Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

“Charlotte..?” I spoke to her through my mind. “You can hear me?” She sounded so very weak.

“I can. Are you okay? I was so worried I would never be able to hear you again.” I told her.

“I don’t know what herbal mix he gave us but it nearly killed me. I will be here but I need rest. It will take time for me to regain my strength. Do not over do it and take it easy.” Was the last I heard from


I felt Charlotte retreat to the back of my mind. It gave me another sense of newfound hope. With her! was naturally stronger, even if she was weaker. I just needed to stay away from herbs and let her regain her strength. I don’t really know how long that would take but hopefully not too long.

“Are you okay?” Dexter’s voice brought me back.

“I am. I had a vision. I think?” If he lied I can too.

“A vision?” This intrigued him and he leaned closer to me.

“Yes. It has never happened before so I was kind of shocked.” I let out a soft laugh. “Would you like to


“I would very much like to know what you saw.” His tongue darted out and licked along his lips as I he

was hungry.

“I saw myself wearing my kings marking. I saw my king by my side leading our people. Many people cheering for us over our victories and destroying our enemies. We looked so happy.” I looked at him

and smiled. I saw him relax a bit and I head Charlotte laugh inside.

“Look at that fool. He believes you are talking about him.” She continued to laugh. I figured that this may let him bring down his guard some. I had hoped that it would anyway.

“That sounds pretty great. Where were we?” He asked.

“I’m not sure, I have never been there before.” I put a confused look on my face.

“Ah must be my home city then. You haven’t been there before.” He responded. “Oh, maybe. It seemed beautiful.” I smiled.

“It is a very beautiful city with a river that splits right through, clear water. So many parks and flowers with cobblestone pathways. I can not wait to show you.” He leaned to me and placed his hand in mine. His touch made my stomach turn. I hated it. Charlotte gagged inside and turned away shielding herself from


I looked down at his hand and back up to him and forced a smile. Seriously my cheeks were hurting from all of this smiling I was forcing. It wasn’t coming naturally and it was terrible.

Ileaned back and looked out the window. I was going to miss the ocean. I had never felt sand before

coming here or smelled the salt sea air or laid eyes upon the vast never ending ocean. It had a sense of tranquility to it. It definitely brought me peace in all this unknown hostility that seemed to hang in the air

around me.

“We will visit again very soon, baby girl. You will be back.” He pat my leg and I only smiled.

I would be back, without him and with my true mate. I want to rip his hand away from mine but I couldn’t

“Come on we need to leave.” He stood up.

“Where are we going?” I looked at him before moving. “We are going deeper south, inland in a small town surrounded by mountains.” He smiled.

“Oh that is much different than here.” I looked out the window again. “I guess I would be better

protected there?”I looked at him.

He smiled and nodded his head. “Indeed. Ready?”

I nodded and stood, walking with him to the door. “Oh! Let me try to use the restroom first, that way we can travel longer,” I turned away hatching a small plan to leave a clue.

“Good idea, I will meet you downstairs.” He left me alone. I waited for the door to close and I rushed

to the side table. I pulled out the pad and pen and wrote a few notes on our location we were moving to. I scattered them in random spots around the room and bathroom.

I really had to go so I made it quick, washed my hands, and met him downstairs. “Sorry, my stomach seems to be a little off. Maybe because I wasn’t able to eat yesterday. I felt a little sick.

“It’s okay, no worries. Ready?” He led me outside and I looked around and saw what seemed like

hundreds of wolves and lycans.

“Ready.” We got into our vehicle and took off. It was going to be a long trip and I was thankful I was in the back seat alone. He was sitting up front with the driver, chatting. I knew he would eventually make his

way back to sit with me.

Ileaned my forehead against the window and watched our surroundings fly by us. I could see the

Lycans and wolves running next to the car. The speed we were able to keep up wigh was honestly

impressive when you thought about it.

I watched them leap over obstacles or break through dead trees as if they were nothing. I wondered how many of them were blindly following Dexter and how many were forced to be here. Some of the wolves held the lingering stench of a Rouge. This being newly formed odd pack of some sorts the outcast

odor has not had time to wear off.

I sat up suddenly and realized my senses were coming back. I slowly breathed in and could smell

different scents. A smile crossed my lips and I settled back in my seat.

“How are you feeling Charlotte?” “Better by every passing second, every passing minute.” “Good. Our strong sense of smell is back. I won’t let anyone know of course.”

“Good, now we will be able to detect when mate is near.”

“Yes we will. Get some rest, we are going to need it soon / fear.” “I will be sure to let you know when we need to shift.”

