His Crazy Maid

Chapter 50 Your gonna get us killed

Larry switched the light of the room on as he and Annie walked in.

Annie threw herself on the bed and sprawled her arms tiredly.

“Will you shower now or I should go first?”he asked.

“Nah. I don’t have the energy to go inside the bathroom.”she replied.

“Really?”he asked and she nodded.

“Yeah. I just felt tired all of a sudden. I pray it’s not what I’m thinking. I’m not in for the….”she hasn’t completed her statement before she winced out.


Larry ran to her and sat beside her on the bed.

“Are you okay?”he asked.

She shook her head.

“No, I’m not. What’s today’s date?”she asked.

Larry gave her a look before telling her the date.

“27th of March. Why?”

“Ah, no….. it’s the end of the month. My visitor is definitely here.”she cried out.

Larry passed her a befuddled look.

“Visitor?, which visitor?, ion get.”

Annie rolled her eyes.

“You can not get. Please, come and take me to my house…”she replied.

“Why?”he scoffed.

“Because my visitor is damn here, you bozo!”she snapped angrily.

Larry blinked his lashes and gulped hard.

“Oh, your monthly flow?”he blurted out.

Annie’s face reddened in embarrassment.

He saw this and he placed his hand on her arm and rubbed it.

“Is that why you say I should take you home?”

“Yes, I wanna go home.”she pouted out a reply.

“And why?”

“Because my mom just know how to take care of me. It’s…. it’s always painful…”

Larry played with her fingers.

“No worries, Annie. I can take care of you.”

“No you can’t!”

“I can. Besides, some ladies do come to the hospital to complain about the stuff.”

“Alright, but I wanna go home.. I just can’t bear it.. I’m gonna cry..”she said lowly.

“Cry all you want, I’ll kiss away your tear, every bit of it and then, cry with you also.”he replied her kissing her cheeks.

“Larry, but it’s painful. Ouch.”she winced again and held her stomach.

“Darn it!. I shouldn’t have come as a girl!”

“Then, who would then be my little miss?, crazy ma’am?, fresh cake?, pink face?. Thanks for coming as a girl, Annie.”Larry replied kissing her lips slightly and Annie was quick to push him away.

“Damn you for joking in this situation.”Annie said.

“Alright, but then, maybe I would have come as a girl if you didn’t, then you would be me, a boy.”

Annie frowned greatly.

Is he nuts?.

She suddenly felt the urge to puke and before she could get out of the bed, the felt her mouth part on its own and the contents in it came rushing down, and… on Larry’s thigh!.

Oh, no!.

She looked up at him, innocently.

Larry sighed.

“God, what will I do with you little girl?”

Annie quickly faced down.

“I’m… I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to. Forgive me..”

A wince followed after.

“Alright… alright.. why don’t you try sleeping, maybe the pains will go?”

“Not an option. I’m always wide eyed in this moment. It will be as if I have insomnia. My mom knows all this so just please, let me go home.”

“Not an option. I promise, I’ll do my best.”

Annie shut her eyes tightly at the excruciating pain.

Then, she felt the urge again.

She tried standing up but that pains held her down.

She covered her mouth with her palm, breathing heavily.

“It’s okay. Just let it out here.”Larry said to her utmost surprise..

“Huh?, are you sure?. Won’t it be disgusting?”she opened her mouth to say but she ended up throwing up on his leg laps again.

Larry opened his mouth slightly and a scoff escaped his lips.

Annie breathed out heavily as she looked up at him innocently.

“Just take me home. For your own good, else, I might mess this room up with my vomits.”Annie said

Her face has turned pale and her eyes was all white.

“I’m sorry for being a prick earlier.”was what he said instead.

“I thought what was doing you was as a result of pregnancy, I’m just so stupid. Please, create a space in your heart and forgive me.”

Annie just laid on the bed.

Now, she is all weak.

And she’s gonna feel more weak with her nauseating cause she would be vomiting out her whole intestines and worst, she normally doesn’t eat why menstruating…

She shut her eyes tightly.

