His Mafia Bride

A secluded life


I pondorously walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Ever since Dante kissed me so roughly yesterday night, we hadn’t spoken again which I was honestly grateful for.

My night was terrible. I had series of dreams in which Dante tried to force himself on me. I would always wake up with a fright whilst screaming out my lungs.

Only heavens knew what Dante had against me that even in my sleep he tormented me.

I pushed the double doors of the kitchen apart and checked the cupboards.

We were running low on groceries and diary products.

I guess I’ll need to ask Dante to take me to the supermarket.

I hadn’t spoken a word to him through out the day.

He stayed home which got me a tad uncomfortable at first but our silence and distance was refreshing to the core.

The only time I saw him was when I brought breakfast and lunch to his study room. And I didn’t say a word. I just dropped it and left whilst he continued on whatever he was doing.

Now I’ll have to approach him and inform him that we are running low on food products and that I need a ride to the supermarket.

Damn it.

I sauntered up the stairs and towards his study room.

At that moment he walked out with his phone in his hand, eyes glued on to the screen.

“Dante” I spoke.  He ascended his head upwards to look at me.

“We are running low on food products especially dairies. I need to go to the supermarket to get more” I informed him.

He stood silent for a while. Tucking his phone in his pocket, his eyes narrowed to look at the closed doors of the kitchen downstairs before narrowing back at me.

“Hmm” he hummed after a while, killing the silence. “Very well then. You can go but be fast”

Damn. He was controlling.

“Won’t you give me a ride?” I inquired with puckered brows.

“Why?” He shrugged his shoulders at me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Would this be yet another argument again?

“I don’t know much places in New York Dante. I stayed in Moscow all my life and besides your mansion is too secluded from the urban area” I stated as a matter of fact.

“You have legs don’t you?” He rhetorically asked, his eyes trailing to my feet. “And you are my maid. So walk to the supermarket. You want me to give you a ride to the supermarket because I don’t have other better things to do?” He scoffed  at me.

I was about talking when Dante interrupted me.

“As for you not knowing anywhere around, don’t worry about that. There are signs conveniently scattered around the area. You can’t get lost. Now leave” he ordered rudely.

Stuperfied and shocked, I stared at Dante.

“Fine” I accepted.

“I need money to purchase the food stuffs” I demanded sharply.

He chuckled darkly and ambled into his study room. After a while, Dante came out with a huge bundle of cash and dragged my hand forward, placing it on my palm.

“I believe this will buy you everything you need in excess wife” he cockily told me.

Cursing underneath my breath, I pivoted and headed for my room.

Quickly, I grabbed a long brown coat and made my way outside.

The weather seemed chilly.

I wore it as I approached one of the huge staircases that divided the living room.

“Hold on” Dante ordered me which got me halting in my tracks.

What does he want again?

“Are you with your phone?” He inquired.

I nodded and he outstretched his hands towards me.

I stared at him in blank amazement. Was he demanding for my phone?

“Give me your phone. Why are you staring at me like you don’t have a brain to decipher what I meant?” He rudely told me.

“Why should I give you my phone?” I shot back.

“For once, don’t argue and just comply. You are my maid so act like one”

I was enraged by his words. This man was trampling over me like I didn’t have a say over my own life.

I was hesistant to give him my phone.

“If you keep on being reluctant, I’ll forcefully take your phone and smash it right before your eyes” he brutally warned.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You want to smash my phone” I gasped, clenching on to it even tighter.

“No, but with the way you are irritating me, I just might” he abruptly replied.

With a deep sigh, I handed my phone to him.

I didn’t know what he was searching for as he browsed through its content. I just stood there like a waiting dog.

“You know your father called me earlier today and he inquired about your welfare” Dante announced to me as he kept on operating my phone.

Where was this discussion leading to?

“Ok what did you tell him?” I was forced to ask.

“I told him you were doing fine” he simply stated with a sigh.

“Here” he added handing my phone to me.

I grabbed it and what my orbs landed on got me even more confused.

All my contacts were gone except from just one contact which looked like it had been stored just now.


“What the hell did you do to my contacts!?” I exclaimed bewildered.

“I just blocked and erased all your contacts and stored mine as the only contact you should have” he said without batting an eyelid at me.

“Why would you do that?” I could almost feel tears welling in my eyes.

“To keep you locked in and cut off every other communication you have with anybody else”

In disbelief, I raked my phone, accessing my social media apps.

There was none.

He completed deleted them all.

Shock was an understatement of what was written all over my face as I raised it up to look at Dante once more.

“How could you do that!? Who gave you such right!?” I yelled, simultaneously grabbing Dante by the collar of his shirt.

An unknown braveness was filling me up.

Dante was amused by my sudden aggressiveness.

“I own you sweetheart. You are my property and I can treat you however I want to” he slowly said before yanking my hands off his collar.

I tucked my phone into my coat and wiped away any traitorous tear from my eyelids.

I glared at him before turning to leave when he suddenly called me again.

With heaving chest, I chose not to face him.

I felt his hand slowly snake around my waist and his lips leaning towards my ear. I could sense him smirking.

“Text me when you get there” he whispered before planting a wet kiss on my neck.

What was wrong with this man?

I took his hands off my waist roughly and briskly walked down the stairs.

I looked up one more time at the balcony of the stairs and spotted Dante staring at my walking figure.

Hastily, I averted my face and strode towards the door.

As I turned to close the door, I caught his full gaze still on me.

This man is insane.

I walked down the pathway, feeling a bit refreshed by the air that glided through my hairs.

Finally. I felt free.

I hadn’t been outside in a while. Dante had done justice in keeping me truly caged and now he had cut off my communication from every one else apart from him. Just the thought of it got me burning hot with anger.

Dante’s guards opened the gate from me and I walked past them with a stoic expression.

I really wasn’t sure where I was going and there was only one main street from Dante’s secluded mansion.

I passed by few people, greeting them as I walked. This place was awfully quiet but peaceful.

I truly hope I don’t get lost since the tryant of a man I married outrightly declined to show me my way around.

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