His Rejected Mateless Luna

Chapter 25


The guards gave only cursory acknowledgment of my departure on foot, long accustomed to my moonlit ramblings when sleep proved evasive.

For once Nathan’s overprotectiveness played in my favour – he rarely sent escorts to trail my steps anymore, trusting the estate’s security and my own combat expertise,

As long a as I returned before first light, I would attract no suspicion.

The brisk autumn air helped clear the jumbled anxiety and anger churning through me as I slipped through the shadowy woods with directionless urgency. Crunching leaves and hooting owls soothed my restless spirit. Out here surrounded only by towering pines standing silent witness, the suffocating estate politics and posturing retreated some. I could breathe.

But wandering aimlessly brought me no true peace. My feet carned me along the winding trail out of the forest toward town before I fully registered where I was headed.

Passing the sleepy village outskirts, I made straight for the one place my soul most longed to be. Light already shone welcomingly from the clinic windows despite the late hour. Home.

My shoulders sagged in profound relief the moment I stepped across the humble threshold. The subtle herbal smells were

Collins infinitely more comforting than any luxurious perfumes. I made my way silently toward the back rooms, knowing would be awake completing patient charts at this time of night.

Sure enough, his broad shoulders were silhouetted against the dim desk lamp as he scribbled notes in precise script. But he turned instantly when I creaked open the door, compassion flooding his features as he took in my haggard state. In three long strides he had wrapped me in his strong, steadying embrace. Safe at last, I finally let the tears fall

Collins cradled the back of my head gently as sobs wracked my frame. “Shhh, just let it out, I’ve got you,” he murmured softly. We stood entwined without another word for long minutes as he simply let me cry myself out against his chest. Even through the flood of emotions, I marvelled yet again at how Collins always knew exactly how to balm my battered spirit. He was my rock amid chaos.

When the storm finally passed, Collins kept an arm around my shoulders as he steered us to his office sofa. “Here, feet up and relax a minute. I’ll make us some tea. His tone brooked no argument. I managed a shaky nod of acquiescence, wiping my eyes roughly on my shirtsleeve. I should apologise for the breakdown, but we were long past standing on social niceties.

Collins returned shortly with two steaming mugs, handing me one before sitting close beside me. The cushions dipped with his solid weight. I cradled the hot drink under my nose, letting the minty vapours soothe my raw nerves. Already calm settled over my frayed senses.

After several restorative sips, I finally spoke hoarsely. Thank you. I just…had to get out of there for a while tonight.”

Collins regarded me with his trademark thoughtful half smile. “Seemed like you needed a haven. Stay as long as you want – I’m bunking here overnight anyway. No one expects you


I nearly laughed aloud at the question, thinking of what fits Nathan and Derek would throw if they knew my location. “They assume I’m resting in the guest quarters. Probably best not to mention I stopped by,”

Collins’ eyes crinkled knowingly. “Your secret visit is safe with me. Now try to get some decent rest, doctor’s orders.” His teasing tone drew a hint of a smile to my face. Leave it to Collins to know exactly when stern compassion or gentle humour was required. In all the chaotic uncertainty swirling through the rest of my life, his solid presence shone as a beacon to steer towards

Soon the blend of mint tea, Collins’ reassuring pats, and sheer emotional exhaustion had me drifting off still curled catlike on the sofa. I woke briefly when Collins lifted me easily to transfer my sleeping form to a makeshift bed of pillows and blankets in his office. My lips shaped whispered thanks as my eyelids slid closed again. Vaguely I felt the gentle pressure of lips against my hair before he slipped away.

Morning came all too swiftly, pale light filtering through the blinds alerting me it was time to slip away again before the estate woke. With a monumental effort, I dragged myself upright, shaking off the last cobwebs of sleep. My bones groaned in protest after a night scrunched on the office floor, but my spirit felt mended. I could endure the days ahead.

Folding the loaned blankets neatly, I peeked out to find Collins already busy brewing coffee. At my footsteps he glanced over with a smile. “One for the road?” He held up a clean travel mug questioningly.

My own smile came easier this morning. “You’re a lifesaver, truly I clasped the warm mug he offered like a precious gift. “For this, and…everything. I don’t know what I’d do…” My voice hitched unexpectedly.

Collins simply brushed his fingers over my cheek. “Hey, no need for thanks. You know I’ve always got your back.” He tilted his head appraisingly. “Ready to face the music?”

I straightened my rumpled clothes ineffectively and took a fortifying swig of rich coffee. “As I’ll ever be. Wish me luck.” Impulsively I stretched up on tiptoe to kiss his stubbled cheek before slipping out the side entrance unnoticed.

