Hello! Mr. Billionaire

Chapter 10



I hung up the call last night and told Zane that I needed to sleep early so I won’t wake up late today. Early to bed, early to rise works for me all the time.

Assuming Mrs Blakeston was still our boss, I could be a little bit late to work and she wouldn’t notice aside that, Evelyn would always cover up for me. But Mr Finn, the new boss? He’ll definitely notice that I came to work late. He’s on my neck and he’s indeed watching me really closely.

Although I got to the office pretty much early, Finn was already in his office.

Only few workers were around including Adam whom informed me that Mr Finn had already asked after me. I dashed into his office as quickly as possible.

“You are late” Mr Finn said to me.

“But It’s not resumption time yet” I argued.

“As for me,, you are late to work” He repeated.

“Many other staffs are not at work yet” I paused. “Even Evelyn” I added.

“What matters is that I got to the company before you. So you are late” He insisted.

“Okay” I murmured.

He didn’t say anything else and it felt awkward for me to keep standing in front of him while he was checking some files on his table. I had to leave without his permisssion.

“What is it this time?” Adam asked when I returned.

Evelyn was around now.

“He said I came to the office late” I reported to them and they shook their head sadly.

“Did he call out names of people yet to be in the office?” I asked.

“No. Just you. As soon as he got to work, he asked after you” He replied.

“What about Evelyn?”

“No” He responded.

“He hates me and might eventually fire me no matter what I do to impress him ” I told them, my eyes clouded with tears. Unexpectedly, Evelyn hugged me.

“You do not deserve this ill treatment” She said.

“I guess it’s a lesson to us all. Never can tell who is who” Adam said, one by one.

“You should be worried that Finn likes your girlfriend!” I said.

“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” Evelyn snapped.

“It’s obvious. He is giving you preferential treatment. He’s supposed to be mad at you but he wasn’t, why not? because he likes you” I fired.

“No Rita, I think you’re upset and sad this over what you are going through that’s why you’re saying this” Evelyn said.

“I.. I think Rita might be right” Adam said and gestured to us that Finn was watching us from afar.

“He likes you, Evelyn” I muttered.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’d better return to my section this moment. He seems mad and I don’t wanna get on his other side” Adam walked away, cowardly.

” You soon will when both of you began to fight over Evelyn” I said and she chuckled. “Except if Mr Finn is standing right there and thinking of ways to provoke me again” I l expected Finn to walk towards us but then, he left.


Finn drove into his compound, sighted a car at his garage and recognized it as his brother’s. Ugh, why is he here again? he wondered and rushed into the house.

“What are you doing here Alexander?” Finn questioned.

“Am I not always welcome at my brother’s place?” Alex replied with a question.

“Of course you are. But no surprise visits”

“Why? ‘Cos you might be bringing a girl home but my presence would ruin your night with her” Alex teased.

“I’m a changed person now Alex. I’m responsible too” Finn told his brother.

“Oh just because mom handed over her company to you, does that makes you a responsible person?”

“No. I turned a new leaf earlier before now” Finn leered at him.

Alexander giggled; “Alright, if you say so. How is it going anyways? Your new work place?”

“Fine, I guess” Finn responded sheepishly. “I’m now the CEO of beauty and cosmetic and that is what matters, full stop” He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his inner shirt then pulled off his suit jacket and gave it to the maid, Madison.

“Should I serve your dinner?” Madison asked.

“Yeah, I’ll come to the room soon” He told her and watched her leave.

“I hope you are not sleeping over at my place?” He interrogated.

“It’s late, you do not expect me to leave this night and besides, I’ll be staying with you for some days” Alex said and Finn shot him a hard gaze.

“I knew it. You are up to something. Is it women? do you even have a serious girlfriend now?” I was gonna give him a reply but he cut in; “Oops wait! Are you sleeping with your Maid, Madison? Is that why you don’t want me at your place”

“Ugh! Hell no. Madison is a queer and I am not sleeping with her. I just need my privacy okay?” He told him.

“You have a hidden agenda. That’s the only reason why you’ld cherish your privacy so much” Finn’s brother mumbled but Finn pretended not to hear him.

“So what are you up to, Alexander The Internet Explorer?” Finn questioned.

“Okay so I’m working on a new project” He began to yak. He so much loves talking about the internet.

“I knew it. You are here to gab about some new creations, internet related. Your obsession with technology is unbelievable” Finn remarked.

“I’m glad you wanna listen, and you’ll be the first I’m telling this”

“What’s that?” Finn squinted his eyes

“I’m bringing back the Love station app” He announced and I exclaimed: “What? Really?”

“Yes and it’s gonna be kinda different with new updates” Alex continued to Yak.

“Oh whatever, but I personally do not think people will download Love Station ever again”

“Why not? Many lost their lovers”

“That’s the exact reason why I do not think they’ll download Love Station on their mobiles again. Once bitten, twice shy” Finn told him.

“I guess they’ll want to reconnect again. Remember, I lost a lover too?” Alex said but Finn hissed.

“The one you were playing on her feelings?”

“I miss her companion but guess what, I can get to her if I want to”


“You seemed to be forgetting that I’m a tech guy, an internet god” He boasted.

“Just whatever”

“What about you? Are you dating anyone since you became responsible and turned a new leaf?” He teased.

“Uhm, there’s actually a girl that caught my interest” Finn said.

“What’s this look? Wait a minute, you are not joking about turning a new leaf”

“C’mon. I am not joking, I’m serious. I’m responsible now”

“No more hooking up with whores, clubbing with sluts, no more one night stands, no more womanizing ?”

“None of that anymore. Now I just need to find true love and stop avenging ladies that are after my money” Finn shunned him.

“I see” Alex nodded empathically. ” So who is this girl that caught your interest” His brother asked and it parted a smile on Finn’s lips.

“She works at the company. Funny how I think I might actually like an employee”

“You are the love doctor. You know when two people are met for each other”

“Yeah, I feel it for Rita and I. Her name is Rita” He suddenly frowned: “But I might lost my chance with her due to this dangerous hanky panky games I’m playing with her”


“Err… I… I’m treating her very badly” Finn hit his hand on his head: ” What’s wrong with me?”

His brother laughed: ” I guess you are just tryna show you’re the boss but not all girls likes toxic guys maybe except the ones after your money. If this so called Rita girl isn’t like that, you gotta apologize to her. Sincerely apologise to your employee” He said.

“Ugh! Just nevermind. I know what to do” Finn continued to grumbled in regret ” I’ve always been a private person, I shouldn’t have told you though”

“Haha, why not? I discuss everything with you too. A problem shared is half solved”

Finn smirked; “A problem shared is not half solved. A problem shared is still my problem, you have just poke nosed”

“That what you think. Anyways, if this girl turns out to be your true love like you have said, then you’ld help me find mine. Mr love doctor”

Finn scorned and got on his foot “Make yourself comfortable ” He walked away to his room.


To Be Continued

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