Holding on to you

Chapter 6: Lying is an art in itself


I looked at Jason, his anger was replaced by a worried expression. I felt so guilty, like a liar and a cheat. He didn’t deserve what I was putting him through, I knew I should let him go, but I didn’t want to.

I know that Killian will not want me forever, and I was hoping that Jason and I could get back together when that time comes. I know it’s selfish of me to want him to stay single until I was able to be with him, but I couldn’t help it… I love him.

“He didn’t do anything to me, I stayed back because he wanted to get a head start on the project.”

That’s the worse excuse ever.

Jason looked at me like he didn’t believe me and I tried my best to keep a straight face and let anything show. I wanted to scream in relief when his shoulders slumped in acceptance.

“I just don’t like that fact that you’re working with him and not me. I miss you, Lilly.”

The soft almost pleading tone in his voice made me feel sad and like crying. I wanted to be able to tell him I miss him back, but I couldn’t. I felt guilty for just moments ago enjoying being ravaged by Killian.

“I’m sorry, Jason.”

That’s the only thing I could have thought to say.

Jason’s face softened and he took a step closer to me. His hand came up to move a curl out of my face and my eyes widen. My heart also started beating at a very fast pace.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about, I’m the one who was stupid enough to let the best thing in my life go. I wanted to know who I was without you and I found out that I’m nothing, that you were and still is the reason I breathe. I’m not going to give up on us Lilly, I will fight for you because we belong together. You need time, I know you do, so I’ll wait for you to realise what I did.”

God! Why did he have to be so freaking perfect?

He moved closer to me and I closed my eyes. I knew if I kept looking at him I’d end up kissing or doing something equally stupid along those lines.

“Lilly, what happened to your neck?”

That made my eyes open. I quickly brought my hair forward to cover the mark Killian put there and took a step away from him. I needed the distance in order to think straight.

“It’s nothing, I think I bee or something stung me on my way to school this morning.”

I avoided his eyes as I talk, the level of shame I was swimming was almost drowning me. Without waiting to see if he bought my story, I spoke again.

“Look, I’ve gotta go, Jessy must be wondering where I’ve run off to. I’ll see you later Jason, bye.”

I ran back into the cafeteria and saw my best friend sitting at our usual table. I grab a tray and joined the lunch line again. a text came through on my phone and I fished it out of my pocket and read it.

K. It seems like I can’t leave you alone for a minute before you start behaving like a whore.

Me. I didn’t do anything.

K. don’t f**king lie to me!

Me. I’m sorry.

K. Meet me outside the school in three minutes, I’m taking you with me for the weekend.

Me. I can’t, what am I supposed to tell my parents?

K. leave that to me and hurry the f**k up!

I put the phone back in my pocket and the tray back on the pile, and hurried out of there. I saw my best friend looked at me confused, but I didn’t stop to talk to her.

When I got outside I saw Killian leaning up against his bike talking at a girl. I was about to turn back and walk away when he called me.


He beckoned me over and I went. As I got closer I saw him talking to one of the cheerleaders, I think her name’s Kinsley. When I reached them I smiled but was startled when Killian pulled me to him wrapping both his hands around my waist. I quickly look around to see if there were anyone else in the parking lot, but it was empty except for the three of us.

“Red, this is Kinsley, Kinsley this is Red. She’s going to take you home and bring you back to the house after.”

I didn’t know what was going on, I felt a little like Dorothy when she entered OZ, very out of place. The only difference is, I couldn’t click my heel together and reach home.

Kinsley rolled her eyes and give Killian an irritated look, and he just chuckled from behind me. I gasped.

Who the hell is this girl that can make him laugh?

But I didn’t have to wait long to find because she looked at me and smile. pulling me out of Killian’s hold she engulfed me in a warm and friendly hug.

“Ignore my brother, he’s clearly been raised by wolves.”

Did she just say, brother?

“Hi, I’m Kinsley Black, although if you ever tell anyone that I’m related to him I deny it and make you regret your very existence.”

