Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 86

“What did my mum do?” For some unknown reason, I felt my anger rise immediately.

“It was back then in California, before your birthday, she paid me a visit”

              *****Flash back*****

Alex’s POV

“Hello Alex” She said with her charming smile still on her face. Liv really looks like her mom. So elegant and beautiful.

“Hi Ma’am…. Um…. My mum isn’t home and my dad is also out” I informed her.

“Oh that’s okay Alex, I’m not here to see your mum, I’m here to see you” She smiled.

“Me?” I was surprised.

“Yes, you…. Can I come in?” She smiled brightly at me. Something about her sudden visit makes me uneasy.

“Yeah” I stepped back for her to come in. I closed the door shut before leading her to the living area where Blake was seated.

“Hi Miss H” Blake smirked playfully at her as we entered the living room.

“Hello Blake, how are you?” She shot him that signature charming smile of hers. Just as beautiful as my Liv.

“I’m fine babe, looking stunning as always” He teased. I made my way towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

“Thank you Blake but I hope you do know I have a husband who is as crazy as you back in his youths” I heard her say while chuckling before taking her sit opposite him.

“My hands are clean ma’am, I’m coming for your daughter then” He raised his hands in mock surrender.

“Your balls are too small to fit with my daughter” I almost choked on the water I was currently drinking.

“Huh?” The look on Blake’s face was priceless, I stifled a laugh.

“I’m just kidding dear” She laughed.

“At least someone could keep his mouth shut a bit” I laughed as well.

“Excuse me, I’d like to use the restroom” He stood up and began walking towards the stairs without looking back, making us both laugh out loud.

“So aunt, you said you wanna see me, anything the problem?” I felt nervous as her eyes met mine.

“Yes dear, there isn’t any problem, I just wanna discuss something with you” She smiled softly.

“Okay aunt, what’s it about?” I stared cautiously at her, awaiting her response.

“It’s about Olivia” Hearing her mention Liv’s name sent chills down my spine. This might not be good.

“You know we’re moving to New York soon right?” She gave me a weird look.

“Yeah” was all I could say to her.

“Will you do something for me?” She gave me a sympathetic look.

“Depends on what you’re asking” I said bluntly.

“You have to break up with Olivia” She said with no emotion evident on her face.


“You heard me Alex, you have to end things with her” She wasn’t smiling, that said enough to make me know she wasn’t joking.

“You know I can’t do that aunt, I love her. I can’t even bring myself to do that or let alone tell her it’s over” I told her sincerely.

“You have to Alex, I know it’s hard but you just have to if you really do love her” Her look softened.

“You know I do aunt, I really do.” I said to her.

“Then you have to end things with her, it’s for her own good. You’re both still you young and only recently started dating. My daughter won’t understand this but I know you would. Once she goes to New York she isn’t coming back here until a long time, probably when she’s older. She might find someone else in New York and I know there’s no way you’re going to New York to be with her. Think about it dear.” She gave me a concerned look. She did have a point but I just couldn’t bring myself to even consider doing what she was asking me to do.

“I don’t know aunt, this is difficult. I can’t do it” I didn’t like where this is going.

“Please Alex, if you love her then you gotta consider it” She said as she stared at me.

“But, it’ll hurt her, she’ll be heartbroken and so will I” I tried explaining.

“You both will still be heartbroken either way. If you’re considering a distance relationship it wouldn’t be healthy cause you both are still very young and immature, you’ll get hurt eventually. Just think about it, she won’t be heartbroken forever, you both can still be friends. I’m not saying this as her mother but as someone who cares, I don’t want my daughter to get disappointed later on that’s why I’m doing this. I know you’re a good boy and you’re good for her but please try to understand” She was making it difficult for me to say no.

“I don’t know aunt….”

“Please dear” She said with a sympathetic look.

“Fine, I’ll let her go but I won’t break up with her, I can’t bring myself to do it but I can stop seeing her” I said to her.

“That’s much better, thanks a lot dear” She smiled softly.

“Okay” I responded to her.

“I’ll take my leave now, extend my greetings to your mum” She said as she stood up.

          ****** Present time******

Liv’s POV

“My mum did this again!” I yelled angrily.

“Did what?” He asked as he stared at me in confusion. We were both already soaked with rain but I was too angry to care about that.

“You’ll find out soon” I said and turned around, walking towards the house, only to be pulled back by Alex.

“What’s wrong babe? Talk to me” He asked with concern.

“My mum did it again, she did it before” My temper was rising.

“What did your mum do?” He stared at me with a concerned look on his face.

“First it was my ex and now you. She did the exact same thing and even apologized, she never told me she did it with you also” I said angrily.

“I understand but please let it go babe, she was only looking out for you cause she loves you. Please, besides I’m here now” He said calmly.

“No Alex, she needs to hear it” I tried breaking away from his grip.

“Please babe, don’t” He begged.

“No, she needs to hear it” I growled.

“Babe, do you still love me?” He stared into my eyes.

“You know I do Alex, gosh is that even a question?” I wanted to laugh.

“Then please let it go, forget about it. She’s your mum, there’s really nothing you can do about it. Parents will always do things to annoy us but we just have to overlook it” He said calmly with his hands on both my cheekbones.

“Okay” I sighed.

“Promise me you won’t confront her about it” He said while staring into my eyes.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I promise” I told him.

“You’ll be cool with her?” He asked for assurance.

“Only if you don’t leave me again” I said teasingly as I played with the hem of his t-shirt.

“I’m never letting you go again, ever” He said with all sincerity.

“Fuck I missed you, you made me cry so much” I felt my eyes well up.

“I missed you too babe, I’m sorry for making you cry, I’ll make up for all of that I promise” He pulled me to his chest.

“Don’t do that again” I sobbed on his tshirt.

“I won’t baby, I love you” He placed a kiss on my forehead.

I was about telling him that I love him too when a familiar voice interrupted us.

“Liv?” I pulled away from Alex to face Aiden standing few metres away from us.

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