Chapter 28- Their Father!
Chapter 28- Their Father!
After 15 days
Author's p.o.v
"Rewa, Mohini..did you bring the flowers which I have told you to bring?" devika asked the maids.
Rewa replied, " The flower will be here very soon, mam. I have told the butler. He will send the flower".
" Ok, check the other decorations and tell me that everything is ready or not," devika ordered Rewa.
Rewa nodded her head and left the place.
" Mohini, have you checked all the bags? Did you bring everything that I have ordered you to bring?
Devika asked Mohini.
" Yes, mam. Everything is here. I have already told the cook about what to be cooked tomorrow
according to your order, "Mohini replied.
" ok. now, you can go and help rewa with her work,"devika ordered and Mohini obliged.
Devika is walking through the whole house and checking all the arrangement.
Well, tomorrow is Avantika's engagement. Since Abhinav doesn't like gathering, so he decided that the
engagement will be held at their house and only close family members and relatives will be present.
The wedding will be a grand wedding at one of Abhinav's luxurious hotel. Abhinav has ordered devika
to look after all the arrangement of the engagement.
Abhinav and Devika's relationship is not that sour anymore. Abhinav is behaving casually with devika.
And devika is grateful that he isn't behaving like a psycho anymore. After that night Abhinav totally
forbade devika to ask him about his past. And devika is still afraid of Abhinav so she didn't dare to ask
him anything.
Right now, devika is going to her room to take a shower. She was working concentrate so that Abhinav
doesn't get angry and punish her.
Arnav, Arushi and Ruhani ma has helped her a lot in her work. Though Devika doesn't talk with Arnav
anymore but Arnav still considers devika as a good friend and always helps her.
Devika entered her room and gasped seeing the person who is sitting on her bed.
The person is none other than Avantika. Seeing Avantika, devika isn't that much happy. Avantika isn't
happy either seeing devika. She gave a disgusted and angry look towards devika and said mockingly,"
Too much desperate to send me away from my home? Huh!!. Listen carefully, this house was mine, is
mine and remain mine forever."
Devika rolled her eyes and totally ignored Avantika. Devika walked into her closet and took out a
golden colour saree.
Avantika couldn't tolerate Devika's impassive behaviour and marched towards her with full rage. She
clutched Devika's hairs from behind and said," Slut, if I see you again putting your eyes on my man
than I will kill you".
Devika is hissing in pain and with very difficulty to free herself from Avantika's grip. Then she pushed
Avantika very hard and Avantika landed on the nearby couch.
Devika said angrily, " listen, Ms Agnihotri, don't blame me for your perverted fiance's behaviours. I am
telling you, by marrying that pervert you are going to ruin your life".
Listening to Devika, Avantika laughed hysterically like devika has told some joke.
Avantika sat on the couch crisscrossing her legs and said mockingly, " Like, who is talking!! You are
putting your eyes on my man and blaming him, bitch!! Because of you, I have seen my brothers
argument. Those brothers who never had even a fight in their lifetime, they argued over you. You are a
Devika understood that it will be a futile attempt to talk with Avantika. She is totally mad by Shivay's
love which has blinded her completely and she isn't seeing the truth.
Devika thought, " If someone doesn't need my advice and help than what can I do!! Let her ruin her life
by herself".
Devika replied rolling her eyes," You are blinded by that pervert's love. One day you will regret for
Avantika yelled," Did you just rolled your eyes? You whore".
Saying that Avantika tried to hold Devika's throat when devika held her hand and twisted it back.
She said in Avantika's ear dangerously, "Aren't you ashamed to speak like an uneducated person even
though you are educated? Huh!! Whatever you think about me I can't change your mind. But, don't you
dare to spit them always. You are elder than me that's why I respect you. But don't forget the fact that I
am your Bhabi( sister-in-law). Your elder brother's wife. I'm older than you in terms of relationships so
show some minimum respect. You know what, I am very happy that you are finally leaving this house.
Finally, there will be no one to manipulate Abhinav about me".
Well, in these 15 days Avantika tried very hard to fill Abinav's ear against devika. But, every time she
miserably failed as Abhinav didn't give any importance to Avantika's words.
After lecturing Avantika, devika dragged Avantika towards the door and threw out Avantika from her
room. Then with a thud sound, she closed the door in front of Avantika's eyes. Everything happened so
quickly that Avantika didn't find any chance to talk back or fight back.
