His Games, Her Rules

Forty Seven

My heart beats against my chest rapidly at the sight before me. It’s him. Dominique fucking Gray in the flesh. I haven’t seen this man in a month and God knows I didn’t prepare to meet him today so I don’t know how I’m supposed to react. He’s breathtakingly gorgeous just like every other day that I’ve known him and he smells really good.

And just like that the memory of that night comes flooding through my brain like a loose cannon and there’s a familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.

How badly am I attracted to him? Too bad, if I may say.

His arms are around my waist, right on the curve of my back as he looks into my eyes. I’m too awed by his presence to form any speech. Leo says he’s left, then what’s he doing here? Looking so fucking attractive. His presence alone is sucking the oxygen out of me and I can’t seem to breathe.

Suddenly, I stagger backward, “What the fuck, Dominique?”

“Can we talk?”

“Talk?” I chuckle tiredly, as I lick my bottom lip. “Why do we need to talk?” I say.

Dominique looks around the club as he puts his hand around my arm and starts to drag me out of the dance floor to God knows where.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I scream at this arrogant man but he doesn’t hear a word I say because he doesn’t care.

Dominique pushes a door open and we stumble out into the open. I look around and we’re in the back alleyway. It’s barely lit just like the hallway at his charity gala. I’m getting excited in my stomach just thinking about that night.

I angrily push Dominique and he barely budges as he stares at me with amusement in his eyes.

“Are you fucking crazy?” I yell at him as I take a step back, feeling exasperated and breathless. “Why the hell did you drag me out like that?!”Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Why were you rubbing up against some random stranger?” What? “He’s got his hands all over you and you seem to be enjoying it.”

I must be high on drugs right now because I don’t want to believe Dominique is jealous.

“This is a joke, right?” I ask. The look in his eyes says otherwise. “Is that why you brought me out here? Because you didn’t like that I was having fun with a man that isn’t you? You’re not my boyfriend, Dominique.” I’m trying not to yell, but failing.

Dominique takes one confident stride as he backs me up against the wall in the alley. His eyes are dark, lidded with lust as he cages me in between his arms. With his right hand above my head on the wall, Dominique lowers his head to my neck as he runs his fingers up my ribs. Through my tube top, I could feel the warmth of his fingers on my body as he pressed himself against me.

“You don’t know what you’re doing to me, Robyn. No one gets to look at you but me. No one gets to touch you or feel you, but me.” He whispers every word into my ear as his lips graze the skin of my neck, shutting down my brain.

God, how can he make me mad and make me want him at the same time?

“You don’t get to tell me what to do all because you and I had a little fun,” I say as I push him off of me.

Dominique is taken off guard as he stares at me, eyes glinting with surprise.

“Are you gonna calm down?”

“No. Because you have no right to walk into my life after a month, Dominique, and try to dictate my life for me.”

He’s quiet as he stares at me. I lick my bottom lip and look away from him before I do something stupid. Tonight, he looks nothing like the billionaire in a sharp suit who fucked me against the wall of a dimly lit hallway. Tonight, he’s dressed casually, black jeans, a black T-shirt, a gray colored jacket, and black boots. He looks sexy, like your regular bad boy. His hair looks a little tousled. I think his newest conquest for tonight ran her manicured fingers over his strands frequently. And the thought alone makes me want to retch.

“What are you doing here? Leo said you left.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “And by the looks of it, you didn’t leave alone. I can smell her all over you.” Okay, that didn’t come out right. It sounded better in my head. Fuck.

Now he thinks I’m jealous because he was with another woman. God, I’m pathetic.

Dominique exhales as he takes a step forward. “Leo texted me. He said you were here. I had to come back. I wanted to see you,” he says.

“Of course. Always gonna be his brother’s keeper.” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “And just to be clear, I don’t care if you hooked up with someone tonight.” Fuck, I sound more pathetic. I should stop talking.

Dominique smirks as he licks his bottom lip. “She means nothing to me, Robyn.”

“I don’t care.”

Slowly, Dominique brings his gaze down my body, taking in the little details of my body as something flashes through his eyes. He licks his bottom lip and runs his fingers through his hair as he locks eyes with me. My stomach flutters at his intense gaze and I feel naked all of a sudden. I can still hear the dirty words he whispered into my ear. And how he cursed in Italian as he pummeled me against the wall.

