Living With The Player

Chapter 102 Back And Forth [II]



Jimmy’s voice is the rock between overthinking and confusion. Overthinking the text I got from Dylan and confusion on how to act in front of Dylan’s girlfriend.

“Jimmy is the rock between you and Dylan?”

Fucking hell. I didn’t mean that. Inner me needs a chill pill.

“Sorry, I was examining a text.”

The first rule of a relationship is don’t lie. If you lie it only means you’re guilty.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“You told half the truth.”

Inner self mocks. Shut up. Did I though?

“That’s fine. Do you want to continue?”

I tip my head over and pretty girl isn’t alone. Two other girls are giggling behind her and strolling towards us maybe the cashier in front of us to place their others. She can pull of a plain green dress, I’d look like a potatoe in that

“No, I need to get back to the dorms. I’m a little tired. ”


I jerk at my voice. Fine, I’m guilty. I admit I have no desire to speak to her.

“Hello Camilla, I’m Claire.”

But she obviously wants to speak to me. The fuck?

Let’s skip the how the fuck does she know my name? Why in hell’s name would she walk over to me? and go right to- Her voice is softer up close. An. Ge. Lic.

This time I agree “Having no con is a con.”

Jimmy arches a perplexed brow, which doesn’t come close to how I’m feeling. If she’s here, Dylan chatted about me to her. Hell she knows my name.

“I’ll get the bill. I’ll be back.”

Don’t go.

Jimmy exits the table and Claire quickly takes his place, departing the other two girls so it’s just us two.


She nudges her head to Jimmy trailing off. I cock mine and mirror my emotions across my face. Surprise. Dismay. Shock. Confusion. Lots of confusion.


I answer with uncertainty. Did he send her?

“Do I know you?”

“Yes. We both know how you know me.”

I’m tempted to foist an eye roll, but that might be rude so I gawk instead.

“Why are you here Claire?”

Jimmy should be back any minute with the bill. This is highly weird.

“I just thought I’ll stop by and we could exchange greetings. You left abruptly yesterday.”

“Yes, I had to get to class.”

“Yeah. Class.”

She repeats and it’s almost mockery. All in my head. Dylan’s girlfriend or whatever this girl is wouldn’t mock me.

“Alright then. I’ll be leaving soon.”

“I’ll just take your old table.”

I clip my lips tight covering the gasp that would’ve escaped them.

Claire just smiles. It’s the attractive one that makes her eyes seem fucking gorgeous. She’s perfect.

“Alright then. Hope you enjoy it as much I did.”

What did I just say and why?

“Oh, I will. The table seems good. So perfect and different from the others. It has everything I need. I’m shocked that you would leave.”

I fold my fists watching Claire smirk.

“Well, maybe the table isn’t that good. It just wants you to think it is. It seems decent from the start but fucks up and you have no other option but to leave it even though it shatters you apart or maybe staying will wreck you even more.”

She blinks back and so do I.

Are we still referring to a table in a coffee shop?

“I’ve got it. Let’s go.”

Jimmy announces behind me.

Claire’s gaze is stuck on my face as I grab my things and make my way out of the booth.


“That was weird.”

Jimmy wagers in. If only he heard our conversation.


I momble.

“Are you okay? Did that girl say something to upset you?”


Again I answer too fast. Jimmy lowers his eyes and I’m afraid he’ll call me out on it. He doesn’t. I exhale and face Cal-U instead.

“I never to go research in the library. I’ll see you later.”

I reach up to his height, pressing my lips over his. He crosses his arms around my waist, hoisting and securing me tightly.

“I’ll see you later gorgeous.”

He mutters against mine then pulls away completely.

I decide to take a cab to school rather than a ten minutes walk.

Truth be told, I just want to get away and maybe read up on general psychology.


CAL-U’s library is reviewed and refreshed every month. Books are removed and added, so it’s kept up to date.

What makes it special is the little section of books from best-sellers across the world. For the literature students, of course, I like to take advantage of that perk too.

There are no library passes, but you’ll have to check in with the librarian to get a book out. There’s a common room with several chairs to sit and read, but since it’s Tuesday and a little past noon, the place is almost empty.

I count two girls and three guys when I passed. I visit the novel section. The likes of pride and prejudice, ugly love, after, and a few rom-com are enticing but I skip them all and take up a psychology text. I’ll take those home and read them later.


Books have a way of passing time, especially when it’s about fascinating topics.

I’ve gone through 3 texts on the human mind and some of its signature traits. These will aid my project a lot, but it’s also past four pm. I skipped a calculus class.

Trying to decide which book to take home, I stretch as high as my hands can go for the “November 9” book which is glaring at the top of the shelf. But being 5’2 has its downsides.

Groaning, I storm off to beckon one of the students reading upfront, but the entire library is cleared out.

I contemplate dubbing the librarian, but the woman is past her sixties and that’ll be hard.

Guess the book isn’t meant to be mine. I’ll get After instead.

I frown back to the shelves, but little wonder how a book disappears after barely a minute.

Could’ve sworn it was right there. My hand couldn’t reach it either.

I check both sides, but the entire space is cleared.

What in fuck’s name?

“Looking for this?”

My entire body goes rigid. Everything stands still except my breathing and even that goes haggard as well.

“November 9. Colleen Hoover.”

He calls out then chuckles. Behind me. He’s behind me.

“You want it?”

My fingers are knotted against each other. I’m whispering soothing words to stay in control.


It’s always my name off his tongue that does the trick. I spin around and he’s no longer twenty feet away which is what I concluded from the sound of his voice.

He’s standing at the next shelf, pressing half his body weight against it, twirling a copy of the book in his hand.

“Want. It?”

Then he smirks.

Ignore it and it’ll go away.

I take to my heels and just tread. Slowly at first but his footsteps are gaining on me. He takes the other path to the shelves. I can hear his paces by my right, but I keep walking, determined to get as far away as possible.

Then I sight a crossing, but it’s already too late. He comes upfront and our bodies collide.

He doesn’t jerk a bit as my entire body crashes into his, my head falling directly beneath his jaw, pressing hard against his chest.

Instead, he takes out both arms and encircles me, giving it five seconds before slipping them to my waist to keep me steady. My body is steady, but my breathing is all over the place and now Dylan and I are huddling against each other.

He’s breathing down on me. Fucking literally. I can’t lift my head. I won’t lift my head.

“Don’t lift your head.”

Inner me screams, tugging at her imaginary hair. We have one thing in common now;verge of loosing it.

I lift my head.


I hum. Breathlessly.


He groans softly and if his hands weren’t holding me steady, my entire body would’ve melted straight to the floor.

“Yes. I want it.”

He swallows down his throat, taking a deep breath without breaking my stare.


His voice is gruff and he presses the book against my lower back which propels our bodies further against each other.

“Anything else you want?”

He utters his words slowly, each phrase rolling off his tongue-what’s that word… Divine. Absolutely divine.


Yesterday was a bust but please tell me what you think. The next chapters will be making a few people smile but I’m still Team Jimmy anytime.

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