But, Avantika wasn't expecting that devika will behave like a rebel today!! She can't tolerate this insult
and yelled for some time in front of Devika's room. Devika didn't give any shit to Avantika's saying and
went to change her saree.
Bhabani Gupta's p.o.v
What my life has become!! I am working as a swiper at my son-in-law's company. My mood becomes
soured whenever I remember that this Abhinav Agnihotri is my son-in-law. Bloody bastard!! He isn't
even telling me the reason why he is making my life miserable.
My condition is too bad from every side. I am struggling to bear all the daily expenses. My health
condition is worsening day by day. Yesterday I went to see a doctor and after diagnosis, I came to know
that I am suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.
The doctor has given me expensive medicines to take. My financial situation is so bad that I can't even
afford to buy my medicines. Very soon, I may have to stop Ruhi and Neel's education. I will not be able
to continue their study. My poor children. I don't know what will happen when my both children come to
know that they have to stop their study!!
I wanted to make some money from devika but that bastard Abhinav didn't give me any chance to talk
with devika. He told me that devika is now his wife and I shouldn't interfere in her life.
I am not interested in Devika's life but I wanted some money from her. If I can somehow get in touch
with her once, I am sure she will help me. After all, I am her mother.
But, I am astonished about one thing that devika didn't try to return to my house again. She also didn't
contact me. Maybe, she has accepted her fate that how much she is unwanted to me. I was waiting for
that day when I will marry her off and send her away from my home. Finally, I succeeded.
She always reminds me of that fool Kamlesh's face. My condition is so bad that I am not interested to
know about Abhinav's identity anymore. That good for nothing Agnish is also missing. My life is now
totally fucked up.
I am already in so much tensions and now that mysterious phone call. The person who called me said
that he knows who killed vivek.
After his call, I have called on that number uncountable times but every time I found that number
switched off.
I had even tried to find the owner of the number but I found nothing as the number isn't registered. I am
wondering, who is this person. Who could be this person? Is someone pranking with me!! No, that can't
be possible. After so many years, why would someone prank using Vivek's name?
Right now, I am sitting in my room on the bed, holding Vivek's photo. Remembering him my eyes get
watered immediately. To be with him, I had sacrificed many things but I think God didn't want us to be
united for long.
Just after 4 years of our marriage, vivek was brutally killed. I still remember that day when I went to the
police station for identifying Vivek's dead body.
Seeing his body I became horrified and panicked. How can someone be so cruel!! The murderer was
too much cruel and he unleashed his cruelty on Vivek's body.
When I saw his body I understood that he was brutally beaten by some rod or stick. And the most
disturbing part of Vivek's death was that he died because of extreme blood loss. The murderer took out
his heart from his rib cage when he was alive!! Like that murderer has unleashed his anger on Vivek.!!
The police never found Vivek's heart anywhere. After reading Vivek's post mortem report I understood
that I am not only the real Satan in this world. There is also another Satan who is much crueller than
me. The police couldn't find any clue let alone the murderer. I also tried my best to find that murderer
but found nothing. I had already given up the idea of finding the murderer.
But that phone call has again raised a ray of hope inside my heart to find the murderer. I am only
waiting for that day when the person will call me again and tell me that murderer's name.
At Night
Devika's p.o.v
Everybody has finished dinner and returned to their room. Abhinav had his dinner and after that where
he went I don't know. Maybe he has gone to check all the arrangement.
Tomorrow is Avantika's engagement and I have to face that pervert Shivay again. But, I am determined
that I won't be scared anymore seeing him. I will not leave Abhinav's side even for a mili second.
Today was a total hectic day for me. I have to arrange many things as per as Abhinav's order. He told
me that, I am Mrs Agnihotri and also Avantika's bhabi. So, I have many responsibilities and I should
fulfil them properly.
I am trying my best to cope with him and I think I am succeeding. After ma's rejection, I didn't talk with
her. I am missing her badly though I am angry with her. I will not contact her until she contacts me first.
Right now, I am feeling too much tired. I just want to sleep.
I went to the washroom and finished my night routine. I came to the bed to sleep when I saw his
clothes on the bed.
He has scattered his pant, shirt, boxer and wristwatch on the bed. He is too much messy. This man is
worse than a kid.!! I have to always keep his clothes tidy. I packed his all clothes and walk towards the
closet. Then I placed them in their place.
