Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Amy grumbled something unintelligible and closed her eyes again. I thought I made out the word “whore” in there somewhere, but I didn’t want to ask for clarification.

A couple of minutes later I heard Amy start snoring softly again.

I looked over at Amy and shifted my shoulder. “Wake up, brat. Time for bed.”

“What?” she groaned.

“I said time to get up and go to bed.”

“Don’t wanna.” She mumbled.

“Courtney, go grab me a handful of snow, would ya?” I asked. Courtney started snickering.

“Nooooo.” Amy cried softly and draped an arm across me. I moved her arm back to her side and shrugged a little more forcefully.

“Last chance, kid. Snow’s coming.” I warned.

“But I’m tired.” She whined, dragging the last word out. She cracked open one eye and stared up at me pouting. “Carry me?”

“Carry you? What are you, a five year old?” I laughed. Had we been at home, I would have done it in a heartbeat. “Not happening, brat. Get your ass up and go to bed.”

“Fine.” She stuck her tongue out at me as she shuffled out of the room with the blanket hanging off of her shoulders.

* * *

Thanksgiving morning, I woke up early and hit the shower. I dried off and got dressed. I unlocked the bathroom door and the door handle turned in my hand, startling the hell out of me. I stepped back from the door, expecting it to fly open in my face. Instead, it opened slowly about a third of the way, and Amy slid into the bathroom looking over her shoulder as she did. She closed the door and locked it again, then spun and nearly ran into my arms. I can’t say I wasn’t relieved that it wasn’t Kayla.

I broke our embrace with one arm just enough to turn on the water in the sink.

“You’re out of your mind.” I whispered to her, hoping the water would mask our voices to anyone who may pass in the hall. With at least a dozen people in the house who knew us, this felt like an incredible risk.

“I know. I just wanted a few seconds alone.” She replied, planting her lips on my neck. I didn’t notice until that moment that she was holding her travel kit with her. To anyone who wasn’t standing right at the door, she was simply going to the bathroom as soon as I left. The overlap would only be apparent to someone who saw her enter or me leave. She could be a clever little shit, when she wanted.

I gave her a deep, lingering kiss, allowing one of my hands to cup her ass for emphasis. She melted into me immediately, a soft moan escaping her lips.

“I gotta go, baby.” I whispered, letting my reluctance to leave her side show in my voice. She nodded, smiling.

“I just needed a quick kiss.” Her eyes skipped down to the tent in my pants. “And to remind myself that I could do that to you.”

I walked to the door, turned and walked right back up to her. I gave her another passionate kiss, this time groping her tits a moment before sliding my hand into her pajama pants and running my fingers over her slit, allowing the middle one to part her slightly. She melted again, groaning into the kiss. I pulled my hand away and slid my finger into my mouth, tasting her. She took a sharp breath and leaned up to kiss me again, but I slipped away to the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She pouted.

“I gotta go,” I repeated with an evil grin. “I just wanted to remind myself that I could do that to you.”

“Goddamned tease.” She replied, but she was smirking. She looked a little shaky as she leaned against the counter.

I laughed quietly and slipped from the room. I made it about five feet down the hall before I turned back toward the door. I heard the lock click into place.

“Damn it,” I mumbled. I could have knocked, but I knew it was best I didn’t. We’d already pushed our luck enough for one morning. I sighed and went to find breakfast.Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

The rest of Thanksgiving day went mostly without incident. Thankfully, Kayla had gone home the night before to spend the day with her own family. Amy and I felt continually trapped by our circumstances after that incident in the bathroom. We maintained a careful distance from each other, very much against our desires. We still stole glances at each other periodically throughout the day, both of us wanting this week to be over. Eventually, she got roped into helping out in the kitchen by Courtney while I shot pool in the game room with Brad.

When everyone sat down for dinner, Amy sat across from me. She made sure that she dipped over several times while passing serving dishes around, allowing me plenty of opportunities to see down her blouse. It wasn’t long into the meal before I felt a bare foot sliding up between my legs. I shot her a dirty look, but kept my composure. She was absently listening to our mother chattering away with Aunt Linda, chewing happily on a piece of turkey, while her toes rubbed my cock to an erection under the table. I casually dropped my hand below the table and pushed her foot away.

