Hell Marriage

Chapter 20: Alaina’s Plain

Hell Marriage

Chapter 20: Alaina’s plan

Author’s POV

Ava gave Nicholas a hard stare, bringing this woman everyone is glancing at weirdly here without Connor,

“Did they not tell you?” Nicholas said after a while, Ava rose a brow

“Pardon?” She asked him

“Well Elder is out of the country” Nicholas said glaring at one of the guards, darn it!, they ought to have done this before he came.

“Out of the country, how, when, why” These are Ava’s questions, she stood confused for a moment, if Connor was going out of the country, he would have told her, they ate breakfast together just this morning, well literally not together but he was there with her the whole time, if he was going out of the country he would have said something, what’s worse he didn’t even call the house to tell anyone he was going out of the country!, and as the leader of the Convent, the people has to know where their leader is. No something is not right, she doesn’t like the glint in this…. What’s her name again?…. Ala, yes Alaina, it looks calculating,

“Well if he was going out of the country, why didn’t he tell me?” Ava asked him.

“How will I know that ma’am?, the Elder dec…”

“Why didn’t he tell anyone here?” She threw to him before he could finish his statement.

“Like I was saying before ma’am….”

“Ava” She told him curtly “my name is Ava, call me that.”

“Well Ava, Elder does whatever he thinks is right for him and the Convent, he makes all the decisions” he told Ava laughing nervously.

“Well ma’am, I mean Ava if you don’t have anymore questions for me, then I’ll take my leave” He smiled, Ava was very well aware that the smile didn’t reach his eyes .

“Let’s go ” He said to his companion, practically dragging her out of there.

“What a strange manner!” Ava scuffs

“But what I don’t understand is the strange feeling I’m having, I still think something’s not right, I just……, but for now I need to check on Ja… I mean Nil, humph I still can’t believe it, I finally found my brother.” She mumbled to herself with a heady feeling.


“Ewww, let go of me” Alaina said angrily, she dragged her hands away from Nicholas’s own as soon as they Entered his chamber.

“You fool, if I didn’t drag you when I did, we’ll still be there, and you’ll still be staring at her!” He glared at her.

“her who?” She asked raising her brow.

“Are you really serious right now?, well if you don’t know then that’s it, I’m not in the mood for your games right now and it will be better if you don’t involve me in it, so in the main time if you don’t mind…..” But she cut him short briskly.

“Obviously I do mind, why the hell didn’t you tell me, they were all going to react like this to my presence?, for starters you freaking lied to me about them not even going to blink an eye to me being here, obviously they did more than blink an eye, infact I’m sure by now, even the palace walls are gossiping about me, oh the banished lady is back here and……”

“Oh please spare me tour pathetic rantings, I don’t have time to listen to them, even if I do have time, I’m not interested in listening to them” Nicholas said crossly.

“You rat!, how could you……”

“Look you can call me any name you want but for goodness sake, can we focus on stopping the ruckus before Connor gets to the palace and destroys it, because right now, I’m sure this is where He’s headed, he’d want to hunt you down for taking his game!” Nicholas almost yelled by the time he was done.

“So then, can we get to business, since you can’t get through to him, I have another plan.” He told her darkly obviously in a fowl mood.

“First before I listen to this great plan of yours, I’m famished and I’ll like to have blood, lots of it.” She smirked licking her lips

“Ok, I’ll go arrange some, I mean lots of it for you.” He grimanced and exited the room.

And while you’re at it darling, I’ll set my plans in motion, now that I’ve seen Connor’s bride first hand, ‘The wolf Bride’, well, my plans have changed a little bit but beautifully so, she’s is a fire eater, that I can give her, with so much fire in her but i bet she has no idea, and no idea of how to control it either, how about we douse the fire before it even start burning, she gave off a chilly laughter, oh goddess Selene this is going to be fun!

Ava’s POV

I kept having this feeling Connor is close by, and this Chilly one that he’s in a very big trouble and probably needs my help. I scuffed and laughed at that, I can’t imagine Almighty Connor ever wanting or needing anyone.

It’s been one hour since that dangerous, hawk looking woman has been brought into the palace by Nicholas, Nil has since finished his lunch and slept, I pepped in to look at him, I found him in a deep peaceful sleep, whatever he was dreaming of making him smile sweetly, his crook little smile that I remember and love so much, oh I miss my sweet Naughty brother, I blinked away the tears that gathered quickly at the Conner of my eyes, Deciding not to disturb him, I closed the door softly behind me. I still couldn’t shake off the feeling about Connor being in trouble, I decided to ask Nicholas about his whereabouts this time forcefully, fine I’ve accepted he’s out of the country but where in the world is he?, infact I’ll talk to him on the phone myself, I want to hear from him, I headed towards the direction if the call room, I passed by Nicholas room and I can’t but hear part of the conversation going on inside.

“Are you satisfied now?” That seem like Nicholas

“Mmmmn” I heard a feminine purr, if I can guess right, that’s the woman he brought in, what’s her name again?… Yes Alaina, what are they doing?, Are they……?

