His Mafia Bride

Kill me already


The mild clashing of cluteries resonated through the walls of the kitchen as I prepared breakfast.

My dishevelling thoughts clouded my mind as my hands manoeuvred in the kitchen sink.

Dante’s cruelty towards me over these past couple of days had soared so greatly that there was no other way he could hate me more than he hated me now.

What did I ever do to Dante?

I mean the Russian mafias were the ones who caused his parents death not me. Why was he so bent on melting it out on me?

This wasn’t a life I was living. This was hell and torture. I never imagined my married life would be this chaotic and terrible.

I hated all these.

Dante was on a journey to show that he was outrightly in charge of my life.

Just for joining his friends for dinner, I got a bruised cheek in return accompanied by yet another deadly threat.

My heart throbbed loudly that I felt it would break out of my rib cages.

Dante balefully warned me to watch my back.

What did that mean? As the warnings resounded in my ear, I felt my knees getting jelly and weak.

My hands felt clammy and multiples shivers ran down my spine.

I could sense the impending danger coming. It was looming over me and a sense of dread took over my entire being.

Suddenly, a sharp stinging pain seared through me. It shot right through my head and it got my breathing caged.

“Ahh!!!” I screamed out in agony, letting go of the cup that I didn’t even realise I was holding.

It fell to the ground, shattering into smithereens.

A tea pot fell from my other hand, landing on the floor. Hot steamy liquid instantly streamed out, creating patterns with the broken pieces of the cup that littered on the ground.

“Ah!” I groaned out once again, my hands quivering and a burning sensation running through my legs.

I writhed my hands and legs in pain, my teeth clenching tight as I sought to control my tears from spilling over like the tea which trailed around the floors of the kitchen.

“Oh fuck!” I screamed, looking at my now scarred hands that quivered non stop.

Tears brewed up in my eyes as it feasted on my now red hands that shook uncontrollably.

“Oh no no no!” I screamed out, breaking into tears and placing the hands under the kitchen tap and quickly turning on the water.

Heavy thumping footsteps accompanied my cries.

My heart froze with terror and all the hairs on my body stood.

“Um Dante..” I quickly said, pivoting to face him.

Dante had his orbs scrutinizing every part of the kitchen.

From the broken pieces of cup on the floor, to the tea streaming about on the tiled floor till his gaze landed back on to my sobbing face.

“What did you do?” He sharply demanded to know what happened with his hands folded across his chest.

“I just wanted to make breakfast. But I-i must-t” my lips and hands shook as I spoke.

“You were clumsy again. You are always so clumsy. You can never do anything right. You are honestly the worst wife ever” Dante scoffed not batting an eyelid at me.

I was flabbergasted at his comment.

“Dante, I was making breakfast for you and I got hurt in the process…” anger began brewing within me as I spoke.

I slowly approached Dante as I spoke, not minding the hot liquid that I was stepping my foot on and the blisters I would get.

“I got hurt because I was trying to be dutiful towards you and this is the least you can say!? Are you that self centred? Can’t you at least try and be more appreciative Dante!” I yelled at him.

“Watch your tone when speaking to me Alina!” Dante matched my angered tone.

I gulped and breathed in. I was livid with rage at this point.

“I won’t! Watch how you speak to me instead! What exactly do you want from me Dante Morelli!? What do you want me to do to you that will make you believe I am not as wicked as you paint me to be in your head!” I inquired as anger engulfed in.

My breathing was erratic and my chest heaved repeatedly.

“Die Alina” Dante seethed, wrapping his arm around my throat.

At that moment, I felt wretched with grief, a gut wrenching pain drew me into its sorrowful hold and it was heart-rending to hear this from Dante.

“Fine” I breathed out underneath my breath and pulled myself away from Dante’s grip.

Limping over to the sink, I picked up a knife and I turned to face Dante.

“Take” I demanded with an outstretched arm.

“Why?” Dante asked with puckered brows.

I let out a pained chuckle. “Kill me. End this misery of mine. I am not living a life. Death would be more better than this. Kudos to you Dante. You’ve succeeded in making my life pathetic. You’ve turned me to a rag you toss and I can’t go on like this anymore. So please kill me” I requested with a sadistic smile.

Dante slowly took the knife from my scarred hands. His eyes darted to me before it trailed back to the knife in his hands.

I felt jittery and bullet cold sweat beads formed on my forehead.

This was it.

Dante would kill me.

I shut my eyes tight, expecting to feel the piercing pain of a knife forced into my chest.

What caught my ears instead was the clashing sound of the knife on the floor.

I flew my eyes open in an instant and my gaze locked with Dante’s smug smile.

“Fiesty cat. Don’t tell me to kill you. I’ll kill you when I want to” he stated before scooping me up bridal style.

I was left in blank amazement at his words and for a moment, I couldn’t ponder on any thing except his words.

Dante then began moving out of the kitchen and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

My mouth fell open and my eyes went goo-goo.

“What are you doing? Drop me down” I demanded, hitting Dante on the chest as he approached the stairs.

“Shut the fuck up and keep quiet. I am taking you to your room” Dante scoffed a reply at me.

“Why? I can walk. Drop me down Dante” I pushed him further.

“Hm if I drop you down then bet me I’ll throw you down this stairs” Dante warned.

I gasped out of fear and my body went rigid at his baleful utterance.

“Good girl. Stay put like this” Dante smirked.

He came in front of my room and pushed it open with a leg.

Carefully laying me on the bed, a maniac smile played on his face.

His emerald orbs seemed to bore into my soul as he gazed at me.

“You know you amaze me Alina. You really demanded for me to kill you today” Dante chortled.

“Yes. And I still stand by it” I huffed.

“Don’t be too fast Alina. Your time will come” Dante cryptically told me.

I gulped in fear once more and I drew my legs together.

“What were you preparing downstairs before you got yourself injured?” Dante inquired.

Why was he asking?

“Toast and tea” I abruptly stated.

He nodded and walked out.

My thoughts ran wild as I stared at his walking profile. Why did Dante carry me up to my room? And why doesn’t he want to kill me immediately?

I pondered over those questions repeatedly but I got no answer.

I only became more confused and my mind was lost in a foggy labyrinth of unanswered questions.

Minutes later, Dante walked in with a tray which contained tea and toast bread accompanied by a first aid kit.

He placed the tray on the little mahogany centre table in my room and faced me.

My brows scrunched and apprehension seized me.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let’s get you treated and fed” Dante announced which got me more astonished.

What had come over Dante?

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