Just Like That (The Kings)

Just Like That: Chapter 27

“So what’s the plan?” I asked, clapping my hands together and attempting to get this show on the road.

“The plan”—Sylvie rolled her eyes at me—“is to have fun.” She grabbed my shoulders and tugged. “Come on. Show me who’s excited to be here.”

“Thrilled.” I deepened my scowl before making a subtle, silly face at her. When hers lit up with a smile, the tension in my shoulders lifted.

Maybe it wasn’t so hard to be a decent human after all.

I peeked at Hazel, only to catch her eyeing my forearms while she chatted with Veda. I hiked my sleeves a little higher since a sick part of me seemed to get off on the fact that she appreciated the way I looked.

I was acutely aware of Teddy’s presence at the brewery and knew I should probably stop eye-fucking his aunt, but I couldn’t help it. The tension between us was palpable.

Probably because you came all over her tits and that dress does nothing to hide the fact that she’s braless.

I smiled at myself. If it weren’t for me stepping in, Charles would be the one to appreciate how the gold fabric hugged her rib cage and flared out at her hips. When I had stopped into his wine shop to deliver the news that he was uninvited to the outing, he had had the audacity to scoff and try to dismiss me.

Fucking dick weasel.

Joke’s on him, because I was not above a mild threat to buy the entire building and open my own wine shop for the sole purpose of sinking his business. One tiny, unfounded threat to his precious business and he caved.

He didn’t deserve her.

I tried to focus on whatever story my ridiculous older brother Royal was weaving, but my gaze—and my thoughts—kept wandering to Hazel.

I had tried so hard to dislike her. Disliking her was so much simpler, but after spending weeks together, watching her effortlessly enjoy life and how patient and loving she was with Teddy . . . I was starting to worry that I might actually care for her.

Caring for someone was dangerous. It gave them the power. I could confidently say I’d never allowed myself to truly love a woman.

I’d never wanted to.

But somehow, with Hazel, it no longer felt like a choice. My sad attempt to be her friend was already failing miserably.

Our bodies circled each other as our group mixed and mingled, slowly orbiting until I found myself side by side with her. I made no bones about tilting my head toward her and pulling her signature fragrance into my lungs. She was bright, rich, and sensual.

All I could think about was whether she’d taste the same with my face buried between her thighs. I wanted that ridiculous date to end, but Hazel was laughing in a way that told me I’d be a complete prick if I hauled her over my shoulder like a caveman and took her home with me.

My dick twitched at the thought.

Instead, I reined myself in and tried to relax. Sloane and Abel brought Teddy around to say goodbye when they left the brewery and headed back to their place for the sleepover. He was so excited that I’d barely gotten a second glance. I shook Abel’s hand with a pinched smile, and a jerky head nod was my way of offering him thanks.

Royal walked over with Veda tucked beneath his arm. “Now that Abel’s gone, it won’t hurt his feelings if we head up to the Grudge. You in?”

“We’ll go!” Sylvie slid her hand into Duke’s. He looked down at his wife and smiled. That man was so gone for my sister he would willingly suffer through another bar just to make her happy.

Hazel deserved something like that. Not someone itching to get out of a cheap polyester tracksuit and find comfort in the solitude of his quiet home.

My eyes flicked to Hazel as excitement danced through her, and my chest pinched. She was young. Dancing at bars was still probably her thing.

“It’s karaoke night up there, right?” I asked my brother.

Royal grinned. “Sure is.”

I bit back an annoyed groan and discreetly flagged down a server. After I paid the bill for our group, we made our way outside. Curious glances and whispers were expected given the fact we looked absolutely ridiculous. The walk from Abel’s to the Grudge was only a few minutes up the main road. The sidewalks were narrow, and I found myself shoulder to shoulder with Hazel.

Ahead of us, Veda was still tucked into Royal’s side, and Duke carried a laughing Sylvie piggyback style up the hill.

“So,” Hazel asked as we walked, “how is it?” When I didn’t answer, but just looked confused, she continued with a wry smile. “Relaxing. Having fun.”

