He Wants Her Back: The Billionaire’s Leading Lady

Chapter 24

As they say, life is all about balance

“What’s making you feel so giddy? Did Damien–know what, don’t tell me.” The least I knew about her and Damien’s sexual relationship, the better for my mental health. I was in enough stress as it was. I could still remember when she was painstakingly describing the grapefruit method for me. I could not look Damien in the face for a month without doing the Jasper expression.

She laughed heartily. “I see you haven’t checked your email yet. You’ll get why I’m happy soon enough…”

She gave me a strange expression. Why would I get the reason for her joy- unless, email!

Hope filled my eyes. “The audition…did I get it?”

“I want you to check your email…”

“I don’t know where my bloody phone is. Please answer the question.”

She groaned, “fine.” She bit her lip to hold in her smile. “You got asked to audition.” I let out a breath of relief and held her hand as I jumped in glee. This was my chance to belong to a big production! “No jumping yet, cuz that’s not all love. You’ll be auditioning for the role of the main. Fucking. Lead. Now you can jump.”

I stopped. My ears s were messing with me. “Did you read the email properly–there’s no way that I could get main lead.” It was one thing to be in a multiple lead series…this was- “That’s-”

“Amazing is what it is, take your win girl!”

This was unbelievable…Hannah grabbed my hand and began jumping excitedly, squealing as we turned.

Damien poked his head into the room with a confused look on his face, then he took inventory smiled. ”

“Congratulations Myra.”

“No congrats yet, I haven’t gotten the part.” I laughed, even while I basked in the spotlight.

“What’s going on?” Lily asked last. In her hand was the Mx player.

I grinned at my little sister. Things would get better


For two days I managed to keep the news of my audition to myself. Adams had commented on how less -stressed I looked on set, but I thought it was time I told him.

I snatched Jace’s drink from his hand after sneaking up on him, while he talked with Emily dumper and winked at him before continuing on my way.

“Here.” I said to Adams before I tossed the drink at him. He got it just before it fell.

“Thanks” he said with a grin.

“Thank Jace, I snagged it from him.”

He chuckled. “I can’t believe we’ll be shooting the last scene for the series in three days…”

At they say, life is all about balance

“Yeah… It feels unreal,”


She walked onto the set with that same pompous air she always carried, her phone in hands. Tami would be arriving at the studio soon and she would get the chance to play favorite person. On multiple occasions, she would think to herself what a smart person she was. Her mother always taught her to grab life by the horns, not accept the cards she had been dealt. And Sarah had been dealt pretty bad cards in life. Her mother worked all her life cleaning houses of people like Toml and Pierce. Sarah had a different dream for herself, one that Tami would help her fulfill. She searched around the room for her mark till found her. Of course Adams was beside Myra with his puppy eyes.

Sarah scowled. Adams was supposed to be hers. Sure she wouldn’t date him…Adams could not fund her lifestyle. But she thought he was cute. And there was the one night stand they had…Now all he did was wrap himself around Myra like she was a star. The only thing she was to Sarah was a role stealing hussy.

She scoffed at Mckenzie as she passed her and her bestfriend. “Faggots” she muttered under her breath

She edged closer to Adams and tried to listen to their conversation. She suspected something was up with Myra, but she wanted to get concrete information before she could use it to get something from Tami. Too bad for the changing room’s squeaky doors she would have caught what Myra had been discussing with Hannah the other day.

It was a wonder she had bolted out of there in record time.

Finally she was close enough to eavesdrop. She thanked her stars that she had worn her silent heels today, or her mission would be even more difficult.

“Have you heard anything…about the interview? Meredith said she got one.” Adams asked, shaking a soda bottle. Everyone was talking about the O’Malley project.

“Actually, I have news for you.” Myra answered her voice grating on Sarah’s nerves. “I got an invite for an audition.” Sarah’s naturally pale skin became even whiter.

She had not gotten an invite. Even after all the bending over she had to do for Lancaster to mention her name to someone on the board and Myra-

“and not just that,” Myra continued, her voice dropping. Sarah cursed because she had to strain even more. “I get to audition for the main lead.”

“What the fuck do you mean by main lead?!” Sarah screamed bursting out of her hiding place, starling both Myra and Adams, who hadn’t recovered from her news. She shook with rage. It was impossible.

“Sarah? What were you doing behind the speakers–were you listen-”

“Are you certain you will get to audition for main lead surely they made a mistake–give me your phone!” she screamed, “I need to see your email.”

Myra only scoffed. “You’ve got issues Sarah, I think you should see a doctor about them, and no way in hell will I show you my phone.”

Sarah itched to slide her claws across Myra’s face, that face that seemed to get her whatever she wanted. but Lancaster had already warned her. No drama. She could see a few of the cast members” attention drawing to them, the little gossip mongers. So instead, she glared at Myra, and with a final

As they say, life is all about balance

scowl turned on her heel..

She would fix this somehow, she thought to herself. Myra’s presence was ruining opportunities for her, and dealing with Myra would not be for herself alone. Taml would be grateful. She thought of making an

have Sarah in her life. Maybe Tami would talk to O’malley about making her the main lead. A sick smile crept up her face. she was going to make sure Myra would not get the part.

elaborate story to fool Tami about Myra and Pierce, so she would be happy he thought of making an

Myra’s POV

What on earth was Sarah’s problem, I wondered again while Jace and Adams bickered.

“What day is your interview?” Jace asked, drawing my attention.

“A week plus from now.” A week, three day and thirteen more hours.

“How’s your lines?”

“Same format as yours. Scene with a line. Three to four sentences,” I could admit to myself that it was

making me a bit nervous.

The studio got more rowdy than normal and my eyes followed the chaos. Tami stood in the middle of it with a sultry smile on her face. My smile faltered but came back again. I refuse to let Tami’s presence steal my joy from me. My mind jumped to thoughts of Pierce but I squashed it as well.

“I have very good news to give you guys.” She informed her audience brightly. Excitement bubbled in the group. Sarah broke off from them and sauntered towards me in the most impractical heels that matched with her yellow onesie.

She was no longer glaring at me.

“Lancaster’s calling for you.” She informed me with a smirk.

“I know it’s approaching the end of your movie…” Tami continued and they erupted into hoots and excited claps.

“Uhh.. did you not hear me?” Sarah snapped. “I took my time coming here. You don’t want to make him wait more do you?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be back, you guys.noveldrama

Did she report me to Lancaster? How would that work? Maybe he was calling for something else.

I made my way to his office walking as fast as i could.

My phone pinged with a message and I removed it from my pocket, not halting in my steps. It was al message on the group chat for the actors, dropped by none other than sarah. Tami was hosting an end–of- series party bigger than the one we had planned for the cast.

One moment I was walking towards the stairs and the next, my arms were flailing as I struggled to maintain balance. I desperately grasped the railing, missing it by an inch before I fell towards the stairs.

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