Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings

Chapter 41

Chapter 41


I was exhausted.

I couldn’t wait to finish my unending chores and sleep like a baby.

Tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks as I was buried in chores.

Thanks to the mistress of evil.

My eyelids became heavy and I dozed off while working occasionally.

Nothing could relieve me of my work, not even the growling of my stomach.

A sigh of relief washed through me as I finished extracting juices from dry leaves with my hands.

My fingers sting painfully as I squeeze the last drop of juice into the cup, before discarding the leaves away.

The pungent smell of the herb made my nose cringe in disgust.

Why was she fucking taking this concoction anyway?

Wasn’t the smell enough to make her puke?

I wasn’t pregnant, but I felt like throwing up already.

A spark of happiness coursed down my spine at the thought that I was done with my work.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Now, I had to worry about climbing the enormous stairs since she banned me from using the elevator.

A shooting pain enveloped my joints as I was about to leave the kitchen to her room.

Thanks to her for ordering me to scrub Damon’s enormous chambers twice.

I had to sneak into the kitchen to eat after scrubbing as I felt lightheaded and was about to pass out.

“Aurora!” A voice called.

I turned to see a maid making her way to the kitchen.

My brows creased in confusion as she stared at the herb and the fruit juice in my hand with a frightened look plastered on her face.

“You are not done yet?” she asked in a matter of urgency. “The mistress wants her drinks now and she is mad at the delay!” she half-screamed, grabbing a golden tray and placing the glass cups on it.

“Here, you have to appear in her room now. Just hope she doesn’t tear you into pieces.”

My face crinkled in anger and confusion as I stared at the maid speechless.

“I just finished scrubbing the King’s room. I started two minutes ago, isn’t that fast enough?!” I screamed in frustration, almost pulling my hair out.

“She doesn’t give a fuck how long you started or what chore you perform. To her, you are a robot and a robot performs any task efficiently without complaint.”

“I’m tired!” I lamented, blinking back to avoid my tears spilling into her drink.

“She doesn’t give two fucks either. Now run along!” She urged, opening the door for me.

Panting hard as I took the flight of stairs, I balanced the tray on my hand, knocking on her door with another and waiting for a response.

A faint voice was heard and I opened the door slowly, muttering a prayer for the Moon goddess to erase her anger.

“Who do you think you are to make me wait for you?!” She flared, walking towards me angrily.

My hands gripped the tray I held to avoid the content spilling on the floor as fear enveloped me.

The last thing I wanted was punishments.

“What were you doing?” She screamed in my face. I shut my eyes quickly to avoid bits of her saliva from entering my eyes.

“Can’t you talk? Cat got your tongue?”

I swallowed hard and tightened my grip on the tray as my eyes were lowered to meet the herb and fruit juice.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” I apologized, sucking in the air and releasing it slowly as I awaited her outbursts.

I almost staggered as the contents from the cups spilled on the tray when she slapped me across my face.

My heart sank to the abyss of my stomach as I glared at her with drops of tears flooding my eyes.

My blood rippled in anger, but I fought hard to control it.

She wouldn’t hesitate to throw me into the dungeon and watch me starve to death if I reacted.

No one would come to my aid. Not even the Alpha King.

“What are you staring at me for? You want to beat me? Beat me!” she dared, throwing her body at me.

More tears stained my cheeks as she slapped me, but I remained as still as water.

I took measurable steps backwards, avoiding her as her body launched at me.

The last thing I wanted to hear was someone testifying against me for beating a pregnant woman.

I was certain that the King would have their head as he didn’t joke with his unborn child.

“Get out now!” she screamed, pointing towards the door, panting hard.

“Get the fuck out and return here with a cup of hot tea or you’ll be sorry!”

“I want it steaming hot!”

With tears blinding my vision, I ran down the stairs, not minding if I tripped and fell.


Didi just get hit twice by that bitch?

A sharp pain was buried in my chest as I ran into the kitchen, dumping the tray and cup inside the sink before falling to the ground.

I don’t know how many minutes I laid on the cold floor weeping bitterly with my elbow covering my face.

I didn’t care if she was waiting for me in her room, nor did I care about the strange presence at the doorway.

They all could get the fuck out.

My blood boiled in anger as I rubbed my palms on my reddened face. I clenched my fist, hitting the wall hard.

I wasn’t only mad that I got slapped by the mistress over nothing, I was mad that I couldn’t stand up for myself. Fear crippled me knowing I didn’t have a choice but endure her tortures.

I rose to my feet, walking to the drawer to take a mug before boiling water in an electric kettle.

When the water reached boiling point, I poured it into the mug to make tea.

I hope the tea was steaming hot enough for her.

Why on earth would someone drink such hot tea?

Shrugging my shoulders, I placed the mug on a ceramic tray and walked to her room.

I knocked, waiting to hear the familiar faint voice of her maid to usher me in.

As soon as I was ushered in, I walked towards her to the couch she sat on, munching on chicken.

She was always eating like a fucking glutton!

I hope the baby wasn’t overweight.

“Here it is, ma’am,” I said, stretching the tray to meet her.

My breath shook in fear as I watched her sip the hot tea down her throat.

“What nonsense is this?!” She flared, almost screaming her lungs out in annoyance.

A wave of confusion and anxiety hit me, making my heart race.

What did I do this time?

Before I could apologize, I got a liquid splash on my face, making me scream at its steam.

Did she just empty her hot cup of tea on my face?!

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