Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 66: First Combat

Chapter 66: First Combat

Glen's POV

"Sure, make yourself comfortable" I said while smiling halfheartedly as I look at him.

He was looking at me too with an expression that I am not used to see from him.

I just kept quiet and look at the other students talking with their partners. I then felt him slowly sit down

beside me and I just try to figure out why is he suddenly approaching me.

(Why is this person suddenly approaching me and more over sitting down next to me? We are not in

good terms so why--well we are not that really not in good terms) I thought while I try to glance at him

and I was surprised when I saw him looking at me.

He was staring at me intently and even if I have caught him looking at me, he didn't even look away

making me look at him in question.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked him since he was looking at me intently and he suddenly

snaps when I spoke to him and I saw him slowly look away.

"Oh—yeah t—here is a something stickled on your face" he said making me immediately wipe my face

since that would be embarrassing.

"Oh, thank you" I simply said while I wipe my face and I felt that there is really a piece of soil on my


(How did that get in my face?) I thought while I wipe it away and then I look back at him.

"So, tell me why did you really approach me here?" I told him honestly since in the first place both of us

are somewhat not quite in good terms with each other.

I then saw him flinched before he sighs making me look at him in anticipation.

"So, you do really have something to say to me, aren’t you?" I told him while now my whole attention is Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

on him.

"Uhmm—you see..." he said and it looks like whatever he wants to say is stuck in his throat and he

can't say them.

"Look can we just be friends and stop fighting each other" Andre suddenly jumps in our conversation

and we were both startled making us both look at him and he was smiling while looking at me.

"So, this is what you want to say" I said while I glance at Tobios and he just keeps quiet and looks


"Yup this guy here is just shy to say it" I hear Andre say while slinging his arm around Tobios' neck and

I saw Tobios glare at him before he nudges Andre's waist making him groan in pain.

I hear both of them whisper something to each other and I just sit there and stare at them.

They were both giving each other glares making me chuckle and then I sigh while looking at the


"Okay fine—I guess that we could just get along with rather than being enemies" I said in defeat while I

raise my head and look at them.

I was a bit surprised when I saw them both looking at me making me immediately look away.

"A—nyway we only got into each other's throat just because we had some misunderstanding from the

start. So let us all just be friends if that is okay with you" I said while looking away since I really can't

look at them straight since usually this is not me and more over I honestly don't know how to react in

this kind of situation so I just told whatever what I have in my head.

"Of course—uhm it's okay for us to be friends" I hear Andre immediately said while offering his hands

to me and I stare at it before I realize what he wants and I generously took it and we both shake hands.

"Guess that we are all good with each other now" I hear Andre said and I look at him before I look at

Tobios and he was looking at me.

Andre sensed what I have in mind making him immediately nudge Tobios waist making him look at


"It's okay right" Andre said to him and the glare in his eyes never escaped my eyes like he was trying to

emphasize something to Tobios.

"O—f course... we want to be on good terms" Tobios said while he looked at me making me sigh.

(Is my decision really the right one? Gezzz I think that Kaylee might not agree with this or even likes

the idea of being friends with them especially that girl) I thought while I hesitate to talk to them again

but I already accepted it so there is no turning back.

"Honestly... uhm I'm not quite sure if we would immediately be friends since I think that my companions

might not like the idea—but nevertheless I would try to talk to them and you should also try to talk with

yours" I said trying to emphasize that girl and I saw them both immediately got it.

"Sure, we'll talk to her" Andre said and they both look at each other before they look at me.

"Okay then let's start the match. Do I see any volunteers?" I hear Sir Michael said and I immediately

look at the platform and saw that the guy a while ago who asked to be my partner is already going to

the platform while looking at me.

I then turn around and look at the two and they are both giving me weird looks since I suddenly stand

up and dusted my clothes.

"I guess I would see you around then since that guy's calling me" I said while I nod at them and they

just agreed.

"Okay... then be careful" I suddenly heard Tobios said and I immediately look at him and Andre was

also looking at him in surprise.

"What?" he said when he saw us both looking at him making me smile and just look at him.

"I never thought that you could worry about the others" I said and he looked at me before he scoffs.

"What never seen someone who cares about the well-being of others" he said making me just chuckle.

"Well I just think that it doesn't match your attitude" I tease while I turn around and look at the guy and

he was looking at me too seriously.

"I guess we have a volunteer then. So, who is your partner?" I hear Sir Michael asked the guy and he

points at me and everyone turn around to look at me and I kind of got nervous with the stares that they

are giving.

(Shit—everyone is looking at me. Damn it's making me feel conscious. Can they all just all look away

and I guess that not everyone likes me because some are giving me nasty looks-- though some are

just giving me amused one)

"What did I even do to them to be treated like this?" I mumble while I slowly complaining in my head

while avoiding their nasty looks.

"Fuck... wait till I wipe all those nasty looks away" I clenched my fist as I look straight at the guy.