I am almost done with my work when I noticed that the drawer which is totally personal to him is open.
He never permitted me to open this drawer. Today it's open. Maybe he forgot to lock it.
I have always wondered what's in that drawer. Should I check!? No, if he comes to know that even
after his denial I checked his drawer than he will surely punish me.
But, he is not here, nobody will come to know that I have checked the drawer. Let's see what's he
hiding inside this drawer. Putting aside my all hesitation I opened the drawer and found some
document of his office.
I am not understanding what kind of documents are those. But a particular thing caught my attention. I
picked up the thing and discovered that it's a photo album.
Maybe it's his photo album. I opened the album and found many pictures of 4 children. I become sure
that the children are none other than Agnihotri siblings when I saw my mother-in-law's picture with
Here, she is looking more beautiful. In every picture, they are looking so beautiful and happy. But there
is something weird about this album. In every picture, there is also a man whose whole face is covered
with black ink. Seeing the ink anyone can say that someone has intentionally spread the ink on that
man's face. But, why would someone do that? Moreover, who is that man? Is he their father? I am not
understanding. Oh!! Lord!! Every day I am finding new things about these siblings. I am wondering how
many mysteries they are hiding inside them.
But, in one certain picture, I noticed a watch on that man's wrist. Seeing the watch, I felt like I had seen
this watch somewhere else. But where!! I can't remember. Do I know this man!!
Uggh!! I will go crazy thinking all this. I should put back the album inside the drawer before he comes.
Author's p.o.v
Abhinav is in his piano room and playing that painful tune. Some memories are flashing in his mind.
( " I am stuck with you and your all four scam bugs," a man is saying angrily to Abhinav's mother
Anamika. She is crying badly holding a small baby whose age would be 3/4 year old. Anamika said
crying," How can you say that!! They are the gift from God! "
" Gift!! my foot Listen carefully, I don't give a shit about you and your filthy scam bugs. I am leaving right
now and never try to contact me, "The man replied angrily and left behind a crying Anamika.
A 12-year teenage boy is seeing all this and crying badly. His both eyes are holding pain and anger. He
is fisting his hand very tightly and gritting his teeth in anger. He ran towards Anamika and said angrily,"
Don't cry for this bas...."The boy couldn't complete his sentence when Anamika slapped him hard on
his cheek. Anamika scolded the boy and said," Don't you dare to abuse him!!)
Abhinav's trail of thoughts is cut when he felt a presence behind him. He stopped his playing and
looked back. Seeing the person he frowned his brow and asked surprisingly, "What are you doing
here? Devika".
Devika was trying to sleep but there was no sleep in her eyes though she was tired. So, she thought to
walk sometimes. When she was passing this room, she heard piano tune and stopped here.
Devika came forward and said lowering her eyes," Umm..actually I wasn't feel like to sleep that's why I
decided to walk for some time. Moreover, you were not coming to our room so I thought to check on
you. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for you. Don't you think you should rest?"
Hearing her, a smile formed on Abhinav's lips. He pulled devika towards him and made her sit on his
lap. He is now holding her from behind.
Though Abhinav doesn't beat devika anymore but still his close proximity scares her. She is sitting on
his lap silently and slightly shaking. Abhinav said with his husky voice," Why are you shaking? Relax. I
won't eat you!!.
Still, devika is feeling scared. Abhinav is inhaling her scent when devika asked him that question which
she was burying inside her for a long time. Collecting all her courage she finally asked him," Abhinav,
can I continue my study.? Please don't say no".
Devika made herself prepared to earn his beating and closed her eyes.
Abhinav was kissing her back neck when she said the words. He stopped his kissing and said, " Ok.
You can. But, you have to be with Arushi always ".
Hearing him, devika couldn't believe her ears. She is feeling like she is dreaming and Abhinav has
given her permission to continue her study in her dream. She opened her eyes and turned towards him
excitedly. She said, "Thank you so much. Thank you".
With too much excitement she kissed his cheeks. A big smile formed on Abhinav's face feeling
Devika's soft lips.
Devika lowered her eyes and became red because of shyness. Both are now sitting here awkwardly.
To make the environment light, Abhinav asked devika," By the way, why are you so desperate to
complete your study? I am fulfilling your every necessity. You will not do any job in future also. What will
you do after studying so much?"
