His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies by C. Tamika

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

Chapter 355


I couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

I didn’t think it was possible to hate someone this much. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

No, really-I couldn’t stand her.

Days had passed, but I was still not able to forget about her, and trust me-that wasn’t a good thing.

I was supposed to be the nice guy-Vincenzo Garcia, who everyone loved and adored. But there was something about her that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Was it how she had forced her parents into marrying me or was it the dirty look on her face when she mentioned Luis?

How on earth could I marry someone with the same level of intelligence as Carmen? It almost felt like I was about to admit a crime-and might I remind you, I’ve committed a lot of those.

After offending her right to her face, she called me an angel. She was sick and twisted. That was the only explanation.

I took a deep breath as I sank onto a park bench and buried my face in my hands. Today would be my last day with Serena before I would officially be an engaged man.

It was against my will, but uncle Bruno had for once not compared me to my late father and told me I made the family proud, while Nic and his family were excited to finally go back home.

I had already decided that the marriage would just be for a while, and after letting the Morales fix our mess-I would divorce her.

Crazily enough, I didn’t even feel bad. I couldn’t. It was that spoiled, obsessed brat who so desperately wanted to marry me in the first place.

“Uncle Vince!”

I raised my head, hearing the voice of my little angel, and watched as the cute toddler with bouncing pigtails made her way over to me. Behind her stood Serena.

“Siena!” I opened my arms, embracing the girl. Serena’s daughter was a three-year-old bundle of joy with a cute personality.

“Do you like my dress?” She jumped up and down.

I smiled, patting her head. “Yes, you look beautiful.”

Like Christian, she loved showing off her new things and would always fish for a compliment. Serena, on the other hand, had always been simple and didn’t know how to handle praise.

I looked over the three-year-old’s shoulder and searched for Serena. As always, I was lost for words as I stared at the breathtaking woman in front of me.

Serena stretched her hands to hold mine. “Looking good as always!” She smiled brightly, lowering her head right after. Cute.

She was perfect-and knowing Christian, he must’ve told her about a hundred times. She was amazing. but she still didn’t know it yet.

“Daddy got it for me!” Siena moved her head in front of my eyes, forcing me to look at her. “Hey, I’m talking!” She tapped my shoulders with an angry expression on her face.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” I apologized. “My bad!”

A giggle left Serena’s lip as she turned over to sit beside me. “Hey, be nice to uncle!” She told Siena, who had pushed her backpack into my hands.

“But daddy told me everyone should listen to me!” She spoke dramatically, throwing her tiny hands to the sky, “Because I’m a princess!”

“Daddy is not always right—”

“I’m gonna draw now!” Siena announced, not letting her mom speak. She lowered herself to the ground and grabbed her drawings and crayons.

“She’s starting to behave more like Christian day by day, Serena nervously tapped her teeth with her fingers. “And it worries me.”

“Well, at least you know the family will be in good hands.”

“I mean-I guess,” Serena said. “Anyway, Christian told me about your engagement…so did Carmen.”

Why did she have to bring that up?

“And what was your reaction?

“Good for Vince.” Serena nodded. “If anyone knows how to treat a woman with respect, it’s him.” She said. “I think you’ll make a perfect husband, better than Christian even.”

Her words brought a smile to my lips. I knew she would never love me the same way she loved Christian or the way I loved her-but that was okay. I enjoyed loving her from a distance because that meant I couldn’t get my heartbroken.

There was no reason to sulk over something which wasn’t mine in the first place.

“The news wasn’t supposed to be out yet, but my fiancee? Let’s just say she has a very loose tongue.”

What was the point of the announcement if she’d just run off and tell the first person? Okay-I told Christian as well, but that was different.

I told him so he knew that I would not be a threat to the Lambertis, even with the alliance.

I would never hurt him or his family

“She’s so pretty. It made me feel insecure for a second.” Serena continued complimenting my fiancee, who definitely did not deserve it.

Yes, she was pretty-pretty manipulating if you’d ask me.

“I like her.”

“You do?” I asked, shocked. Serena could always see the good in people, no matter how terrible they were.

“Yes, I feel like she matches your energy!”

I raised my brow. “When have I ever gotten arrested over a dress?”

Serena let out a sound of perfect laughter. “I just meant to say, arranged or not.” She sighed. “Aria found herself a real catch.”

“You think so?”

“She’s with my best friend, so I know so.” Serena friend-zoned me without even giving it a thought. Anyone could see I felt attracted to her, so sometimes I failed to understand why Christian would just let it slide.

Did he allow me to love her because he pitied me?

Was that it?

“Either way, I’m glad things are working out for you and your family.”

“So am I.

“And how about your family?” I asked. “How is the married life.”


“Still going to therapy?”

“Yes.” Serena breathed. “But it’s okay.”

“Is it, though?”

She gave me a simple nod. “I just feel like we’re not on the same page about certain things-but we’ll through it.”

“It being?”


“For starters, he told me he wants at least eight children-and I told him it must be with some other Serena because I don’t think my body can handle that. She said. “He said he’s okay with it, but I can tell he isn’t.”

“At least eight children?” I widened my eyes. One child would already be enough of a nightmare for me, so I didn’t even want to imagine eight plus.

“It’s a good thing you’re sticking up for yourself,” I said, remembering when she couldn’t even look a person in the eye, let alone say no.

“Twins run in my family, and I absolutely do not want any!” She shook her head. “I mean, Beau also has twins, but he just had terrible luck since it’s scientifically proven that a man won’t influence your chances of having twins, but the women on our side of the family? Phew—”

“This is your third pregnancy, and it’s still not a twin.” I cut her off. “I think you’re good.”

“True,” Serena spoke. “Now, enough about me. Is Aria moving in with you? Did you show her the house?”

“Yes, and I haven’t.”

Other than that time I treated her injured eye, I had yet to show her around the house. I distanced myself on purpose, thinking it would’ve been nice not to deal with her as long as I didn’t have to-but tomorrow after the announcement, a lot would change.

“What?” Serena exclaimed. “That’s ridiculous. I think you should!” She smacked my shoulder. “I wished Christian would’ve shown me around. Something like that is important!”

“Really?” I blushed at the dismayed frown on her face, feeling self-conscious. If Serena did not find this acceptable, I was definitely doing something wrong.

What more could I do?

I bought Aria a nice ring for tomorrow. I came to terms with the forced engagement and suggested that she’d move in after the wedding. What more could I do?

“Listen.” Serena gave me a stern look. “You will go home, you will call her and you will give her a house tour. Do you understand?”

“Is it that important to you-”

“Do you understand?”

I flinched. “Yes, I understand.”

I understand love makes you do stupid things.

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