His Baby Mama


Damon POV

It’s been a month since Camila started working here. We went to a pack yesterday and I almost kissed her I’ve been trying to get that event that happen between Camila and I, out of my head but unfortunately it’s not won’t.

I’ve tried sleeping with Christina to get her out of my mind and thought it would definitely work but that didn’t work too, so here am I almost home from work, with Camila stuck in my head.

F ** k I know I cuss a lot but I only do so when I really stressed and right now my stress level is at one thousand and ir’s all because I can’t get her out of my head.

Sighing as I pulled into my garage, I made a long and hard decision on whether to wait until she’s gone before I going inside, since it was almost five’o’clock or just go it. And the truth was, I really didn’t want to see her. I was avoiding her and thought itll be awkward if Ethan decided to leave the two of us alone, which I knew he would do since he tired it yesterday .. Letting out another breath, I made up my mind that I’ll go inside. I’l have to face her once a day anyways so I should do it now and get over it.

But I’ve decided to go on by the back door, which lead to the living room and my work room. I could sneak pass them without them knowing and go into my home office then average the time she leaves and come out.

Yes, that’ll work .. So, exiting my car, I got out and entered by the back door. All I had to do now was sneak past the living room without them knowing then I can get to my home office in one peace.

As I was walking by, I heard Ethan’s voice in the living room talking to Camila and then I suddenly became curious about what they were talking about and how she looked today.

Since I had left for work earlier than ever today, I didn’t get to see what she was wearing or how she looked so I was curious very curious. So batting my ears to ear drop, I slightly poked my head out so I could see what they were also doing and how she looked. She looked stunning by the way .

.”So. your son would also be five years? Like me?” I heard Ethan asked Camila and suddenly frown in confusion.


“Uhh yeah” she said hesitantly.

She was also tensed while I was over here looking at both of them in confusion. She really has a son? hell, I barley knew anything about this woman who was babysitting my son. I poked my head out again, trying to hear what they say next but it seems like they had changed the topic and I’ve decided to leave before I get caught so I turned around and made my way to my office, with the words that Ethan had said to Camila, stuck in my head.

I really need to know more about this I couldn’t be so clueless of Woman. who she actually was so I sat down in my chair before picking up my phone and dialing my Assistance, Mr. Salvays, number.


“Yes Mr. Alexander? What can I do for you?” He finally picked up his phone after the second ring.

“I want you to do a background check on someone for me”

? Camila’s POV ?

“Daddy!” I heard Ethan shouted in delight and I turned to the direction he was looking in to see Damon entering but he didn’t look normal today. His face was emotionless and his jaw was clenched and I think he was looking at me in full anger I gulp. Did I do something wrong?

“Come with me!” Damon said harshly as he now stood before me and roughly grabbed my writs and pulled me up then he began to dragged me out of the living room.

“Daddy, is everything okay?” Ethan’s voice was heard and only then did Damon stopped and turned to his son before opening his mouth to speak.

“Everything is fine Ethan. Now, I want you to stay inside the living room okay?” His father responded then said and Ethan obediently nodded his head before taking a seat in the couch once more. Then he resumed to dragging me out the living room, all the way up the stairs and into his office while I fought for his to let go of my wrist since it was hurting.

“Ow!” I hiss as he finally let go of my wrist but then pushed me hard into the walls of his office, causing me to let out a painful whimper when back hit the wall.

What the hell is wrong with him ?!

“Are you okay? Why are you being so harsh to” I opened my mouth and spoke but was quickly cut off by Damon’s cold and rude voice.

“Why didn’t you tell me?!!” He literally screamed in my face in full anger and to tell you guys the truth, I was scared very scared. I press myself closer to the wall, slightly trembling in fear from this an standing in front of me. He was definitely not the man I grow to knew, this was some one else because I know that Damon would / had never shouted at me.

I looked into his now dark eyes that held anger and then to his face in fear. He was panting heavily, as if he was trying to control his anger and his jaw and fist was clenched, making his knuckles appear white. Then the question he had asked me played back into my head and I frown, looking at him in confusion before opening my mouth to ask

“What are you talking about”

“Don’t even think of f ** king lying to me Camila! And don’t act like you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about!” he cut me off and yelled on my face, making me even more frightened of him but that didn’t stop me from defending myself.

Our son

B-but how did he end up here? Who brought him here? How did they know that Ethan’s father was Damon?

“Stop acting like you didn’t know!” A voice harsh voice said that pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to Damon who had anger written all over his face.

He suddnely slammed me harder into the wall before trapping me in his hold and stared emotionless into mine eyes and I trembled in fear, under his gaze as I still couldn’t bring myself to believe what I had just heard form his own lips

“H- how?” I manage to say and ignored his dangerous gaze on his face.