Devika sighed and took a deep breath. For a few seconds, she became oblivious. She came into reality
when she felt Abhinav's hand on her bare waist.
She said with a sad tone," Actually my papa wanted to see me as a successful person. Though he isn't
in this world anymore but I still want to fulfil his wish".
Abhinav didn't say anything. He is listening to her every word carefully.
Suddenly he asked curiously," How did your father die?"
A sudden sadness clouded Devika's whole face and a few drops of tear escaped from her eyes. She
said with a hurtful tone," Papa died of a heart attack."
Abhinav noticed her sad face and patted her back. He said to console her," It's ok. It's ok".
Devika was feeling like to share everything with someone so she said wiping her tears," I never thought
Papa can had a heart attack because papa was completely fine back then. The day when my father
died, I came back from school and saw my mother crying. When I ask her about papa, she told me that
papa is no more. ( Little did she know that her mother had killed her father by poisoning).
Listening to her, Abhinav is now thinking something deeply. He is trying to solve some puzzle in his
mind. His thoughts are interrupted when devika asked Abhinav," Can I ask you something? "
Abhinav said yes giving a sloppy kiss on her back. Devika asked with her trembling voice," Where is
my father-in-law? I never heard anything about him from anyone."
Devika felt that Abhinav's hold on her waist become tight. She can sense that Abhinav is disappointed
hearing Devika's question. Devika is feeling scared thinking that he might get mad and again beats her.
She said with her scared voice," I am sorry. If I have asked you something inappropriate. I am sorry".
Abhinav didn't show any reaction. He said with his usual tone," Stop apologising."
Devika couldn't believe that Abhinav is behaving with her normally. She is now eagerly waiting for
Abhinav's reply. Abhinav took a deep breath and said," My father died when I was little."
Devika is feeling like Abhinav is hiding something and he said the sentence that "his father died" so
casually like nothing happened. There is no sadness in his voice.
Devika understood that Abhinav isn't comfortable to talk with her about his father. Then she asked that noveldrama
question which was bothering her too much. She asked with too much hesitation," umm.. Do you think
Shivay is a good person?"
This time Abhinav turned her towards him. He asked raising his brow, " Suddenly, why are you asking
about Shivay? ".
Suspicion is clearly visible in his eyes. Devika still couldn't find enough courage to talk about Shivay.
So, she said trying very hard to divert the topic," I mean, your sister is going to be married to him.
Shouldn't you check his background and behaviour? "
" I am working with khurana's for many years. I know him, he is a good man. Moreover, Avantika loves
him a lot. Even if a say no to this marriage nevertheless she will surely marry him. She loves him
blindly," Abhinav replied. He isn't understanding why devika is interested to know about Shivay.
For a few moments, they were silent. Devika is battling with her mind that, Should she talk about
shivay's matter with Abhinav.
On the other hand, Abhinav is thinking that why Devika suddenly asked him about his father.
The silence is broken by Abhinav. He asked her curiously, "can you sing?"
Devika is looking at Abhinav with too much shock. She isn't understanding why he asked her this
question. She replied with too much hesitation, " umm! yes! I learnt singing from my father."
Abhinav is looking at her intensely. He is like wants to know more about her. Devika is feeling strange
noticing Abhinav's soft behaviour.
She understood that he wants to know about her. She also wants to know about him.
So, she asked," From when did you start playing piano?"
" I was 9 years old when I learnt playing piano. My mother was a great pianist. She taught me how to
play piano," Abhinav replied with a happy tone. He is smiling after remembering those moments when
Anamika taught him how to play piano.
Seeing his smile, a small smile also appeared on her lips. She is now feeling comfortable around him.
Suddenly she asked," Will you teach me how to play piano?".
Abhinav looked at her with his astonished expression. But he is happy that she is talking with him
without any fear. He didn't reply to her.
He held her both hands and placed them on the piano keys. He started playing another tune which isn't
a painful tune.
He said with his deep voice in her ear," Start singing. Let's see what my father-in-law has taught you".
Hearing him Devika giggled and started singing in her soft voice. For the first time, after their marriage,
they are spending some moments without any argument and bitterness.
They didn't notice that a pair of light brown eyes are seeing them with admiration.
The person said, " I hope you both always understand each other like now".
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