His Sweet Little Mate

His Sweet Little Mate Chapter 160

One of them growled viciously as he prowled forward, in hopes to scatter the closely huddled women, and needless to say, just hearing his snarl made the women tremble in fear.

Yes, it was way too easy. However, their smugness didn't last when they saw two fireballs rapidly approaching them. They missed getting burned from the fire thanks to their quick reflexes, but then their whole demeanor changed as they looked like they would pounce on the women in the next second. On the other hand, Abby looked as calm and cold as she could manage at this moment. "I'll give you one last chance to back off, if you don't heed my advice, don't blame me for not being merciful later!"

Her voice barely overcame the harsh pounding of rain outside, but the conviction in her tone couldn't be taken lightly. But her attackers didn't think she could be of any real threat.

Especially when she looked like she was going to breathe her last any moment now, not to mention, her fireballs earlier weren't really powerful enough to leave even scorch marks on the rug beneath their feet.

In their eyes, she looked like a kid wielding a paper knife. They didn't believe this half witch was powerful enough to pose any threat to them with such meager magic.

Abby too realized they couldn't be persuaded, which only made her even more furious. Had she been alone and they came for her, she wouldn't have minded it. But they were constantly putting her baby in danger, and that didn't sit well with her at all.

If anything, the thought of her baby being dragged into this mess only made her blood boil in rage so potently, she felt like setting the whole world on fire.

"You should have left while you still had a chance," Abby said viciously, as she handed over her baby to Nadia. Her gaze thawed a little, just a tiny fraction, as she kissed the sleeping bundle of joy. "You three protect them two at any cost."

She addressed Efrem and her maids, following which Alyssa and Reyna shifted into their beasts as the group of five retreated to a corner, away from Abby and her attackers.

And when she turned around, she already let her fire rage along her forearms, getting into a defensive position. Even if she lost her life here, she would make sure her attackers met their maker today.

"Bring it on!" Abby said, almost taunting the two beasts, who immediately released twin snarls that echoed off the walls in the bedroom as they rushed at the woman.

Abby knew it was equivalent to suicide by provoking the two, but she knew her current condition best. She was barely holding onto her consciousness. If she let this dragged out for too long, she would fail her baby and she didn't want that. Abby wasn't agile enough to duck from their slashing claws either, so the moment her words left her mouth, two huge fireballs were also launched into the air from her open palms, which she then shot toward the two beasts. Her aim was a little off, but she still managed to burn the beasts, thanks to their humongous bodies.

The moment her fire touched the beasts, they felt their fur burn to crisp as their skin started peeling off, which left the two beasts flustered as they attacked her even more frenziedly.

But before they could slash their claws at her, yet again, Abby made her move, she actually called to her power and set their organs on fire. The beasts howled in agony as they writhed on the ground.

They looked like they struggled to breathe, as their bodies twitched incessantly, as if they were mid transformation, their features morphing back and forth between their human form and beast form as gut wrenching snarls left their frames. However, just as Abby could breathe a sigh of relief, one of them actually managed to lunge at her with his claws extended when she let her guard down a bit and this sharp lacerated through her left shoulder. "MY QUEEN!!!"


Nadia and Efrem screamed at the top of their lungs, which also woke up the baby in Nadia's arms as he started wailing again.

Abby was at least quick enough to turn her body in time, which helped her fall away from the beast being burned alive, as she lay in her own pool of blood.

The wound was quite close to the burnt scar on her back, and no doubt would leave another huge and ugly scar on her skin. But that wasn't what concerned her the most

It was this weird sensation that spread through her body that left her feeling like her soul was leaving her body. As if her life was being sucked up from her, along with the blood that drained from her veins.

She couldn't feel anything else but that as she willed herself to stay awake, but she soon found it beyond impossible, as even her baby's cries faded into the darkness, as if she was being pulled deeper and deeper into this abyss that only sucked her further down every time she tried to fight it.

She didn't even realize that she was now being fed with herbs as Nadia fussed over her, after handing the crying baby to Alyssa and Reyna, who had shifted back and were now trying to soothe the baby.

Only after Abby lost her consciousness, Alan and Dax finally made it back to the palace with Deion in their tow.

"What happened?" The three of them asked the same question, when they saw Nadia trembling while tending to Abby, who was now drenched in blood. Her own blood.

"Queen Abby fought with the beasts and one of them stabbed her shoulder," Alyssa sniveled, as she explained the situation to the royal beta and the others, who were drenched from head to toe from the rain.

"Is she alright?" Dax asked, even though he knew how ridiculous his question was.

Abby just gave birth, which resulted in her losing so much strength and also blood, now she was badly injured until she looked so pale as if there was no blood left in her system.

The only answer he got was silence, as even Nadia didn't seem optimistic about Abby's current condition.

Alan felt like punching something, not just him, even the other two looked like they were beating themselves up right now.

This was beyond f****d up! But all they could do was wait for Abby to show some kind of reaction, only it wasn't as simple as it seemed. They felt frantic just how much of a shit show would be awaiting them if their enemies found out about her condition. "Block all the news regarding the attack." Alan made a quick decision.


"The Queen fainted from a fatal wound to her shoulder, where she lost a considerable amount of blood."

Arthur listened in on as his messenger explained to him about Abby's current situation.

"Royal Beta Alan has been trying to keep it under wraps for now. The girl seems out of luck, though."

It was said that Nadia tried everything she knew to stop the bleeding and help the wound close, but to no avail.

"She may not wake up again." There was no emotion in the messenger's voice, as if he was relaying the sun had risen in the east as usual.

On the other hand, Arthur didn't say a single thing all through his explanation as he remained completely silent. He only opened his mouth to ask the messenger to leave after he was done recounting his findings. "You can leave now."

After the messenger left, the former king sat in his place for a really long time, forbidding anyone from disturbing him in the old tower, his expression unfathomable.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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