

Emma was obviously suffering a case of morning-after embarrassment. For that reason, he didn’t have the heart to tease her about covering up what he had seen a whole lot of the night before.

Finally she spoke. “I, uh, have to get ready for work. Gesturing toward the hallway, she added,”There is another bathroom right down the hall, if you would like to take a shower, too.”

Daniel frowned, realizing this wasn’t just a case of misplaced shyness. Emma was trying desperately to get everything back under control, to put her life back in its natural order. She had surrendered that control, in fact, allowed some serious disorder, last night, giving herself over to him, body and mind. Now, in the clear light of morning, she wanted it back. All of it. Trying to act like there was nothing between them. Like nothing had happened between them. Funny, because he was usually the one who did the walking away.

“I will take a shower at home,” he murmured, honestly not knowing how to proceed. He was at a loss as to how to deal with this woman.

He’d had his way last night. He thought. Maybe it was time to let her have hers, even if it meant allowing her to start building those barriers around herself once more. He could get past them again. Last night had proved it.

“When can I see you again?” he asked

She clenched the robe tighter. “Again?” she repeated

“Yeah. I enjoyed our first date so much. It was amazing. And I want another one”. He couldn’t prevent a confident smile. “Was it amazing for you?” he asked

She simply nodded.

“It was something I never expected,” he said. “But it’s something I’m very thankful for. And I definitely want it to happen again”

Glancing at the clock, he muttered a curse and hunted around on the floor for his clothes. “I really do have to go, though,” he said.

He found his things and began to dress, finally looking back at her, to see her frozen in the same spot, her face pale, her eyes narrowed, as if she’d been glaring at him behind his back.

“Are you mad about something?”he asked, dropping his jeans and stepping closer.

” No.” she said.”The sun is a little blinding, that is all.” She cleared her throat. “Go on, finish dressing, we have both got places to be.”

Something was seriously wrong. If he didn’t have so much work he would have stayed to find out exactly what it was. Damn. He stepped into the jeans, yanking them up.

“Let’s get together the day after tomorrow?” he asked

“I’m going to be busy,” she said.

Talk about icy-tones. He thought. He stared at her.

“I can tell Barrett you are handling some stuff for me. So we can have tim–”

“No, don’t.” she said. Interrupting him.

He watched her, then suddenly remembering what had happened at the pub, Daniel reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.

“Speaking of which, I need to pay you back for last night. Some gentleman I am.” he said

She waved an airy hand. “Don’t be ridiculous.” she said

“Come on… the least I can do is cover some wings and beer”

Emma’s smile was tight and it did not soften her beautiful eyes one bit.

“No,” she said. “don’t worry about it”

“You are being ridiculous,” he said, obviously confused. “What’s the matter with you? One minute you are soft and willing and the next you are staring at me like you can’t stand me. We had a great time last night. I know you did and don’t even think of saying you didn’t because we both know that is not true. You enjoyed last night just as much as I did. So what the fuck is the problem now? ”

“Why did you spend last night in my bed?” she asked suddenly

“jeez” he thought. What the hell was going on in that pretty head of hers.

“Because, as I already told you, I wanted you. Period. End of story. And I still do.

” Okay.” Nodding and lifting her chin, she admitted,”I wanted you, too. But now that’s over, and I really think we should quit while we are ahead.”

His jaw dropped. “What?”

“Last night was lovely, Daniel. But I don’t think we will be seeing each other again… Or maybe we will see each other… At work and stuff… But this.. What happened last night… Isn’t happening again”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

He had had enough of this bullshit. Walking the few feet it took to get to her, he took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him.

“What the hell is wrong?” he asked

She jerked away. “Nothing is wrong. I just can’t deal with this. With the difficulties of this situation. So we need to end it here and now.”

“What fucking difficulties?”

Finally uncrossing her arms, she ran a weary hand over her eyes. “We work together. And I can’t get hurt. I just can’t”

“Jesus, I hope not. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Thank you,” she murmured. Then she stiffened again. “But I can’t see you… in anyway. So whatever this is between us, we should just end it now”

The woman had been covered by pessimism for so long. He thought. He was surprised she had been able to get out from under the weight of her disdain for romance long enough to go to bed with him. But he understood. He had been there.

“Goodbye, Daniel” she said, not even giving him a chance to respond. Instead, she spun around, walked into her bathroom and shut the door firmly behind her.

Give it up. Come back later. But he didn’t listen to the voice in his head. Not this time. Instead, he finished dressing, put on his shoes, then knocked on the bathroom door.

“I’m leaving now. And I guess you need some time to yourself. So I will let you have that. But I want you to know, this isn’t over.”

Hearing the shower go on inside, he knocked harder.

“Damn it, Emma. At least tell me you will talk to me about this in a few days.

She didn’t come out. But she did answer.

“No. I can’t do it. Once was enough. I can’t go to bed with you again. I have met guys like you. And I finally open up and get hurt in the end. Just go… And leave me the hell alone. Please leave.”

He stared at the door, his jaw falling open. The woman was actually throwing him out of her house. What the hell was she so afraid of? He muttered under his breath, still staring at the closed door. Then he glanced around the room.

“I will give you some time, Emma,” he said.

She didn’t reply. So he picked up his phone and keys and left.

One thing he was certain of — it sure as hell wasn’t over between them.

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