Charlotte retreated back in my mind and I looked at the clock on the dash. It was now two and I needed to get out, stretch, and eat. As if right on cue my stomach made a very loud growling sound causing Dexter to look back.

“We will be stopping soon. Probably fifteen minutes or so.” He smiled at me and I nodded.

“Good I need to use the restroom and I need food.” I laughed as my stomach grumbled again. J planned on taking my time and being super indecisive on my selections then changing my mind after | Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

choose something for something different.

Everest POV

We arrived to the beach mansion just after noon. The sun was high up in the sky and it was strangely quiet. We could still smell the scents of Lycans and Wolves and a hint of Rouge Wolves. As we slowly made our way to the walls we sat and listened for a moment for any movements or signs of life at all.

After a few minutes of not hearing anything we, King Brent and myself, decided to go through the

front gate.

“I want this entire place searched, now! Bring us any clues you may find!” Our warriors all spread out and searched at our command.

I followed Brent inside and I could smell her, but barely. She was alive when she left and I breathed her scent in. It was my small slice of heaven in a world where I had been living in hell.

“She, she was here.” I looked at him and took off, following the scent she left behind. I stopped behind a door that must have been the room she stayed in. I could smell the hints of another and growled at the

smell, even if it wasn’t strong.

I opened the door and looked around the room. This was definitely where she stayed, her scent was like an intoxicating drug that clung to the air. I walked in and looked around, the bed was unmade and a

blanket was on a chair. I looked down and saw a magazine and picked it up. A small piece of paper slipped out and it had writing on it.

When I opened it I read it “GO south, between the mountains is where we are heading. I will be there anxiously awaiting your arrival. All of my love, -A”

I read the small note about ten times. Between the mountains? There are many mountains. I just

stood there until Brent entered the room. I handed him the note and watched him as he read it. I frowned

when he did and panic ran through me.

“This is interesting.” He finally spoke. “What is? Do you know where they’re heading?” I questioned. He shrugged “I might. But we have two mountain homes. So which should we choose?” “Could it be a set up?” I asked him and he nodded.

“It could be, knowing my brother he may have an ambush planned for us al LIIS IULALIUII. ITIL ULUI home we have is further out west. We could head them off and beat them there if we go straight there. I

am sure of it.”

He began pacing the floor and I could tell Brent was conflicted. “Brent, how sure are you that we will beat him there?” I raised my brow.

“About ninety percent. Only because he is such a control freak, he will want to make sure things are set up correctly.” He nodded as if confirming what he said outloud “Yes, let’s go to the one out west. If he doesn’t show within two days we will move to the one this note is talking about. Have your men who is

to be meeting us, meet us here. It’ll be a days drive, stop for fuel and food to go only.” He began linking his

men the plan.

I linked my people as well and we walked out to look for the witch.

When we found her she was out front watching Cassie pick flowers. “Miranda?”

She looked at me, “Do you think when we get to where we are going you can put a masking scent on


“Absolutely. Anything you need me to do, I will do it. I am forever in your debt.” Her attention went back to Cassie as she talked “Time to get moving again?”

“It is. It will be about a days worth of traveling.” I was worried it may be a bit longer. I am sure traveling with a toddler was no easy task.

“We are ready whenever everyone else is. Meet you in the SUV” She gathered up Cassie and took her inside. I walked to the SUV and got in. Soon Brent joined us then Miranda and Cassie. We all, including all of the warriors, left in search of my mate and Brent’s brother, Dexter.

Dexter POV

When we stopped for fuel and food Avalynn was taking her precious time. She didn’t realize this but one of my men swept through her room and found a note she had left behind. I knew my brother and her mate would now meet us in the place I told her.

Only we wouldn’t be there. The wolves I sent for were already there and twenty or so Lycans were

with them.

We would stop in and I would give them the plan and leave them there to attack my brother and King Everest. They would never see it coming. While they were too busy with that we would be out west where I will forcefully mark Avalynn and she will be mine. Any connection she has with him will be gone, for


I watched Avalynn emerge with a soda and a bunch of different foods and sweets. I smiled as ! watched her gracefully make her way to me. Her long legs seemed to be gliding as if she were walking on a cloud, her hips swaying perfectly. I wanted to be buried between them, eating her delicious nectar, tasting every inch of her body.

“Got everything you need?” I asked her.

Yup” She got into the SUV and I slid in after her. We sat in the back together and both ate our foods

quietly as we made our way.

I decided I would wait to tell her the change of plans a little later. Blame it on grocery shopping or some other stupid excuse. I smiled to myself, she was going to flip her s**t.

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