Hell Marriage

Chapter 8: Kidnapped

Hell Marriage

Chapter 8: Kidnapped

Ava’s POV

By the time I left the charity home I was so tired, that when a guard Connor wanted to see me I could barely walk up to his room

I knocked on the door and I was told to come in

I stepped in and didn’t see Carrissa anywhere in the room maybe she hasn’t Come yet

“You’ve been forbidden to go to the charity home again”Connor said the moment I stepped into the room

I couldn’t digest what he was saying I was shocked beyond words

“What do you mean?” I asked in a whisper not that I really want to know what he meant by his words

“What I mean is, we can’t have you poison them, can we?” Connor said with disgust

“Who knows you might try to carry out your revenge on the kids since you were not able to kill me, not so?”

I was in a daze that I didn’t know he was still talking

I left the room and didn’t know when I got out of the palace and was still walking on that I didn’t know when someone snuck up behind me by the time I knew what was happening, an handkerchief has been placed over my nose and the world went dark.

Connor’s POV

I didn’t know what happened to her, the light suddenly went out of her eyes and her face turned white

She left my presence without me saying a word and without saying a word herself

I wanted to follow her but before I could I stopped myself

Maybe it has finally hit her that she won’t be able to play around with us anymore, that we’ve caught her

I turned and went into the bathroom, but I couldn’t shake away the premonition that something is wrong, I felt a sense of danger, I shrugged it off

Well nothing is going to happen.

Alex’s POV

Well the lady made my job easy, I don’t know what happened she looked so defeated and worn out that she didn’t know when my men took her

Whatever had happen it helped my plans become easier

It’s been two hours and she hasn’t woken up just yet I wonder if Connor already knows by now,

Then I’d better head back to the palace so they would not suspect me.

Carrissa’s POVBelongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

I kept prancing around the room, I just couldn’t stay still, Despite the fact that Ava has been chased out of the room, she still has a strong hold on Connor’s heart, he forbidden me near him for another three days, this is not good at all Carrissa I have only managed to separate them not their hearts.

Well I guess I have no options left now, sorry darling Ava you’ll just have to die now for me to have Connor, I won’t have you ruin my plans with your stupid love,

Come this time tomorrow dear Ava you’d be dead that I can promise and assure you.

Having thought of a plan I smiled and went to sleep.

A loud bang woke me up, I wonder what Connor’s is up to now,

Somebody poured water on my face.

“Wakey wakey sleepy sleepy ” a baritone said

I wonder who that is

I tried to shake my self up only to see that I can’t move I felt stiff as I raised my head up

I opened my eyes but the bright light hurt my eyes so I closed them again

“Ashh” I groaned

I tried opening them again by now my eyes has adjusted to the lights

My head hurts like hell, what is this joke Connor is playing I’m so hungry as if he had read my mind, the person who woke me with water said

” you should eat now beauty you’ll need your strength come on your food is here””

I looked towards where the voice came from, the person was standing in the shadows making it hard to see his face, I could see he was the bulky type

I tried looking around I could see three more people lurking in the shadows it was difficult to tell their gender because of the darkness surrounding them

I wonder what is happening to me I couldn’t quite place, is this some joke invented by Connor because, oh no!

Then it all came rushing back to me, the poison, how I was chased out and everything that happened, oh my Goodness this is not a joke I’m in trouble

I started blaming myself for walking off last night or how many days have I been here, my head feels like it has gone through hell and back, my rear end hurts like damn

As of reading my mind

“You’ve been here for two hours ” the bulky one said

“Why did you kidnapp me?” I asked trying to steady my voice

“Your food is here, so eat” the bulky one said acting as if he’s irratated

“Answer the damned questions, why am I here, I haven’t offended anyone, I didn’t cross my limits with you, I don’t even know so why am I here!” I asked raising my voice

“Well the number one sin you committed was being a wolf, number two mistake was being Connor’s mate'” bulky guy said

If he’s saying all this, it means he’s an enemy of Connor’s

“Tell me why did you kidnap me, you can’t gain anything from me by kidnapping me you know” I said trying to get information from him

“Well it’s not in my hands to decide that ” he told me coming out of the shadow

I was right he was a bulky fellow

“That’s Enough Max, you’ve entertained the lady’s questions enough” A feminine voice said

I tried to see who talked but the the figures were blurry, I also learnt bulky guy’s name is called max, who’s the lady?

I opened my mouth I wanted to talk but I could feel myself slipping back into unconsciousness

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