“Well after I did a background check on you, I found out everything so you can no longer lie anymore because I know everything”he answered to my question then paused for a moment and continued. “And let me tell you something. Mr. Davis .. Don’t think that you can dump our son on the road and leave him there to f** king die then come crawling back into his life like nothing had happen.” He said and I looked up to him with a frown before he continued.

“You f ** king sicken me and to know that a girl like you, who I thought was better than this, don’t have a heart. I don’t want you to be on my son’s life and don’t think you’ll ever be because in my eyes, you are just another girl who seduce a rich guy then abandoned their baby on the streets to die!” He spat in my face and I looked at him in absolute shock.

H-he thinks that I left Ethan on the street to die? A heartless person? Why would he think this of me? I never did anything to my son but love him with all of my heart and then my only love was taken away from me by someone. He needs to know the truth .. He cant just assume stuff with out know what actually happened.

“Mr. Alexander, you’ve got it all wrong I-I never left Ethan–”

“Save your f ** king explanation! I don’t want to hear anything form you. Just leave !!” He yelled at me and I froze once more, in shock of what he was saying.


“F ** king shut up Camila! Just f ** king leave and never return! I don’t want to see your face again and I definitely don’t want to see you around Ethan !!” He cut me off again but This time, pulled me harshly out of his home office while Iried to break free from has grip.

“Let go of me !!” I shouted at him in a hurt voice and his grip instantly slacking but it was still a little tight. He didn’t even bother looking at me as he just continued to drag me down the hall.

I was hurt tear pricking my eyes, ready to escape. I can’t just forget about Ethan after I’ve found my son. My son that was taken away form me five years back and why would Damon say stuff like that to me?

I wasn’t heartless. I never left my baby to die on the streets and I wasn’t a whore. I only slept with one man and that was him. I didn’t ask my baby to be taken from me, did I ? All I wanted was to love him and made sure he was a healthy baby growing up ljust wanted to be a mother.. a good one.

“Let me go Damon!!” I cried. The tear finally falling form my eyes eyes and I had just realize that I’ve called him by ears his first name.

He came to a halt and slowly turned around to meet my face. He looked angrier than before and that scared me.

“Did I f ** king tell you to call me by my first name?!!” He yelled once more in my face and I only fliched. I’m sure he was going to do something to me this time. Maybe hit me or something but I won’t be good. I just knew it.

“Daddy? Ms. Davis? Is everything okay?” A soft voice interrupted Damon and he immediately pulled away from me before turning to Ethan who was frowning in confusion.

“Everything is fine Ethan. Now go back to the living room” his father said but Ethan wasn’t even listening to him. His eyes were focused on my tear stained face.

“Ms. Davis, are you okay?” He asked, slowly walking towards me and I quickly nodded my head. A small smile made its way to his lips then he looked down at my bag in my hands and he frown.

“Are you leaving early today?” I only nodded my head again.

“Okay! Then we can watch the movie tomorrow then!” Ethan said with a happy smile on his face and my heart clenched. I won’t be seeing him after today andl can’t imagine how his face would look when he finds out I’m no longer his babysitter ..

“E-Ethan’m sorry.. but I’m not babysitting you anymore after today” I said in a low and hurtful voice which made his smile dropped and he looked at me now shocked.

“What? But you can’t Leave Ms. Davis! I like you!” He said and I felt another tear escape my eyes as I looked at the now sad Ethan who was about to cry. He turned to his father.

“Daddy! Ms. David can’t go!” He cried and I really wanted to comfort him but I refused to because I knew if I did, I won’t let go of him and not after I found out he’s my son.

“Go back into the living room Ethan” Damon said sternly to his son, ignoring whatever his son had just said and that only made Ethan cried more and he made his way over to me but was stopped by his dad.

“I said in the living room!”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“B-but daddy! She’s can’t go! I like her dad! I like Ms. Davis!” he cried out more but Damon didn’t seem to bother with his as as jhe turned around and grabbed ahold of my wrist once more and began to drag me down the stairs.

And I just found myself calling Ethan’s name. This was the last time I’ll even see him

“Ethan! Ethan baby, don’t cry love !.” I tried to comfort him while his father dragged me down the stairs and Ethan right behind, crying his eyes off.

“Ms Davis! Don’t go! Please !!” He cried as he tired to keep up with his dad and I. Another tear escape my eyes as l finally made it to the last stairs and was dragged to the door. But this time I fought. I fought Damon because I wanted to see my son before I’m completely gone. Ethan was crying his eyes off. He now made it to the last stairs and then ran after us while his dad almost to the door with me.

“Ms. Davis! Please !! Daddy, Please daddy! I promise I’ll be a good boy! Please daddy, don’t let Ms. Davis leave !!” He cried aloud as Damon finally reached the door with me and opened it before shoving me out then slammed the door into my face. But before he did so, I manage to say to Ethan.

“Mommy loves you” I heard Ethan called for me for the last time before the door was slammed into my face.


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