I looked at her shock. Yep, now I can see the family resemblance and all she had to do was talk.

“Anyway, we’re gonna have so much fun! I never thought I’d live to see the day big brother got himself and actual girlfriend, you’re gonna have to tell me how you got him to be yours. So, say goodbye to Killian then we can be off to ask your parents if you can stay over at our house this weekend. We’re gonna have a lot of shopping to do, and ooh, before I forget you’re gonna have to bring your passport. It’s gonna be fun, finally another girl to talk to.”

I don’t think the shock left my face in the entire time she was talking. I started to rethink my statement on her being related to Killian because she talked more than him in that one minute than in all the time that I’ve known him.

Kinsley walked off and stood next to a pink bug and Killian spun me around to face him.

“Go with my sister and try to be a good girl, cause you don’t want to add to your list of wrongdoings.”

He pulled me close and kissed my lips causing me to moan. When he pulled away he said.

“I’ll deal with you tonight for disobeying me and breaking the rules.”

Then he got on his bike and I just stood there like an idiot watching as he drove away.

After I couldn’t see him anymore I walked over to Kinsley, we both got into her car and she starts driving.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Don’t you need me to give you directions?”

I asked because I don’t know her and I would expect her to know where I live, but I was wrong.

“Don’t need it, Killi already told me where you live.”

“How come you don’t want anyone knowing you’re Killian’s sister?”

She looked at me and smiled for a second then return her focus to the road.

“You’ve met my brother; would you want to be related to him?”

She had a point there. But still, I didn’t get how she went through school all these years without anyone finding out the truth.

“That would be kinda weird don’t you think?”

She laughed and I watched her as she drove. I searched for any indicator that she was related to Killian, but I found none. They were so different, his hair was black were her was blonde, he was moodier than the British weather and she’s just a ball of sunshine. She can talk a mile a minute and you’d be lucky if you hear him say ten words in your entire lifetime, the only thing they had in common was their pale green eyes.

“So, wanna tell me how you and my brother came to be dating and why he doesn’t want anyone else knowing that you are?”

I turned away from her and looked out the window, I watched as people carry on with their lives and wish I was them. I watched couples smiling and having fun, old ladies walking their twenty cats and even little children making like hell for their parents, and I still wish I was one of them.

“It’s complicated.”

“You know, that’s just what my brother said.”

She went back to driving and we never spoke until we were outside my house. I was thankful for the silence because I needed it to think. I didn’t know how my parents would take me spending the night by someone there’s never meet before and it’s a school night as well. And don’t even get me started on missing a day of school. I’ll be in more shit than I can wipe.

We pulled up to my house and I see my parents’ car parked outside alongside my brothers’ car. I mentally steeled myself for whatever was to come and I wasn’t going to kid myself into believing that the outcome will be good.

“Relax, Lilly, everything will go great. Unlike Killian, I have a way with people and they like me, your parents will be no different.”

I only wish I believe her, but I know that if my parents didn’t believe whatever excuse she was going to give they will demand I tell them what’s really going on, and let me tell you, my parents would put the FBI to shame with their interrogating techniques.

“So,” she continued talking, “We’re going to tell your parents that you’ve been chosen to undertake an extracurricular program that will be crucial to your acceptance into Stanford. I know you want to study art, so we’ll tell them that you’ve been invited to shadow one of the curators in the France museum, Musee du Louvre in Paris.”

I looked at her like she was crazy, she couldn’t expect to lie to my parents like that and hope that they believe it. There is this called proof, and that’s what my parents will need, lot of it.

“Are you crazy? There’s no way my parents will buy any of that. Firstly, they’ll need to see evidence of all of this before the let me go anywhere near the airport mush less leaving the country.”

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head over the details, Killian has got you covered.”

Just then a text came through to her phone and she smiled.

“Come let’s get this show on the road, I hope you can act cause it’s time to put on the performance of your life.”

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