Goodness mine! These guys are utterly shameless!, in this ………

“I chose the location, somewhere in the country but not close to the palace,” Nicholas voice jolted me out of my thinking. I can’t believe I thought they were doing , eww whatever……., I was about to move away when I heard Alaina talk

“Well it seems like a good plan, what we have to do now is reel him in and quickly, before things get out of hand”

What the fuck are they talking about, what’s with all this?, what plan are they talking about?, I moved nearer to listen to what they’re saying.

“But remember no matter what happens his wife mustn’t know about this.” I heard Alaina say , I got interested in what they were saying , I was determined to know the plan they were talking about, because by now, I know they were talking about me , there were no other wives in the palace except from me, I pressed my ear to the door to hear clearly,

“Yes you’re right, she mustn’t know, it will be a disaster if she does, this might be bad for the clan” Nicholas agreed with vs note of an emotion I can’t recognize in his voice.

I felt the door click and open suddenly in my face, I stumbled but was saved from falling by a hand that held on firmly to my shoulder.

“Easy there chick” Alaina said with a tone of sarcasm in her voice, I looked up to see her staring intently at me, I looked away quickly but in doing so my eyes met Nicholas’s own, I lowered my head in frustration, I’m in this situation because of my stupidity, I should have moved away the moment I heard the Click but I was so lost in thought that I actually thought the click was from faraway.

“May I ask why you’re here?” Nicholas asked obviously not smiling, oh Goddess please, I want out of here.

“Uhm I…. I don’t know, to ask if Connor has called” I said quickly, well it had been my intention to do so anyways, so in a way I’m right.

“Well he hasn’t, so I would like it next time if you knock instead of standing by my door” He said looking at me in the eyes, I guess he doesn’t like his privacy to get invaded by someone who’s more or less a stranger, Am I stupid?, who wouldn’t be mad if their privacy gets invaded, I would have been annoyed surely, I’m lucky he’s not taking it more than this,This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I, I’m, I’m sorry, I’ll go now ” I turned quickly, jerking my arm out of her hands, I walked down the hall quickly, I had to get away from here.

“What strange and rusty manners!” I heard Alaina mutter, I have an excellent hearing, my excellent hearing got me in trouble the first place, if only I hadn’t heard them talking, oh I need to get out of here, I decided against going to my room, and moved downstairs. Going to my own room means I have to climb up and I’d rather go down right now.

I went to the garden, it’s the only place I can think of going right now, I have to think of the things I’ve heard.

Author’s POV

“Do you think she heard our plan?” Alaina asked Nicholas Restlessly

“It’s not our plan, it’s mine, I don’t think she heard or knows of it” Nicholas glared at Alaina, this girl has always been a thorn in the side, if we had discussed the plan earlier instead of feeding her stupid highness blood, we would have been on our way by now.

“And how are, you certain of that?” She asked sarcastically.

“Look I know She doesn’t because, she would have been furious with me and would have demanded to know everything but instead she looks uncertain and guilty ” Nicholas replied still glaring furiously at her.

“Whatever, but I know it is good I caught on her weird nasty scent on time else you would have been in trouble for sure as you said.” Alaina said smirking, Boy she annoys the fuck out of Nicholas, she hasn’t changed one whim, since she was gone from here.

“Her weird and nasty scent?” He asked raising his brow.

“It might not be weird to you but it is to me!” She scorned, actually she’s very jealous of her scent, she wished it was hers.

“Look I don’t have the time to argue with you, it will be better if we….” Just then his phone rang, he took out the phone from his pants, it took only one glance at the screen to know there’s trouble.

“Yes tell me” He said harshly to the phone, the person said something that Alaina couldn’t hear, but she knows it must be very bad by the look of his face, He dropped the call and returned the phone to his pants pocket.

“It’s time” He told her not even glancing at her, he went to his walk-in-closet and changed his pants and jacket.


Ava sat on the white swing in the garden swinging her legs, she could feel the sun on her face, she looks peaceful and looks like any other contended wife but no, her insides were in turmoil, her mind was running widely, she wished Connor was here, she tried to figure out what Alaina and Nicholas were talking about, what if it’s about Connor, yes that’s it, but why are they planning stuffs behind him, oh my God!, she took in a sharp breath…

What if …. Just then she heard some noises, someone was giving no barking orders to people, Ava went out quickly to see what is going on, on getting out she saw Nicholas barking orders, many cars were brought around the compound, she saw vampirwz, many of them, moving around the compound. A car was brought around the house for Nicholas, he ran towards it with Alaina at his heels, some things were packed in what looks like a trailer.

“What the hell is going on?” She asked nobody in particular , then she felt this feeling again, the feeling of someone wanting and needing her help, her breath seized suddenly, she sucked in a sharp breath and clutched her chest tightly, it came to her blurry at first then it got clearer, an image of a person running widely in a dark forest, she could only see his back, yes he’s a man, she recgonised weakly.

She could only see his back, wait the shape of his back looks familiar to her, yes Connor, how could she not know?,

“Connor please wait” she called out softly, she couldn’t keep up with his speed, she felt as if she was been pulled into a dark place, she couldn’t help it or call for help, she heard a distant voice screaming, she felt a hand close firmly around her shoulder. she started to call Connor once again but the Image faded away from her vision and she slipped into an unwanted blackness.

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