My brows furrowed as I teased her. “Oh, this isn’t fun. This is a pity date. I’m only here because the girls didn’t want you to be a fifth wheel.”

She sputtered a laugh. “Oh, this definitely isn’t a date. Pity or otherwise.”

I looked down at her and tried not to smile. “No?”

Her eyes flashed up and back down again, and maybe it was wishful thinking, but I could swear her cheeks flushed.

She cleared her throat. “I don’t know. Maybe we’re friends.”

I stopped and turned toward her. The rest of the group kept walking, blissfully unaware that Hazel and I had dropped behind. “Do you think that we’re friends?”

My eyes raked down her neck, and her pulse beat a quick rhythm. I dragged my attention back up, mentally reliving all we’d done together.

Her eyes were wide as she swallowed. Her lips were begging to be kissed. “Aren’t we?” she whispered.

My fingertip dragged down the outside of her arm and slid down the length of her pinkie. “I don’t know what we are, but I’m not sure friends is going to cut it.”

Three hours, two nonverbal threats for random guys to back the fuck up, and one group rendition of “Sweet Caroline” later, I was fried. All night I had to bite my tongue as I watched loser after loser try to shoot his shot with Hazel. She politely declined each time, but I was still annoyed they even considered themselves in her realm of possibilities.

As a collective, we had laughed all night. Royal had even goaded me enough that I did a pretty decent rendition of “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.

Hazel’s grin was worth the humiliation of belting Freddie Mercury in front of the entire town.

When I finished, I was out of breath but coursing with adrenaline.

Hazel cupped her mouth and shouted. “Encore!”

With a deep bow, I waved to the cheering crowd and hopped off the small stage.

Veda’s eyes were huge.

“What?” I asked, breathless.

She laughed. “I am very rarely surprised, but you shocked the hell out of me tonight.”

I shrugged. “I guess that makes two of us.”

Hazel’s eyes were bright, and she was still grinning. I shot her a wink and smiled at her.

With an exaggerated sigh, I held out my hand to Royal. “Well, there’s no topping that. I’m going to call it a night.”

He gripped my hand. “You sure, man? That was incredible!”

I shook my head. “Always gotta go out on a high note.”

He pulled me into a hug and thumped his hand on my back twice.

After saying good night to Veda, Sylvie, and Duke, I turned my attention to Hazel, dipping my chin and holding out my hand for her. “Good night.”

Her brown eyes widened as her palm slipped into mine. I could feel the eyes of my family as they waited for her response. Red splotches bloomed on her neck under my attention.

After gently releasing her hand, I had turned and was striding toward the exit when she called out, “Hey! JP, wait up!”

My back stiffened, and I slowly turned around, stifling a smile.

Her hands were clasped in front of her. “I’m beat, too, and these shoes are pinching my toes. Care to give me a ride back?”

I eyed her. She didn’t look tired. In fact, she looked bright-eyed and ready to take on the world. “Tired, huh?” I asked.

Hazel faked a yawn and grinned up at me. “Exhausted. Probably even too tired to drive myself. I’ll just catch a ride with you.”

My jaw flexed. Over her shoulder I could feel the gaping stares of my family. I dipped low so only she could hear me. “You really are trouble. Let’s go.”

Hazel’s little squeal was all it took to spur me forward. I gently gripped her upper arm and protected her from getting bumped as we wove through the crowd and out into the night.

Electricity crackled in the air as we walked down the sidewalk, past the marina, and into the dim parking lot of Abel’s Brewery. The fresh air did nothing to calm the nerves that ratcheted higher with each step closer to the parking lot.

When we reached my car, Hazel was grinning. “Ooooh, he’s a gentleman.”

I wrenched open the door with an eye roll. “Get in.”

Hazel laughed. Even she knew I was acting ridiculous, but I couldn’t help it. It would be pure torture to spend the next several hours alone in my house with her—knowing the right thing to do was to leave her alone.

Knowing the last thing I wanted was to do the right thing.

