His Sweet Little Mate

His Sweet Little Mate Chapter 152

"I'm not really lying to myself," Abby repeated herself as she compelled Mirella and her maids to understand where she was coming from.

If a mate really breathed their last, their other half and partner would immediately feel the bond shattering, and the pain that ensued would be something really unbearable. One look at Claire and Hera's faces, one could imagine the level of devastation they had been mangled with.

But her bond with Micah wasn't completely destroyed and she could feel it for God's sake!

Only the pitiful gazes roamed over her face with their eyes brimmed with unshed tears made her realize she couldn't convince them otherwise.

And that wasn't the main problem now, so she turned to Mirella with determination in her eyes. "Mirella, tell me what exactly happened in that forest."

The witch's face fell at the sudden yet expected question, but she didn't coil back from the queen, if anything she steeled herself for this impending conversation.

As if doubting Mirella would try to spare her feelings, Abby grabbed her hands hard. "Don't hold back anything from me!" Even though she had been quite optimistic with her hunch that was fueled by the fact she could still feel the mate bond, being surrounded by people who constantly chanted Micah had died had been f*****g with her mind greatly.

She wanted to corner Dax the moment they returned, but the normally easy-going royal gamma was so out of his element, she couldn't bring herself to. Moreover, seeing him like that also made her spiral with fear.

She couldn't think straight anymore, but she needed to know the truth, all of it. And Mirella was the best candidate after Dax to talk about it. She needed to know what happened until they were all hellbent on the idea that Micah was no more.

On the other hand, Mirella had to forgo her initial idea to tone down things for Abby's sake after being called out by the queen, and after making the girl wait for a few bated breaths, she dived down the memory lane.

"We had no problem breaching whatever defensive arrays the dark mage set around the rogue's base, but we didn't realize we gave ourselves away to the enemy."Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the complete chapters for free. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Job ni b. com. Mirella could still remember that odd feeling of easily breaking down those simple spells, as she led Micah and the others to the heart of the base.

"It didn't take long for the rogues to take notice and defend themselves, but even with numbers to their advantage, they couldn't outpower Micah and his guards until Ruby appeared and attacked Micah all of a sudden."

"Ruby?" Abby was genuinely surprised with this turn of events. Even though she knew both Ruby and Ezgar had jumped ships, she didn't expect Ruby to attack Micah so brazenly.

Didn't that woman love Micah? She even went as far as making trouble for Abby a few times, and when she failed, she even incited her father to get rid of her just so she could replace her!

So her attacking Micah all of a sudden didn't really fit into the equation, but then she did join hands with Calpin, so this was all more than bizarre.

But Mirella didn't know the inside story for Abby to react like this and only thought she was surprised because Ruby was being completely reckless.

After all, even though she was a shifter and the daughter of the former royal beta, she was in no realm a match to Micah in strength.

"Yeah, and the fact she was a woman weaker compared to the King worked in the enemy's favor."

Mirella's voice was grim with indignation when she continued to explain how Ezgar sneaked an attack on Micah while he was distracted for a fraction of a second.

That ex chief of elite warriors managed to claw the hind leg of Micah's beast right before he ended Ruby's pathetic life, and more rogues swarmed in.

However, Abby didn't get enough time to stew in anger over the fact that Ezgar dared to touch Micah when Mirella dropped her next bomb.

"As soon as that Ezgar guy managed to hurt Micah, and more rogues pounced on him, Calpin appeared all of a sudden." "Calpin? But didn't you say you didn't feel him around there?" Abby couldn't breath all of a sudden. Mirella couldn't meet Abby's eyes as she continued in an apologetic voice. "It was a trap, and it was too late when I realized it."

Calpin masked himself and erased the traces left behind by his magic really well and by the time they realized it was a trap, it was too late.

The dark mage revealed himself as soon as Micah was injured and while the king struggled to fight off Ezgar and the rogues, he did a number on him.

The fight was so fierce, because with Clapin's presence, the rogues attacked even more ferociously as they tore apart whoever stumbled in their way, as if that bastard dark sorcerer tweaked an invisible switch for them to go feral completely.

It took just about ten rogues to kill Samuel, who had managed to end several rogues easily earlier, while James died in the hands of about seven rogues.

Seeing the two alphas collapse one by one greatly dispirited the warriors from their own packs, resulting in more deaths, while Dax and Mirella were being overwhelmed by the rogues they were dealing with.

Death cries and crazed roars filled the forest, as that section of the woods was flattened to the ground when trees fell and it turned into a clearing in the span of a few days.

However, even with all this madness surrounding him, Micah fought bravely as he stood neck to neck with Calpin for almost an entire two hours. But something unexpected happened just when it looked like the king could defeat the dark mage. "Calpin started using his dark magic in full force and the situation turned even more chaotic as almost all rogues rushed to Micah at the same time."

Mirella tried to contain them but when this sudden light exploded from Calpin, even she was thrown back off her feet, and by the time she straightened herself, which took less than fifteen seconds, in the place she spotted Micah before Calpin launched his last attack was this giant open furnace.

Flames danced wildly and they reached so high, it felt like they could touch the clouds. It lasted about a full ten minutes, where it looked like the skies opened and liquid fire poured down in the middle of this forest.

Ten minutes was considerably a small amount of time, but the dark magic was so eerie, Mirella felt her knees go weak again, and when it finally ended and the fire disappeared, all that remained before their eyes was ash on that really flattened ground. "Good riddance!"

Calpin's parting words were what nailed the final nail in the coffin, as Mirella and Dax were left to fight the rogues, who came back to their senses after being stunned by their master's profound attack.

"So you didn't see Calpin bruning with your own eyes?"

Mirella was about to continue explaining to Abby how they had to fight for weeks with the royal warriors' assistance, when Abby suddenly interrupted her.

Immediately, the witch's face contorted with pity. "But there was no way for him to survive that attack."

How could one possibly survive something eerily similar to hell's fire, because that was what Calpin's dark fire looked like in Dax's and Mirella's eyes. It was beyond eldritch that the witch couldn't help shudder involuntarily even now.

Abby pointing out how they couldn't clearly see Micah getting burned as a hopeful sign for her to wait for his return only looked even more pitiful in the witch's eyes.

Because it looked like she was grasping onto whatever false hope at this point, no matter how uncanny it seemed.

Abby also could see how Mirella and her maids looked at her even more heartbrokenly, but she knew they wouldn't understand how important these speckles of hope were for her.

Her belief that Micah was still alive only became stronger with this small reassurance, because the fact that she could still sense their mate bond had been what made her stand until now.

And she finally understood why they were so sure what they had seen was the complete truth. She had been wondering why Dax couldn't even meet her eyes earlier, but now it all made sense. Dealing with Calpin was worlds apart from crushing or burning a bunch of rogues, no matter how many there were there or how crazed they had been to fight their target to death.

On the other hand, the more Mirella observed the girl before her, the more it looked like she was determined to hide from the truth. But that wasn't the solution to this.

"Abby, the more you fight this, the more it will hurt later."

The witch squeezed Abby's hands to get her attention as she tried to persuade her that this would all implode on her own face. If she was being like this now, she would only suffer even more when the last of her hopes had been crushed cruelly by reality. "Don't be harsh to yourself and your baby. You need to give up before it's too late!" A lone tear flowed freely down her cheek, as she felt really bad for the girl.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

However, before Abby could defend herself or reveal she could still feel their mate bond, faint noises reverberated in the corridor outside her door and cut her line of thought. Alyssa and Reyna stiffened as they scrambled toward their master, and in the next second, Abby saw two beasts jump into the room through a window, growling viciously.

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