Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 55: Volunteers

Chapter 55: Volunteers

Glen's POV

"Okay then, since that you are all the very eager students then I will give you the privilege to go first"

Sir Michael says and then I saw him pointing to the center of the room which is where the platform is


"I knew it" I cheered in myself while looking at them.

The students where kind of confused for a moment but they just went to the platform. The other

hesitated in going in front so I just saw that there were only 5 who went at the center who are still

looking like they are the strongest in the room making me smirk.

(I feel sorry for these people that they were the first victim of that guy. They better pray that they won't

end up like a pulp. I think that he might not do that since this is a school- but he is still is a delinquent

back then so you never know what will happen) I thought while I chuckle in my mind.

"Life's a freaking present and you never know that is inside until you open it" I mumble as I shake my

head in amusement.

"Okay then we have some volunteers, give them a round of applause everyone" Sir Michael said to

everyone and I saw that he is wearing a sinister smile making me shiver.

"I think you should rather say, offer them a prayer" I mumble in sympathy but I just give him what he


I was the first one to clap my hands since no one did and everyone looked at me making me stop

immediately but then I heard claps making me look at who is it and it was Tobios and Andre clapping

their hands and the rest followed.

(I guess that since the most popular guy at school clapped then no more question if a crowd decides to

follow him, Eazy pizzy) I thought as I glance at him and he was looking in front.

"Well their stares kind of made me nervous" I mumble when I saw that they all look away from me and

went back to the group in the middle.

"What are we going to do here?" I heard one say who is in the platform and he had a good build

making me nod my head.

(I think that he might land a good punch at him and give him a good fight. He is buffer than be so I

guess he might do it easily than me) I thought while I analyze his built.

Then I look to the others and saw that all of them have good builds and they might even beat him.

(Though I still can't ensure that Sir Michael would even give them any chance to hit him but still they

have maybe a higher chance than me considering their builds) I shake my head and just focus on

watching what will happen next.

"Okay then..." he said and jump back to the platform and then look at the volunteers who are standing

proudly making me want to chuckle.

"If they only knew what is about to happen to them" I mumble while I sit comfortably and enjoy the

upcoming show.

"I would only require you to hit my face" He simply said and they all looked a bit confused then they

suddenly smirk at each other and got serious.

"So, we only have to land a punch" I hear the boy who was the buffest of them say.

"Yup just land a punch at my face, here" Sir Michael mocked while pointing at his face and they all look

with each other one more time and I am getting excited here at my sit.

(I really hope that they would beat his arrogant face as hard as they can. I hate the guts of that man

and if anyone here wants to beat him, I would never have second thoughts and side with them) I

thought while I glare at Sir Michael.

"Beat him and wipe that smirk on his face" I mumble while still glaring at him since I could remember

that day. It was the first time that we fought and he really beat me.

He managed to dodge all of my attacks and made me always fall down on the ground and then mocks

me that I am weak.

"Wait till I will really land a punch on your face you—" I groan while I then bowed my head in defeat.

"Just beat him" I said whisper in gritted teeth while looking at the so-called volunteers.

Then suddenly the first students attacked him and he just let him get near him and when he was about

to punch him, he suddenly kneed the guys stomach making the poor guy to fall on the ground and then

hug his stomach in pain.

"What the—" I could hear the others students murmur with each other and then I think the volunteers

suddenly got startled and that they look surprised.

Another attacked him and give him a surprise kick but he dodges him and then gave him a punch on

the face but the guy manages to dodge it on time and then he retreated back.

Then he looks at the other guy and they both attacked him at the same time and I could see that they

manage to make Sir Michael to move and dodge their attacks.

Sir Michael was dodging all their kicks and punches while the two just attack him endlessly and then

suddenly Sir Michael caught their arms and then he twist it before pushing them away making them

hiss in pain as they look at him in anger.

Another one attacked him and he was about to punch Sir Michael face and he was smiling when

suddenly Sir Michael caught his fist too then he gave him a kick on the side and he was suddenly

thrown on the ground and groan in pain.

"Is that all you got?" I hear Sir Michael said seriously and I just look away when I saw my fellow

students groaning on the floor in pain.

I saw that the last was about to go down the platform when suddenly Sir Michael immediately went in

front of him and then give him a punch in his stomach making him groan in pain and then he looked at

the whole class again.

"Anyone who have any complains, you are all free to come and express yourselves?" he challenges

and then most of the students just looks away.

"You are weak" he arrogantly said making some students glare at him but then they just look away in

defeat since considering what he did, because if I could remember those fellow classmates have a

good reputation when it comes to combat.

I could also remember that they were the one who was always being called by Sir Tanner to

demonstrate something.