The amount of food on the table was daunting. All of it looked absolutely incredible. I had overdosed on seasoned potatoes with turkey gravy, and was currently working my way through a pile of steamed broccoli, when I saw the mischievous smirk cross my baby sister’s face. Uh oh, I thought. Conversations from the family surrounding us was just as abundant as the food. Maybe five minutes passed, and the foot returned, rubbing itself along my cock.

I reached for my phone and fired off a text message. “Cut the shit, damn it.”

Understandably, for appearances sake, she waited a minute or two to reach for her phone. I had long since slid mine back in my pocket. Her lips curled upward in a grin when she saw the text, and I felt her toes make another determined stroke across the length of my dick. Really? I thought. The little brat was asking for it.

I picked up my dining knife, glancing about to make sure no one had their eyes on me, and dropped my hands below the table. She cocked an eyebrow at me, unsure what I was planning to do. Grabbing her foot before she had a chance to retreat, I spun the blade around backwards. I drug the back of the knife very lightly and slowly down the arch of her foot, tickling her foot in the process. Amy suddenly coughed and straightened, making a show of having swallowed something wrong to mask how hard she was fighting off laughter. She struggled to pull her foot away, while straining to not be obvious about it. Considering my point made, I released her foot, which retreated rapidly back to where it belonged. I pretended to show concern that she’d not hurt herself with her choking act and then settled back into enjoying my meal.

She stuck her lower lip out in an adorable little pout for a tiny moment, which made me chuckle to myself. Her foot ventured back to my turf under the table, but she confined it to rubbing my lower leg affectionately. This was acceptable to me as it was substantially less risky. I kept my dining knife resting on my thigh in case I needed it again.

She wisely kept her damned foot to herself for the remainder of the meal. That didn’t keep her from going out of her way to be as cute as possible and giving me seductive looks every chance she got. At one point, I thought I saw Brenda giving Amy a strange look and then glancing at me, but she said nothing. That kept me slightly nervous for the rest of the day.

We didn’t see one another much at all on Friday, as she took off with most of the family on a shopping trip while I remained behind on babysitting duty. This was my curse every year. I didn’t want to do much shopping, because I hated crowds, so I would stay behind with the younger kids who didn’t want to wait around in long lines all day. Kayla had returned to join Courtney for the shopping trip. She shot daggers at me with her eyes whenever I happened to be in the same room with her for a bit, but I did my best to ignore them.

Early Saturday morning, we loaded everything back in the SUV, said our goodbyes to everyone, and Uncle Dennis drove us back down to the airport. About fifteen minutes into the drive, Amy laid down across the backseat and rode with her head in my lap. She made a show of saying how tired she was, but we both knew it was just because she wanted to be close to me. After making sure my hand and her face were sufficiently out of sight of our parents, I spent most of the drive with my hand on her cheek or gently stroking her hair affectionately. She reveled in my loving touch. She tapped my wrist lightly at one point, and when I looked down at her, her mouth formed the words “I love you” soundlessly. I smiled down at her warmly and looked back out at the passing snow.

We were almost done with this trip. In some ways it felt much longer than the two weeks she had spent in Rome. Probably because I could see her the entire time and she was just out of my reach, so to speak. I had to admit gaining a little satisfaction from knowing that her week had been spent in a similar hell.

* * *

Finally home. I dropped my bags on the bed, fired up my laptop and selected an early Aphex Twin album to listen to while I unpacked. My bedroom door was open and I saw my sister walk by on her way to her bedroom. She gave me a quick, tired smile as she passed. The flight had been delayed, cramped, and uncomfortable. There wasn’t anyone willing to switch seats this time either. We were all tired and cranky by the time we got home. I finished unpacking my stuff and flopped down on the bed with my laptop, intending to check my emails and screw around on the internet for a few minutes. I fell asleep in no time.

It was dark outside when I woke up. I glanced at the clock and saw it was just after eleven. Christ, I’d been asleep for hours. I guess a week spent trying to sleep on an unfamiliar sofa listening to distant relatives snoring around the room will do that to you. Stretching, I caught a whiff of myself and realized I was in need of a shower.

The house was quiet. I guess no one was awake. I padded down the hall to the bathroom, noticing Amy’s door was closed and there was no light under it. She wouldn’t mind me going in and waking her up, but I was a little self conscious of my body odor. It had been hot in the plane while take off was delayed. I guess my deodorant had lost the war.

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