Mafia Desire (Erotica)


She had changed clothes and had brought a warm damp cloth with her. She insisted on cleaning up the remainder of the mess I’d made from my stomach and prick, giving me a few gentle strokes when she was satisfied that it was all cleaned up. She dropped the cloth on the floor and laid back down next to me.

“So… about those fantasies about me?” I asked.

“Got you curious, did I?” She was clearly amused.

“Definitely. What were they about?” I was intrigued and let it show. That was probably where I went wrong because now she knew she could use my interest to torment me.

“I dunno. You did stuff to me. I did stuff to you. You know… fantasies.” She gave me a purposely vague smile. I lifted a hand to brush some loose hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. She softly closed her eyes in appreciation for a moment when I did. I loved doing that for some reason.

“But what kind of stuff?” I asked, suspecting I was about to get nowhere with this line of inquiry.

“Nope. I’m not telling you that. A girl’s got to have her secrets.”

“Ugh… Fine. Be that way…” I sighed in mock annoyance.

“Mom and dad need to go out of town again,” she sighed, sort of wistfully. “It sucks I can’t sleep here tonight.”

“I wish you could sleep here, too. But at least we can see each other in the morning for breakfast.”

“Yeah, but… I don’t know. It’s not like I just can’t sleep next to my new boyfriend.” She put her arm around me, snuggling up against me with a pouting expression. “You’re more than that. It’s just frustrating.”

I knew she was right, but since I didn’t have any grand solution come to mind, I simply hugged her and held her until she finally, begrudgingly, gave me a long kiss goodnight and returned to her room. I fell asleep almost immediately.

* * *

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of mom yelling for me to come to breakfast. The house smelled of bacon and pancakes. I crawled out of the bed, changed clothes, and wandered downstairs in search of bacon.

Mom handed me a plate and I sat at the dining table to eat, mumbling a greeting to my dad, who was reading the morning paper. A couple of minutes later, Amy sat across from me with a plate of her own and slipped me a quick smile before she began attacking her plate in earnest. Mom joined us and we all ate with the kind of small talk that accompanies families who are not very awake yet in the mornings at breakfast.

When I absently reached up to scratch a spot on my shoulder that itched, Amy suddenly coughed and began doing her best to suppress a giggle. I looked up at her and saw both her and my mother looking at me. Amy’s eyes were lit up in amusement, but my mother’s was slightly more troubled.

“Um, Adam? You may want to tell your little photographer friend to calm down a little in the future.” My mother said with a slight look of disapproval. “I certainly hope you are using protection.”

At the words “little photographer friend”, my sister suddenly shot me a look. Thanks for that, mom.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, puzzled, as I dropped my hand from my shoulder to pick up my glass of orange juice.

“Have you seen your neck? I think she got a little out of hand.”

I felt the rush of blood to my face and scurried to the downstairs bathroom to see what our mother was on about. Sure enough, sticking out of my shirt collar, right where my shoulder and neck connected, was a nice set of red bite marks. Just about the spot that Amy had latched her teeth on my shoulder as she had her first orgasm with me the previous night. Thankfully, mom seemed to think it had been put there by Megan. She’d unwittingly given me my cover story.

I returned to the breakfast table, and sat down sheepishly. “I didn’t realize she’d done that. Sorry, mom.”

I stole a glance at Amy who did her best to look like the picture of innocence as she ate, even if slightly pleased with herself. I felt her food slide along my shin under the table as she slipped me a sly wink. I proceeded to spend the rest of the meal feeling self conscious about the teeth marks on my neck and couldn’t resist reaching up to scratch them occasionally, much to Amy’s amusement.

After breakfast, I showered and returned to my room, already dressed and drying my hair with a towel.

“Damn. That photographer chick really did a number on you.” Amy smirked where she sat with her legs crossed in my office chair with her phone in her lap. “Maybe I should go have a talk with her. Tell her it isn’t right to go tagging my big brother like he’s an animal in a wildlife refuge.”