"Speaking of Sir Tanner, where is he?" I asked myself then I look around and saw him just sitting on the

other far end of the room like he doesn't care what is happening.

"Is he just going to sit down there?" I asked while I look away and then look back at the students who

are groaning in pain.

"Is that all you got, yet you complain like you’re even that strong" he mocked making some students to

look at him in hate but I think that that is what he wants. Though some also looked at him with

amusement and awe.

(He is trying to make them use all of their strength by trying to make them mad and attack him) I then

look away and just smile in my mind.

(He sure didn't change. He is still that cocky bastard) I thought while I was bowing my head since I bet

that he would give us a lecture again.

I then suddenly hear that the class was a little bit quiet than it should be and the atmosphere suddenly

kind of change making you feel that something is not right.

I immediately raise my head and then I saw that Tobios was standing and looking at Sir Michael.

(Is he planning to fight him too?) I question while looking at him.

"What happens if I will land a punch?" he challenges and I then suddenly remembered that he is very

good in combat too since I witnessed and experienced it myself.

I then look at Sir Michael and saw him slowly smiling at him like he had found a worthy opponent.

"Well then if you would manage to land a punch then we would immediately proceed with the actual

and I wouldn't have to lecture you" he said and I suddenly smiled when he said that.

"BEAT HIM" I suddenly cheered and shouted unconsciously.

Immediately everyone looked at me and I blushed in embarrassment making me shrink and then got


(Think of an escape Glen) I thought while I was looking at everybody who is looking at me in confusion.

"I—I mean that punch him so that we won't have lectures" I said and hope that it would work and I saw

that suddenly my fellow classmates suddenly looked at each other and they whispered with each other.

"Yeah... that is right" I heard one say and they suddenly started shouting and encouraging Tobios to

punch him making me sigh in relief.

(Thank goodness I manage to divert their attention away from me) I said in relief while sighing in relax.

I then glance at Tobios and saw him looking at me making me look away and look at Sir Michael This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

instead who looks like he is finally getting some fun.

Even thought that he is not smiling I could still see that he is suddenly in good mood since he is not

shouting when most of the students are now cursing at him to lose.

"Then come on here and show me what you got" Sir Michael said and we all looked at Tobios and he

was slowly going to the platform.

Then they both looked at each other and assess each other.

(I could say that maybe Tobios can have a chance since he is good in fighting and considering that he

is an elemental then I guess that he might have the highest chances in this room to be able to land a

punch) I thought while looking at them both who are now suddenly getting into their own stance.

The whole classroom suddenly went silent. Silent enough that I think I could hear the sound of beating

hearts. We are all patiently waiting for what will happen next.

You could also see the tension in the room building and the excitement in my fellow classmates and

even me. We were all anticipating what will happen and I could feel that everybody is nervous and a

little be worried since considering what Sir Michael did a while ago is real and he is not even bluffing at


"He will really take you down and he really treats you as an enemy to be brought down and probably

not a student to be taught" I whisper in the air while looking at Sir Michael.

"Damn this tension is giving me the chills since remembering the memories when he was training me" I

shiver in the suddenly memory and I think that probably getting out of this room is a good idea.

But I can't do that since I'm feeling excited and anxious about this fight.

(Will he win or will he lose to Sir Michael—but maybe honestly, I want to know if Sir Tanner will stop this

now) I thought while I glance at Sir Tanner who is now looking at the platform and watching them


Then suddenly I hear the whole class cheer making me turn away from Sir Tanner and look at the two.

They are now fighting with each other and I think that Sir Michael is in the disadvantage because

Tobios is giving him continuous punches and kicks.

Sir Michael only is on the defense trying to block all the attacks Tobios is giving his best but you could

still see that despite all his attacks still nothing landed on Sir's face.

Tobios tried to land a punch again but this time Sir dodge it and counter it with a kick but Tobios was

fast enough to dodge it by retreating back creating a safe distance from him.

But Sir didn't even waste any chances and immediately followed him and now Tobios is on defense and

Sir is the one attacking him now giving punches and kicks making us suddenly got surprised since you

could see that Tobios is kind of in trouble.

(How come that Tobios is still not strong enough to counter Sir. Isn’t he an elemental? Elementals are

strong if I am not mistaken or wait--) I suddenly remembered that back when we were both fighting, he

always uses his power and weapons.

"Don't tell me that---" I mumble while looking at Tobios who is trying to dodge all the attacks of Sir but

you could see that he is taking damage and he might not last since Sir is now suddenly getting pump


"—he is not good in combat that doesn't use any weapon or magic" I whispered before I sigh and then

look at them.

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