Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 67

Liv’s POV

“Oh thank goodness you girls are here, I was about coming to call you” My mother said as we approached her. Surprisingly the whole house was now clean and sparkling just as we’d left it before we left. If not better.

“Wow mum, you cleaned the whole house all alone?” I asked as I made my way to the couch and grabbed an apple which was placed neatly on the side table. I didn’t even care to ask where the apple came from before I took a bite.

“Have you forgotten your Dad had earlier called the house maintenance team?” She said with humor as she sat down beside me, along with Hailey who also grabbed an apple from the table.

“Oh yeah… I forgot” I said as I took another bite off my apple.

“Oh gosh I’m starving” I complained.

“You just ate the apples our neighbors brought for me without even asking and you say you’re starving. You aren’t serious” She scolded as she got up and made her way towards the kitchen with both Hailey and I trailing behind her.

“Isn’t there any goddamn food in this house?” I grumbled at the same time I felt my tummy rumble.

“Your Dad has gone out to get a few items, he should be back anytime soon” She informed us.

“Thank goodness, I’m really dying of hunger here” I complained as I pulled out a box of juice from the pack which we brought with us all the way from California.

“You just finished eating an apple, that should hold you for a while before your father gets back” She replied as she grabbed a knife and flat plate before leaving the kitchen with the both of us following behind.

She sat down on one of the couches and took an apple from the bowl and cut it neatly into her desired quantity before she began to eat it bit by bit.

“Uhm… Liv I think I’ll go home for the main time. I’ll see you soon” Hailey said as she stood up.

“Ok de….”

“Honey I’m home!” My father interrupted my mother’s response. Our eyes moved towards the entrance where my Dad stood with two big bags in his hands.

I stood up and made my way over to him, helping him with one of the bags. So did Hailey. We took the bags to the kitchen and settled them on the counter before going back into the living room to meet my mum and Dad seated side by side with each other. Already discussing.

“Uncle, Aunt, I have to go now , see you later Liv” She said respectfully.

“Okay darling, don’t forget to invite your parents for dinner and extend our humble greetings” My mum said in place of both her and my Dad.

“Yes Aunt, I won’t forget” She replied with a smile on her always beautiful and glowing face.

“Hailey make sure to tell Richard not to be late, or else I’ll have his balls as dinner meat” My Dad joked as usual.

Uncle Richard has been my Dad’s best friend since I was little. They were so close that people mistook them as actual brothers. They had everything in common. The way they joke all the time, their playful nature. Their serious minded nature when it comes to business. Their no nonsense attitude. They were almost like twins. Even twins don’t share such similarities.

“Okay Uncle, I will” Hailey laughed.

“You better do” Dad chuckled along with Mum.

“Come Hay, I’ll walk you out” I said to my sister and she nodded her head in response as we made our way to the door.

As we left the house, I accompanied her to the building opposite ours which was hers.

“Won’t you at least come in?” She offered.

“No Hay, I’ll see everyone later at dinner” I told her smiling.

“Okay, if you say……”

“Olivia? Olivia Henderson?” A familiar voice interrupted us and we turned around to face the person who owned the annoying voice.

“Sam” I faked excitement as I saw the bitch. The same one Aiden cheated on me with. What a slut.

“OMG it’s really you, I could tell it’s you from behind. At first I saw your Dad earlier today at the store but I thought it was a figment of my imagination until I saw you both walk down here” She blabbed. She talks too much for my liking, how did Aiden even tolerate this bitch in his bed. How the fuck did he leave me for her? She isn’t even up to my standards. Or maybe I’m just angry because she slept with my ex boyfriend. Who cares, I hate them both.

“Oh yeah, it is me” I gave her a fake smile.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so happy! Wait till I tell everyone. You’re really back! We never thought you’d come back” She squeaked in fake excitement.

“Me too” I gritted my teeth.

“Where have you been girl, you just vanished with trace. We missed you here” I’ve had about enough of her and her drama. Just as I was about giving her a fitting response, I felt Hailey’s hand on my back, trying to calm me down quietly.

