Living With The Player

Chapter 128 Loving The Player [II]


Sixteen days. So much has happened in over two weeks. So much has changed. Before I’d be begged to shut up, now everyone keeps gawking and idling for a word or two out of me.

My parents flew out of Cal-U yesterday. They did their best, but I wasn’t ready yet. Dylan’s mother got close though. All she did was hug me and I sobbed.

Yesterday I saw him. Camilla’s ex. He knew about everything, so I choose to give the doctor’s words a chance and then open up about this entire shit.

So here I am, sitting across from him, peaking at his notepad while he scribbles my first and last name.

“If I gave you a choice between your blood and the one person you loved, who would you pick?”

He gawks in shock. Half expecting me to keep quiet throughout.

“Is that why you’re withdrawn? Because of what Harper did to Dylan?”

I chuckle.

“No. Of course now. I just don’t see a reason to talk much unlike before. I’m curious, so I’m asking.”

“No. You’re trying to convince yourself that you’re nobody because Dylan might have chosen Camilla.”

“Would have.”

I inject, sighing.

“No. He wouldn’t have preferred her over you and left you for shit.”

“Yeah, but he sure as hell cares for her more than me.”

“He does. She completes him.”

Jimmy announced, laughing more at himself.

“That’s a sick thing about life. He loves you. He does. But with Camilla, it’s like she’s the missing part of him, but no, Dylan would not have picked her if he meant you dying. That’s the first thing we established today.”

“How do you know? He stole your girlfriend. I don’t think you should be supportive now.”

Jimmy laughs for half a minute, tosses the notepad and pen, and then readjusts his sitting position on the chair.

“My first patient and I’m enjoying this. He didn’t take her because she was never mine, Claire.”

He doesn’t break away, and I scoff.


“Why did you pick me for this? There are tons of more qualified people.”

“The same reason Dylan picked Camilla when it was his turn. You’d understand better than the rest of them.”


He chirped, throwing one leg over the other.

“They set the trial for next week. The primaries at least. If all goes well, it won’t make it past that stage before the judge gives his sentencing. Are you ready to testify?”

I flutter my eyes and recall every shitty thing.

“So alone. No one is here. I’ve been watching you thinking I’d meet resistance, but no one. No one around you. Dylan guards Camilla like a hawk, I’ve barely found an opening to capture, but you. So very easy. I’m doubting how useful you’d be.”

I recount Harper’s words with an end laugh.

“He said that to mess with you.”

“They didn’t lie, Jimmy, he spoke the truth. I was a sitting duck because no one cared enough to stay around me. It’s always been like that, I’ve tried to project myself into everyone else’s lives, but it seems fruitless. As you said, they have their missing pieces. I’m just the unfit piece and it didn’t suck that much until Harper was in my ear whispering it so loudly that I can’t unhear it. But to answer your question, yes I’ll be testifying because that bastard will spend a lot of time behind the bars of a prison cell.”

I clutch my purse, fisting a full hand in aggression.

“So what exactly do you want for me, Claire?”

“I need you. Need. I need you to sit there and listen to me recount the worst twenty-four hours of my life because talking to you will make me feel better. Because I need to not lunge for his throat when our eyes meet in that courtroom. Can you do that?”

“What transpired next?”

Jimmy inquires, bringing his chair towards me.



“If you choke him, I’d find a way to erase footage, then you can always use the famous I don’t recall line. You should do just fine.”

I took off my left leg which was carefully placed over my right, smirking while reaching for my idle bag at the corner of the room. He beat me to it, raising it higher than I could reach.

“Are you ready?”


“Will you try to strangle him?”

“Ask me again in a few hours.”

“Do you want me to come along?”


I hum lowly.


The past few sessions have been terrific. Jimmy would sit for over an hour and just listen. He didn’t give side remarks or his opinion on the conclusions I arrived at.

He made it easy to open up. Let him know how they placed me in a dark corner with a box of pizza. More like a rat. How I’d hear their taunting voices at the four corners of the room.

How Harper had come to me, hovering over my face like a psycho.

How they tied me up sometimes and moved me, making me trip then fall merely to get a laugh at. How I waited for anyone to notice I was gone, but it felt like the rest of the world had simply just moved on.

How I felt like nothing. How I was treated like nothing. I told him everything. And he listened.

Today is the hearing for Harper. I called Dylan. For the first time in two and a half weeks I spoke to my cousin because after hearing myself talk, I could figure out that it wasn’t entirely his fault. We were all high that day. Either on adrenaline, pain, hurt, or agony. Dylan had just fought someone after almost a year of vowing never to return, yes Camilla and I met days ago and I heard his side of the plot.

I guess it’s easier to condemn everyone else when only your version replays in your head. Once I got his and hers, the stalking, the past they had together, everything fit.