Larry moved to her and slowly pulled the duvet to cover her.

“Try to get some sleep.”he whispered.

“.. I… I ju… just can’t.”she replied.

“I know, but try.”

He didn’t get any reply.

He sighed and kissed her forehead.

“I will be back, let me go clean up.”

And he left.


Larry returned back. He has changed into another cloth.

He went to Annie and saw her wide awake and staring at the ceiling.

He sat by the bed, beside her and held her hand.

“Should I get you some food?”

She shook her head.

Her forehead was all sweaty.

“Huh?, but why?, you should really eat.”Larry pressed on but she shook her head again and slowly removed her hand from his hold.

“Can… can you turn off the….. the … the AC, the cold is unbearable.”

Larry nodded and stood up then turned off the AC.

He went back to her.

“Larry, I want to go home.”


“You’re being selfish…”Annie drawled out.

Larry gave a nod after a pause

“Yes, I am. I don’t want to let you out of my sight. Besides, are going going to run home to your mom when you are on your monthly flow when we get married?. Let me start practicing how to take care of you now cause in the future, your mom won’t be near for you to even think of running to her. After our wedding, I plan on moving out of this country, we will go to another, anyone of your choice and will start living there. We will abandon everything we have here and I will go there to start a new life with you, a new phase of life which will be all characterised with you and I loving, showing and showering each other with love.”

Annie stifled a laugh.


Well, she did blushed tho.

Why wouldn’t she?. The plans he had for them is so beautiful.

“Is… is that a plan?”

“Yes. That’s just how much I love you. There is still more. But, I will only tell you when you’re okay which is why you should get well soon..”Larry responded and rooted a deep kiss on her lips.

“I red you, Annie, I will always red you.”

“You dimwit!, red means danger!”she laughed.

“Red can be categorized into two things – danger and L. O. V. E. Love!.”

Annie heaved a sigh and nodded with a smile.

“Well, turns out you’re aren’t a bozo afterall.”.

“Turns out you aren’t a bimbo also, Annie lovely.”

“What!, you….”she smacked his head.

“Alright, that hurts!”he pouted.

“Who cares”she rolled her eyes.

She suddenly winced and shut her eyes.

“You okay?”

She nodded.

She opened her eyes and her vision started getting distorted.

She quickly closed her eyes again.

“I’m coming… let me get you some sweet.. it will surely help with your vomits.”

She heard retreating footsteps and later heard the door being shut.

*You this damn thing. Go away, will you?. Go the damn away!. I hate you!!!!!!*she said in her mind and a full pang of pain struck her instantly.

*Oh, okay… I’m sorry… please forgive me….*she said again.

Then, the pains vanished away instantly.

Larry returned back with some mints.

He tore it up and give the sweet to her.

She collected it and drop it in her mouth and stated licking.

Okay. This is refreshing.


Annie couldn’t sleep overnight and Larry stayed by her side also, not sleeping but just cajoling her and saying sweet words to her and kissing her every minute.

He depicted himself as a caring and loving man all through the night.


Next morning.

“And you didn’t deem It fit to tell me?. You think it’s in your control?.”

“I’m sorry, mom. I just don’t want to disturb you.”


“Yes. But then, thankfully, she was able to get a little sleep.”

“When did she slept?”

“Around 5:00am or so.”

Annie woke up to the voices of Larry and Gracie.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw two faces looking down at her.

“Oh, she’s awake. How are you feeling now, Annie?, are you okay?”Gracie asked.

Annie sat up.

“I’m… I’m fine, ma.”

“Are you sure?, if you’re experiencing any sort of pain, do not hesitate to tell me, I can really help”Gracie announced.

“Sure ma”she replied with a small smile.

“Oh just look at you… why is your face all pale?”

“Ah… it’s.. probably because I…”

“And her eyes too, it’s so red!”Garry gasped from behind.

Larry turned back to him with a frown.

“When did you enter….”