“I certainly should.” I replied. “She damned near gave me a heart attack at breakfast.”

“Still, you must have done something right to set her off that wildly.”

“It’s a possibility.” I chuckled, remembering the events of the previous evening.

“So who is she, anyway?” Her smirking had stopped, but she didn’t seem upset.

“An artist friend of mine that I used to mess around with occasionally. That’s over with.” I went straight for honesty, having nothing to hide and knowing it.

“Ah… The little redhead with the red dress and the nose ring from the gallery?” She asked.

“Yeah, that’s her.” I was genuinely impressed. “How did you guess that?”

“I saw her checking you out last night. A few times, actually. I wasn’t the only one who thought you looked pretty hot in a dress shirt and tie, I guess.” She gave me a lustful glance and I felt a twitch in my shorts.

“Huh. I hadn’t noticed.” I’d had a life long blind spot for these things.

“So it’s over with?”

“It’s been over for a while, now.” I responded. “Not that our mother got that memo, apparently. But that worked in our favor a short while ago, I’d say.”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I believe you.” She smiled at me. “I was just curious.”

She gave me a hug and dropped away from me slowly, giving my hand a squeeze. “I gotta hit the shower. Tell your girlfriend to cut the shit, she nearly got us in a whole world of trouble.”

I snickered and slapped her ass as she attempted to dodge and darted from the room.

* * *

That night, as she laid in my bed, spooned up against me with her delicious ass wedged up against my cock, she asked “When did you know? That things were different with us, I mean? That you felt… more.”

“I’m not a hundred percent sure.”

“Was it when you woke up with me like this?” Her ass wiggled a little against my cock.

“No, that wasn’t it. But thanks for reminding me of that whole embarrassment.” I chuckled.

“Oh, like you had forgotten all about it. Sure.” I could hear the smirk, and chose to ignore it.

“There was this one night, a few months back… I came home and you were asleep on the sofa.”

“The night you straightened my hair?” Despite how incredible her ass felt against me, she elected to roll over and put her arm across me instead. I started to protest, but thought better of it.

“You knew about that?” I was surprised.

“Well, I was asleep, and a felt a hand brush my hair out of my face. I just assumed it was dad. Sometimes, he does stuff like that. Just being dad. You know, I’m his little girl and all that. Anyway, I wasn’t all that awake, and it took a second to open my eyes. When I did, he wasn’t there. I looked over the arm of the sofa, and I saw you walking up the staircase with your book bag.” She slowly moved her hand across my chest as she spoke. “I thought it was really unusual because you mostly ignore me. I mean, you used to. It was the first really loving, kind type of gesture I’d seen from you in a long time. I didn’t call out to you because I didn’t want to spoil it. I just enjoyed that you showed me some affection. I didn’t even realize that I had been missing it so much until then. It was really nice. I felt like you cared. I had a big smile on my face for a while after that. Is that silly?”

“No, it’s not. I’m sorry you felt like I’d been ignoring you. I had no idea you woke up. Is that all you remember from the night?”

“I think so. But is that the night you’re talking about?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.” I shifted slightly so that I could reach the lamp on the nightstand. “I want you to see something.”

As the soft light filled the room, I looked down at her and she was looking up at me. There was something in the affectionate way that her blue eyes gazed at me. It kind of took my breath away. I gazed back at her for a few seconds, lost in her face.

Fighting the urge to kiss her again, I finally broke eye contact to scan the desk across the room until I spotted what I was looking for. “You see the stack of sketchbooks on my desk over there? You want the third one down. The one with the blue paint on the spine.”

“That means moving,” she whined.

“Grab the book. I really want you to see this. I’ve never shown it to anyone.”

She unfolded from me and grabbed the sketchbook from the desk. She sat in my office chair and started flipping through it. Her long, dark hair cascading across her face and tumbling down her shoulder as she bent over the sketchbook, partially obscuring my view of her face. “What am I looking for?”

“You’ll know it when you see it.”

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