In the passenger seat, Hazel’s shimmery gold dress rode high on her thighs. Her soft skin taunted me, begging me to reach over and slide my hand across her bare legs. Every cell in my body hummed for her.

As the world whizzed by, Hazel let out a dramatic sigh. “Well, my date was a bust. How was yours?”

I glanced over. “I thought it wasn’t a date.”

She nodded in agreement. “You’re right. I was supposed to have a date tonight, and instead some weird guy showed up.”

I scoffed. “Weird how?”

She smirked and shifted in her seat, causing that damn skirt to shift higher. “Well, I keep getting mixed signals. He’s disgustingly handsome, but it turns out he really isn’t interested. He wants to be friends. He practically ignored me the entire time except for when he’d stare at me like a creep from across the room.”

I played along. “He sounds like an idiot.”

She laughed. “Oh, I agree. Total dumbass. He can sing the hell out of Queen, though.”

I laughed. She had no idea the litany of lurid thoughts I’d had about her while I was staring at her like a creep. She wasn’t wrong. Maybe I was a creep.

I harrumphed and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

“What about you?” she asked. “How was your night?”

I licked my lower lip, trying not to smile. “It was all right, I guess. There was a girl there—real pretty—but I don’t think it’ll work out. I tried staring at her to get her to read my mind, but she couldn’t.” I shrugged. “Kind of a deal-breaker, because I tend to like them a little witchy.”

A barking laugh rolled out of her and filled my car. “Witchy? Is that so?”

I tried to play it off. “It’s a new thing I’m into, apparently.”

Hazel’s legs shifted when she pulled her hair to one side, and my cock began to thicken. If she kept squirming like that, these track pants were going to do fuck all to hide the erection trying to make an appearance.noveldrama

Heat and tension filled the car. I grumbled and shifted in my seat.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Hazel’s fingertips drag across her collarbone. Her voice was husky and quiet. “Something bothering you, JP?”

I swallowed past the ache in my throat. “No.”

Hazel stripped off her old-lady sweater and tossed it into the back seat. Her tits stretched the fabric of her too-small dress, and I could clearly make out the outline of her nipple piercings.

“I’m curious,” she continued, “what would have happened if this really had been a date?” Her knees separated and I nearly drove off the road.

I wanted her.


My pulse was racing and my mind struggled to stay focused on getting her home without tearing her clothes off.

“How would you have liked to end the date?” I knew countering her question was the coward’s way out, but I was struggling to maintain some semblance of control.

Every part of me wanted to pull over onto the side of the road, bend her over the hood of my car, and fuck her until she forgot her own name.

“Hmm,” she hummed, pretending to think as she tapped her lower lip. “Well, if it was a great date, I might have shown him my appreciation for such a nice time with an enthusiastic blow job.”

The car swerved as I jerked to the left. “Damn it,” I muttered as I adjusted my grip on the steering wheel.

Hazel chuckled, and it was enough to drive me wild. My foot hammered the gas, and the car hugged the curves of the road as I made my way toward home.

When I pulled into the driveway, the darkened house called to me. I needed distance from her before I did something utterly stupid.

I put the car in park and didn’t risk looking at her as I got out. “Good night, Hazel.”

“That’s it?” Her door slammed behind me and she sounded pissed, maybe even a little hurt.

Damn it.

I turned toward her and took in the fire that blazed in her eyes. Her chin was high and her cheeks were flushed. “I get a shitty nondate where you ignore me and then just . . . good night?”

I blinked. She didn’t want to know what I really wanted. The way I obsessed over wanting her.

“What do you want from me?” I hated how cold and calculated my voice sounded.

Hazel scoffed, unafraid of the callous mask I’d unintentionally slipped on.

“Not this.” She gestured toward me. “I want that guy.”

Hazel pointed at the car. “I want the guy who can make a joke. The guy who wears a disgusting tracksuit because it’s funny. Who sings like Freddie Mercury and shakes his ass in front of the entire town. The one who couldn’t stop looking at me like I was the only woman in the room.”