Shit. What’s he doing to me? Why am I even thinking about that night?

Dominique is yet to touch me and yet he’s succeeded in igniting different kinds of emotions out of me. And as much as I hate to admit to myself, he’s turned my world upside down, making me question my principles.

“What am I doing here with you, Dominique? In an alleyway?”

He takes another intimidating step, and right now, we’re so close I can smell a whiff of his expensive cologne and a mixture of a woman’s perfume and cigarettes. I’m betting she was all over him tonight.

“I needed to see you.”

“Well, you’ve seen me. Goodbye.” I proceed to weave past him, but Dominique wraps his strong, muscular arm around my body and pulls me back, slamming my back against the wall behind me. I’m breathless all of a sudden.

If my heart was beating fast the first time, now it’s drumming, especially since he’s standing so close to me. His left hand is above my head on the wall, the other on my waist as he presses his body against mine.

Oh, shit. This isn’t supposed to be happening. I’m not supposed to be reacting to his wicked touches.

As much as I want to push him away, and tell him to go to hell, my body refuses to obey my brain.

“Did you ever think about that night? The night I had you up against the wall in that hallway and I buried myself inside you?”

“What?” I scoff. “We had one night together and all of a sudden you’re in love with me?” I ask him, my eyebrows raised as I look him in the eye. “Get over yourself, Dominique. It was just sex and like I pointed out that very night, it’s not gonna happen again.”

He smirks at me, obviously not believing the words that I just spewed out as he asks, “Are you sure about that?”

His words are a whisper, setting my brain in overdrive as he slowly starts to trail his palm up my thigh. His palm is warm against my skin as he brushes upward on my thigh through the hem of my skirt.

“Tell me you don’t feel that,” he whispers into my ear as his fingers brush over the curve of my ass through my lace panties. “Look at you. So fucking responsive.” His hand gropes my ass in a firm grip and the little self-control I have left is threatening to slip away.

“Tell me you don’t think about that night every chance you get. With my cock buried inside you and your little whispers as you beg me to fuck you hard and fast.”

I don’t respond, instead, I squirm against his hold, my body betraying me.

“I can still taste you on my tongue, Robyn. I told myself I needed to have you, even if it’s for a night, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head no matter how hard I try.”

“Too bad, because I barely think about that night,” I say, applauding myself in my head for keeping up my devil-may-care attitude.

Dominique smirks as he looks me in the eye, his gaze arousing a familiar tightness in the pit of my stomach as frustration starts to build up in the most sensitive part of my body. The glint in his eyes is obvious. He doesn’t believe me.

“Is that so?” He leans down to whisper into my ear, his fingers dangerously inching toward the part of me that desperately craves release at this point. “I don’t think so. Because I can smell your arousal and I’m yet to even touch you.” Slowly, Dominique brushes a single finger along my opening through the thin lace panties I’m wearing and I bite down on my tongue to stop me from moaning.

“You’re so fucking wet, Robyn. Tell me you don’t think about that night. Me on my knees and my face buried in between your legs as I eat your slick, wet pussy,” he growls into my ear as he continues to torture me. “Tell me you don’t think about my cock inside you as you cum on my dick.”

Oh, fuck him. Why am I letting him touch me even after I told myself what happened between us is never going to happen again?

He’s not stupid. He knows I’ve thought about that night every chance I get. What I don’t need right now is to give him an idea I want him again. So I did what I should have done before he slipped his hand inside my skirt. I push him away, hard, and he staggers backward.

“Ah!” He chuckles wickedly as he looks at me. “Glad I still have an effect on you.”

“You don’t have shit,” I tell him, glaring at him from underneath my eyelashes as I stand upright to arrange my skirt.

“Whatever happened in that hallway between us is not gonna happen again. I’ve given you what you’ve always wanted. One night. Why are you still all over me?”

“It turns out one night with you is not enough to get you out of my head.” He says, his voice smooth and deep, and I hate that it ignites a fire inside of me. “I want you, Robyn.”

“Too bad because there’s not going to be a repeat performance between you and me.” I flash him a smirk as I proceed to walk past him but Dominique grabs my arm, just like I predicted.

I twist my arm out of his hold and push him away from me. “Go to hell, Gray.” With a satisfied smirk, I pull the door open and step inside the club.

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