"Well then-- Glen would you come up here so we could start" Sir Michael said while smiling at me and I

just give him a glare.

I then turn around and smile to the two before I slowly went to the platform that acts as a ring.

"Okay then both of you come here" Sir Michael said while motioning us to stand in the middle of the


We both went to the middle and both of us faced each other face to face and I could feel that he is

trying to intimidate me but that doesn't work on me because his intimidation is far too weak from the

intimidation that I usually get from grandpa and also this so called teacher standing beside me.

(Even though that he sometimes just smile but actually deep inside he wants to beat you so don't be

deceived by this person's looks in the outside because he is dark as the night in the inside-- if you get

what I mean) I thought while I turn my attention to Sir Michael who is now looking at the both of us


"Okay then this is a barehanded fight so weapons are not allowed and if I caught you bringing out your

weapon, I will immediately kick you out for today's class and not only that you will get a zero mark in

today's activity. And this also applies to all of you" he said while turning to the crowd and said those last

sentences to them.

"UNDERSTOOD" he shouted and immediately we all responded.

"YES SIR" we all shouted right back at him.

"Okay then fight with all you've got but if it will turn dangerous, I will immediately stop the fight. Am I

clear" he said and we both agreed.

"YES SIR" we both shouted as we both look at each other.

"Okay then the rule of winning is simple. Either you knock down the person until he can no longer fight

or the other person accepts defeat" he said and we both nod our heads.

"No way in heck that I would admit defeat" I mumble as I stare at the guy.

"Then in the count of three you can start" he said while he slowly moving away from us and the two of

us give each other glares and the excitement that I'm feeling a while ago suddenly arise making me fire


I smiled at him and he gives me a confused look before he spoke.

"Let's see if you are really good or you are just pretending" he said and I chuckle at his remarks.

"Then let's see also if you are not just all talk" I responded and he got pissed and give me a glared

while on the other hand I just give him an innocent smirk.

"If you're scared already you can just withdraw" he teased while slowly calming his arrogant self and I

still chuckle at him.

"You really like to make jokes" I responded and he glared at me.


"ONE" Sir Michael said and both of us immediately prepared and got serious. I look at him and he was

already in a stance ready to attack and I was also in the same position.

"TWO" I breath in slowly as I control my excitement since it's the first time again that I will have to fight

someone in a ring and it's making me anxious and happy to be able to spar with someone.

I then looked at him since if Sir Michael gives the signal the fight will already start.

"Okay calm yourself and focus on the target" I told myself while I observe the movement of my target.

I can now hear the sound of my beating heart and I could feel that my body is trembling, not in fear or

nervousness but I repeat again because of excitement and eagerness to attack this guy.

"THREE" as soon as Sir Michael said that he didn't waste any second and he immediately attacked me

directly and I manage to dodge his punch as I lean to the my left and then I give him also a punch with

my right hand and he manage to dodge it too but I smirked when he fell for the trap that I prepared.

He didn't saw that I have lifted my right knee as soon as I deliver the punch so he didn't saw what was

coming and he was already too late to dodge my attack making my knee hit his stomach and he

immediately stopped and clutch his stomach in pain as he bends over.

I hear the crowd gasp in surprise but the fight still is not over until one of us accepts defeat or either

beaten until the other can no longer fight.

So, I didn't give him any second to respond and I immediately attacked him by knocking his both feet

down and he lost balanced and fall on the ground before I immediately sneak to his back and then

pinned him down buy twisting his right arm behind his back.

"Accept defeat now or else I might really break your " I immediately said since I don't want to continue

twisting his arm until he surrenders.

He tried to be stubborn and tried to escape by wiggling his body but it was futile.

"Just give up already since that doesn't work and we both know it" I said to him as he struggles to

escape but I held my ground and pinned him down and I twisted his arm a little bit making him groan in


"I said admit—"

"F--ine you won" he immediately said and just like a magic word I immediately let go of his hand and I

get of his back as I wait for him to try and get up and I am not that arrogant so I helped him stand up

but he pushed me away making me just sigh and let him be as he stand up by himself and he slowly

looks away and went back to his friends who is now in shock too by what just had happened.

I saw Sir Michael came next to me and he then looks at the class.

"Okay then Glen wins this round-- and Patrick try to work on your reflex" he said before he looks at me.

"So, his name is Patrick" I mumble while I look at him and he was now glaring at me making me sigh

until Sir Michael suddenly put his hands on my shoulder.

"Go easy on them. I know that you're eager to fight but you need to be in control of your emotions" I

hear him whisper to me and I could feel that he was giving me a warning making me sigh nervously.

"Come on you can see that it was a fair fight. It's just that he is just a little bit weaker than me. I

acknowledge his power therefore I fought him with all that I've got or else I might underestimate my

opponent just like what you always taught me" I tried to reason out while giving him a pout to try and

make him let me slide but I guess that when it comes to this issue he is really serious judging from the

look that he is giving me.

"What that I would make you—"

"Nope I will now really lie low" I immediately said and went away.

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