“Hi Elsa, even if you totally just ignored me like I do not exist” Hailey said a bit rudely. She deserves it.

“Oh hi Hailey, I’m really sorry, I was caught up in excitement” She said to her. Oh the same excitement you had when you had Aiden’s cock down your throat.

“That’s okay, if you’ll excuse us now, we were discussing something before you came” Hailey said to her in a tone I admire so much.

“Oh okay, I’ll see you guys later, bye Liv” I hope I don’t see you again because the next time I set my eyes on you, I’ll pluck your eyes out.

“Bye” I faked a smile as she waved and we walked her walk away stupidly.

“I hate that bitch” I said angrily.

“I know, so do I” She paused. “But you shouldn’t stoop to her level, just forget about her and what she did. Aiden is your past and you have no business with him so you shouldn’t waste your time with her” She advised.

“Are they still dating?” I let my curiosity get the best of me.

“They were never dating, they only saw each other for a few days and broke off, the last time I saw him, he was with a blonde, I don’t know if they’re dating or not. It’s none of my business though” She informed me. This is one thing I hated about New York. How gossips spread like wide fire. Nothing is hidden under the sun in this place. Though in some other suburban areas people minded their businesses. Here in my area, gossips are breakfast, lunch and dinner which is always served hot.

“Oh… Whatever” I responded.

“I’ll go in so long then” She informed me.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay Hay, see you later” I smiled at her and she smiled back in response before pulling the door knob and making her way inside.


“Oh this food is soooo good” Jason, Hailey’s younger brother said as he took another bite of his chicken.

“Tell that to the beat chef in the world” My mother praised herself.

“Oh mum, you’re such a bragger” I laughed.

“This  pasta is really tasty Marie” Aunt Kehlani complimented my mother who smiled in return.

“So tell us Olivia, how’s California?” Uncle Richard started.

“It’s fine” I simply said. I really don’t wanna talk about California right now.

“You made a lot of friends there I bet” He continued.

“Yes” I answered.

“You know my daughter, that’s how she is. She always makes a lot of friends wherever she goes” My mother added.

“That’s great” Aunt Kehlani smiled as she took a fork full of pasta.

“So tell us Liv dear, what about your boyfriend, did you leave him in California? I know you have a boyfriend so don’t try to pretend, we know you kids to well” Uncle Richard teased. Little did he know, the effect his teasing just had on me.

I dropped my fork on my plate and pulled my chair back as I stood up. “Please excuse me” I said and left without another word.

“Richard!” I heard Aunt Kehlani scold, to which he responded “What? Did I say anything wrong?”

“Please excuse me, I’ll go and talk to her” Hailey excused herself as she stood up.

“What happened just now?” Uncle Richard asked.

“It’s a long story” Mum answered.


“Liv” Hailey said as she approached me and sat down beside me.

“I don’t want to talk right now” I said sternly.

“Are you crying?” I remained quiet. “Oh my goodness, you’re crying!” She exclaimed.

“Just go” I sobbed, trying to wipe the uncontrollable tears falling from my eyes.

“Liv I’m really sorry about what my Dad said. You know he didn’t mean it that way. He has no clue about you and Alex” She explained.

“It’s not just about what he said, it’s about the truth in what he said. I left Alex and it hurts that he doesn’t even care about me. Here I was thinking I was recovering gradually and now your Dad reopened the unhealed wound” I sobbed.

“It’s not your fault Liv and it’s also nobody’s fault. At times, life puts us through these tests. It’s just a way of teaching you to grow and be strong. Please stop punishing yourself. Healing from a broken heart doesn’t just happen over night. It takes weeks, months, and even years. Depending on how deep the wounded heart was. Please you have to be strong Liv” She said as she pulled me into her chest, embracing me tightly as I cried into her chest.

“You should know I’ll always be here for you and we’ll both overcome this together” She informed me.

“You think?” I asked amidst tears.

“Yes baby” She assured me.

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