The hurt didn’t go away entirely, but I’m on the road to recovery.


I didn’t flinch as Jimmy pulled my hand in his and we walked out of his dorm. And maybe there might even be a love story in there for me.



“You did great Darlin.”

Dylan added pressure on my already shaking arm. The testimony was intense. They almost overruled Claire’s since she was mostly unconscious. She could’ve misinterpreted things.

And mine? It was valid, but now they’re making a plea deal since Harper was allegedly intoxicated.

I hardly smelt it, but it’s plausible. Aside from the kidnapping, he’s hanging on multiple charges.

Assault. Breaking in. The list goes on. He’s not escaping prison, the lawyer is merely trying to get him lesser time.

Finally, it was Dylan’s turn. The final words before the case are decided upon.

“You’ll be fine.”

He bobbed his slowly then took the stand, his brown eyes piercing over all of us, stopping lastly at Claire.

She’s a bit farther from both of us, Jimmy is beside her, and if my angle is accurate, they must be holding hands. Miranda exited half an hour ago and had to make it to class.

After being sworn in, Dylan’s palms spread across the table before he spoke.

“Harper Kennedy was once a friend. As weird as it was, Harper was there when I was at my lowest. I left him once I got better and for that, I feel partially responsible for how he turned out. He made mistakes. Terrible mistakes. Maybe they could have been avoided if he was simply loved. I believe that’s the bottom line, he was never loved. I know first-hand how life turns dark without the love and care of someone, and although Harper is guilty of every single charge set against him, he was innocent at some point. He’s going to jail, for a long time, but I truly hope that maybe one day he’ll get the love he deserves. Harper took Camilla Renée and my cousin. He manipulated me to fight him and someone else, he threatened miss Renée with a gun before he was finally subdued by the FBI. That is my testimony.”

My lids gleamed with pride. How could a man be just perfect in all areas?

“I love you.”

I mouthed while he reached me.

“I love you more Darlin.”

Clipping my hair, he presses the full length of his mouth over mine.


Harper was sentenced to seven years in county prison with light labour then psychology helped as much as he needed. His accomplices were each sentenced to three years with manual labour.

We watched as he was taken away by the officer, no exchange, no vile words, nothing.

It was almost sad. Almost.

“Let’s grab a drink, it’s Friday night.”

Jimmy suggested. Sighing, I made for the door with the shake of my head as the only evidence of agreement.


“Where do you see yourself next month?”

I quip, holding up the drink and meeting everyone’s eyes.

“Whining about the next exam while looking forward to date night.”

I answer then toss the drink over.

“Worrying about which restaurant to pick for the woman I love. I don’t worry about exams, I ace them.”

He passed a wink then topped his glass as well.

“On a pool table, shaking my ass because it’s Friday night.”

Claire clipped and then gulped it down. All of us chuckled.

“Begging my makeshift client to leave, so I could go watch a girl shake her ass on a table. Or several girls.”

Jimmy arched a brow then drank his. Unmistakably, Claire did blush.

“You’re okay with this?”

Dylan chides so I could hear only.

“When has my life never been awkward.”

I answer back with a knowing smirk.

“Maybe it’s my life purpose to date people, then through me they meet their one.”

“Don’t even.”

He scolded knowing what I implied to us. I tossed my head and then giggled.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Where do you see yourself in the next minute.”

I laugh quietly.

“I don’t know getting a refill?”

I chuckle and wave the empty bottle in front of him.

“Kissing you.”

He answers then covers his lips with mine.


“What are you thinking about?”

Holding my waist, he steadies my gaze on the moon in front of us. We dispersed a while ago when Dylan’s friend grabbed him from the table. Claire and Jimmy sauntered off no longer after, I wonder how that sexual tension is going.

“Where I’ll be…”

“With me.”

He finishes, kissing the back of my neck.

“Well, that’s not certain.”

“Oh it is, we always find our way back to each other.”

“Smug much?”

“Certain much.”

He says instead. It must be your alcohol getting my cheeks to flare. Oh Dylan Emerton and the things he does to me.

“Miranda texting not to come to the dorms unless I have headphones.”

I cringe at the meaning of those words.

“What made you think you were leaving my side either way?”

He peppers kiss on my neck, trailing to my jaw then finally meeting my lips.

“Till Whenever Darlin, but I’ll pray it’s forever.”

He whispers, branding his tongue on the insides of my mouth.



Author’s Note: I want to thank everyone who followed me through this journey till its end. The late updates, the sick days, everything. Thank you!! As a special offer, I’ll be uploading an epilogue which would show a massive time jump and a little surprise for everyone. Since I’m uploading my new book, the epilogue will drop before the end of this week. The new book will be uploaded on Goodnovel and Novelcat first. It’s titled A VOW TO HATE. If you’re interested. Much Love, C.

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