Frustration gripped me. She was too damn young. It was far too complicated.

“You were,” I ground out. When her brow creased, I continued. “You were the only woman in the room . . . to me.” I raked a hand through my hair, giving up on fighting it. “Do you really want the truth? The truth is, I can’t stop staring at you. You consume my thoughts. I want to know what you ate. What made you laugh today. What you’d think about every tiny decision I make and whether or not you think I’m a good person.”

I stepped closer, closing the space between us and letting my gaze fall on her face. “I think about how I would live with the fact that I’m a bad man if you even saw a shred of good in there somewhere.”

Her chest rose and fell with labored breathing. Heat flared in her eyes. “But that’s just it! You don’t let me in! No one gets past the walls you’ve put up, least of all me.”

She doesn’t understand.

My nostrils flared as I evened my breathing. “It’s my responsibility to hold it together. It always has been.”

“I am not your responsibility!” Her voice rose.

I stared at her, unwilling to back down, unable to move forward at the risk of sacrificing everything.

“Don’t just stare at me. Say something!” The crack in her voice was what tipped me over the edge.

I took another step toward her. “What do you want me to say? That I’ve never felt whole until you and Teddy showed up?” My fingers jabbed at my breastbone. “That I prayed for this aching loneliness to go away, and like some sick joke from the universe, the one woman to take it away is the one I can’t have? Is that what you want from me?”

Hazel shook her head, unafraid of the emotional vitriol I had just spewed in her direction.

“I may not know exactly what I want”—her eyes searched mine—“but what I do know is that I don’t want this calculating, cruel version of you that you pretend to be. It’s not real. I’ve seen the man you hide behind the mask. I want the real you. I want to watch you fall apart. To give in. To finally take something just for yourself.”

I barely recognized my own voice as I stepped closer and crowded the last inches of her space. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“I know exactly what I’m asking, you’re just too chickenshit to show up and let me in.” Hazel spun, her rose gold hair whipping me in the chest as she turned.

Her and that fucking irresistible mouth.

My hand shot out and grabbed her arm, stopping her from pulling away. Hazel’s chest slammed into mine as I turned her.

She arched into me and the last thread snapped. My hands cupped both sides of her face as I looked down at her. Our breaths sawed in and out, filling the night air.

She held my glare as a war of emotions waged in my brain. I was standing on a cliff, wind in my face and unsure if I’d survive the fall.

“Fuck it.”

My mouth crashed to hers as I swallowed her moan. I poured every ounce of yearning into that kiss. Her soft lips opened for me and my tongue swept over hers. My teeth tugged on her lower lip before diving back in to taste her again.

I stepped forward, banding my arm around her back and pressing every inch of her against me. Her hand slid up my back, and her nails scraped against my scalp. I moaned into her, driving my hips forward.

Hazel murmured and heat crawled up my spine. Since our first accidental kiss, I’d wanted to taste her mouth again. Every inch of exposed skin was soft and warm. My hands explored while my lips burned a path across her jawline and down the column of her neck.

We hadn’t even made it into the house, and all I could think about was sliding into her and letting the world dissolve. For a man who’d spent his entire life treading water, all I wanted to do was drown in her.

My mouth found hers, and I bent to grip the back of her thighs. Her arms wound around my neck as I wrapped her legs around my waist and stomped toward the house. Hazel arched and continued kissing me as I dug the keys from my pocket and thrust open the door. It slammed against the wall, and she had the audacity to giggle.

I kicked it closed with my foot and shot her a wicked grin. “You think that’s funny? I’ll destroy this entire house as long as you don’t stop making those sexy little noises.”

My hand slipped up her flirty little skirt to toy with her panty line. Against my fingers, her pussy was hot, and I knew the bedroom was too fucking far.

I set her onto her feet. Desire flushed her skin the prettiest shade of pink, and I couldn’t wait to see if my teeth would make the same marks. She cocked her head at me in question.

I looked over her shoulder toward the stairs and grinned. “Run.”

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