Throughout the hurried trek back through the woods, I held tight to the memory of Collins steadfast support like a talisman warding off despair. The day’s challenges would seem less daunting knowing I had him to turn to when strength faltered. He was family in all but blood. As long as I had that haven to run to, I could weather the storms that raged elsewhere.

I had just crept back into the stifling guest suite when a brisk knock sounded. Hastily smoothing my hair, I called for Nathan to enter. His sharp gaze instantly took in my rumpled clothes and bleary eyes. I prepared myself for the interrogation.

But he simply inclined his head politely. “Apologies for the early intrusion. I wanted to inform you Father continues improving. He’s eager to have you check his progress when you are ready.”noveldrama

I stared mutely, unprepared for Nathan’s unusually gracious tone first thing in the morning. “Oh yes, of course. Please tell him I’ll be there shortly.”

Nathan nodded again, then paused before turning to leave. “Get some more rest first. You’ve worn yourself thin tending us day and night. I should have ensured you had breaks from the strain. Please, take all the time you need this morning to recover your own strength”

Before I could form any response, he had exited quietly. I sank onto the velvet tufted bench at the foot of the imposing bed, emotions swirling. Just when I thought I had Nathan’s measure, he showed a new side. The haughty, demanding wolf of our youth had grown into a leader who put others’ well being before his own. Perhaps the Nathan I once knew still existed somewhere beneath the scars life carved on us both.

After changing into fresh clothes and splashing cool water on my face to dispel the last lingering bleariness, I made my way to the elder wolf’s suite. He looked pleased as I entered, angling to sit up straighter. Nathan stood from where he had been keeping watch beside the bed.

“I’ll give you two privacy to work,” he said after an encouraging pat of his father’s shoulder. With another polite nod he departed. The former Alpha watched his son go with a mix of pride and melancholy.

to me,

“He’s grown well into the role, though it wasn’t easy for him.” The elder sighed heavily, “I regret leaving him with so many burdens so young.

I touched his arm reassuringly as I went about taking his vitals and assessing his healing progress. “You did an admirable job preparing him, I assure you, Nathan is fair and strong traits he learned from your example.”

The former Alpha gave a grunt that might have been agreement or dissent. I let him sit quietly with his thoughts as I worked, keeping my focus on monitoring his condition. His colour and energy showed massive improvement from the grave assail on his life a few weeks before. Relief left me slightly lightheaded.

When I finished my examination, the elder wolf grasped my wrist gently. “Please, sit with me for a moment.”

I pulled over a chair beside him, clasping his weathered hand between mine. He searched my face intently. “I feel the tension simmering below the surface here. You carry much hardship from the past. He raised a hand when I opened my mouth to politely deny it. “It’s written clearly in your eyes, child. I won’t pry, but now I still consider you as my own.”

Unexpected tears **harply. Swallowing hard, I squeezed his hand. “That means a great deal. Truly.” Ever since losing my parents, this wolf’s gruff affection had been the closest thing to fatherly care I knew. The bond between us ran deeper than blood.

Seeming to sense my roiling emotions, he patted my wrist gently “You’re a good girl, Terra. Always have been. Remember your worth lies in your spirit, not the evolving circumstances around you.”

I simply nodded, unable to form words around the lump in my throat. But the former Alpha appeared content, his own eyelids drooping again. I helped settle him more comfortably before taking my leave so he could rest. Our talk left me pensive but with an odd lightening in my spirit. Even near the end of his long path, the old wolf’s wisdom remained a balm. I would carry his reminder of my inherent worth close to my heart.

The elder wolf’s health blossomed rapidly. Soon he was taking short, slow walks around his suite on my arm before building to using a polished wooden cane. I beamed with pride at his progress each time he completed another full lap. The formidable wolf of old was emerging again from behind the frail patient’s mask up

Nathan kept close but allowed me full authority conducting the healing regimens. His humble faith in my skills after so long apart touched me profoundly. Together we coaxed his father steadily back to strength. The rapport I once thought destroyed between us now held new shoots of trust.

During rare breaks when Nathan took over monitoring duties, I slipped away to call Collins for much needed touchstones of laughter and encouragement. His deep voice soothed my fr**ed thoughts better than any meditation.

And his photos of the boys latest antics never failed to make me smile, however exhausted. Their precious faces pulled me through when all other fortitude failed.

I woke up from lying down on the sofa,my head pounding?

What is that? A dream or my memories?

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