“Oh, come on. I came to ask after Annie’s health. Fair Annie, you good?”

“Good”Annie nodded.

Garry offered her a small and left .

“Alright, I should go prepare breakfast.”Gracie said and pecked Annie’s cheek before leaving.

“Good morning, pink face..”

“Morning, grumpy uncle”she rolled her eyes.

He smiled.

“Your eyes look so heavy.”he sighed.


She slowly got out of bed and went inside the bathroom.


After breakfast, Annie sat in the living room watching film.

She already gave Boyd a call that she wouldn’t be able to come to work and he seems cool about it.

Larry came in. He was on a call.

“Damn you, Sam. You’re so useless.”he hissed.

“Alright, alright, I will head there right away…”

“Tell me when I get there.”

He ended the call afterwards.

He walked towards her and sat beside her.

“You’ve called your boss?”

She nodded.

“And why did he say?”

“Nothing. He just expresses concern and that’s all.”

Larry stared at the movie she was watching.

“I’m heading to the hospital. Sorry, I have to leave you here alone.”

“Alone?. I have Gracie and Garry.”

Larry looked at her and smirked.

“Just don’t mistake Garry to me, alright?, in case you miss me too much”

“Miss?, hell.”Annie scoffed.

“Then, let me follow you.”she suddenly said.

“Really”he beamed immediately.

“Seems like you’ve been expecting that.”she rolled her eyes.

“Yes, I have.”

“Now, let go..”he said while pulling her cheek.

“Ugh, Larry!, for Christ sake, I’m just recuperating!…”

“Oops!, my bad, bimbo!”he spread out his hand in the air and ran away.

“Ugh!!!. You just wait till I catch you!”she said angrily.


Larry left Annie in his office while he go attend to the patient.

After waiting for hours, she placed her head on the desk and slept off.

Larry entered not long after and seeing her, he smiled.

He walked to her and saw that she was asleep.

Sleepy head!.

She looks so pretty and innocent in her sleep… more like a little kid… his little kid…

He moved out afterwards.


Annie woke up later and as she opened her eyes, she let’s out a yawn.

The door opened and Larry stepped inside.

“Hun, you’re back.”she smiled while stretching her hand.

“And you’re finally awake. Let’s go home.”

“Home?, so soon?”

“Tsk, tsk. You probably slept too much. It’s late in the night, kid.”

“Woa, what?, in the night???, and kid you say?!!”

“Yeah, little kid. You literally slept for hours!. Good!”

“Hey, grumpy uncle, I’m no kid so quit calling me that.”

“Little kid… my little kid….”he repeated and Annie glared at him.

As she made to take a step forward, he ran out.

She ran after him and through the corridor.

“Woah!, what a couple!”Sam commented as he collided into them making them to stop.

“Anyways, job well done, Larry. Here, have this.”he said while proffering a drink to him.

“Save it, Sam. The hospital almost went down thanks to you.”

“I know, that’s why I’m giving you this. I apologise.”

Larry collected the drink from him and turned to Annie who was already beside him and grab her hand and walked out of the hospital with and to the lots.

He entered the driver’s seat and she entered the passage seat by his side.

He ignited the engine and opened the drink given to him and drank out of it.

“You care for some?”he asked Annie and she shakes her head.

“Alright.”he nod and groped the engine then drove out.

He took another gulp of the drink again.

They got on the road and Larry felt he was slowly getting intoxicated.

He blinked and took another gulp again.

The traffic light turned red and he stopped the car.

It turned to orange and then.. finally green.

All the cars moved but Larry didn’t move the car.


Annie turned to him.

“Larry…”she called.

“Come in, move.”she urged.

“No..”he started and squinted his eyes.

She tapped him.

“Oh, little kid… leave me, I wanna sleep.”he muttered.

Annie turned and saw a truck on a run.

“Larry!. Come on!!!!”she shouted.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!!!”

“Ah – hah.”Larry sighed.

Oh, no.

Annie panicked as she turned to see the fast approaching truck.

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