Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Chapter 71

The Afternoon of the Trial

Part One - Sarah's dreadful fate

I was alone. Everest had an issue to deal with downstairs and he told me to go ahead and get dressed for this afternoon's trial. I had three different suits picked out for myself. There was a charcoal gray skirt suit paired with a royal blue button-down shirt. The other suit was a black pin striped suit with a soft gray button-down shirt. The last suit was a classic black suit with a white button-down top. I looked between the three of the suits and walked away. I slid my clothes off and got in the shower. I washed the stress and worries off of my body from earlier in the day.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my lotion, put heat protectant in my hair, and dried my hair. I took the wet towel that was wrapped around my body and hung it up. I pulled on the robe and went to where I kept my makeup. I sat down on the chair at my vanity. I prepped my skin for make-up and looked up at hearing the door to our bedroom open and close shut.

"It's just me, love." Everest called out to me.

"I am in here, putting my make-up on." I called back to him as he walked into the oversize walk-in closet.

"You smell nice. I could smell you outside." He winked at me, causing me to blush.

"Oh." I turned and flipped my hair as I walked past him, my scent floating in his direction. As he inhaled, he made a low growling sound, causing me to let out a small giggle.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I went over and picked out the suit I was going to wear and began getting myself dressed. As I was getting dressed, Everest began to get himself ready. When we were both ready, we had about an hour or so left to spare. We walked into the activity room together and found it to be empty. We sat down at a table together and, for once, other than being inside our bedroom together, we were alone. Not only were we alone, but it was also very quiet. It seemed pretty peaceful. I could hear the soft pattering of his heart beat. It seemed to be reaching out to me and I moved to face him. He smiled over at me and I returned the smile.

"Ever play chess?" He looked down at the perfectly displayed game on the table and back up to me.

"Well, if you must know, I am a champion at the game. A complete mastermind." I told him with a broad smile.

"Really?" His brows shot up in surprise. I could tell he was impressed.

"No, I have never played before." I laughed and he laughed with me. "I couldn't tell you first thing about it, honestly."

We both looked at the open doorway as we both could hear noise coming from the hallway. There were different members on their way to the trial, chatting with one another. I heard Everest sigh as he stood, his chair scooting across the floor. He held his hand out to me and helped me up.

He sniffed the air and looked at me weirdly. "I swear you smell, I don't know, a little different all of a sudden?" He sounded confused at his own statement.

"Hmm, that is weird." I frowned and sniffed the air. "I can't tell anything different."

"Anyway, are you ready?" He wrapped an arm around me.

"I guess so. I am so ready for this to be closed and over with." I leaned my head over to the side to rest on his shoulder.

He led me out and we walked hand in hand to where the trial was being held.

We took our places with the council members. Those who sat with us were Ted, Jameson, Brandon, Lincoln, Jaxxon, and Kristina. Everyone was vetted and trusted by high ranking members of the Kingdoms staff. The first order of business would be Sarah's trial. She was unmistakeably guilty of her crimes. It would be up to the others what her fate would be. I was done giving her any more chances, she has proved to be completely untrustworthy.

We watched the room fill and low mummers of whispers and uncomfortable coughing was echoing off the wall. I looked out at everyone, my eyes scanning the room from one side to the other. Unlike the human world, there was no jury of your peers, but the council who would be the ones to decide your fate.

When there were no seats left and people were leaning against the wall waiting, Lincoln stood up and addressed the crowd of people. Everyone was listening intently to what was being said. I used this moment of distraction for my mind to sweep through the crowd. I was choosing random people to dip into their minds to see if they had any plans to cause chaos during the trial.

Sarah walked into the room. She had lost a good deal of weight and she honestly looked horrible. Her hair seemed to be matted and just a knotted mess. Her skin showed visible dirt and filth caked on. When our eyes locked, she frowned at me. I kept a blank stare and watched her as she approached the bench. She took a deep breath and her mouth dropped.

"You're pregnant!?" She growled and suddenly lunged in my direction.

The room erupted in a brief moment of chaos. When she lunged, I casted my hand in her direction, stopping her, freezing her in her spot. She looked frightened and I smiled at her.

"Best know your enemy fully before you try anything." I said through gritted teeth. "Let's get her some silver chains." Everest commanded his men. They made haste and chained her to the desk in record time.

Everest turned to look at me. "Are you? You know pregnant?"

"I don't know. We can discuss later." I looked out at the crowd of people who were all smiles, whispering the gossip about the possibility of pregnancy from their Queen. I eternally rolled my eyes at them. I knew they would be excited if I were pregnant. I made myself comfortable in my chair.

The trial began for Sarah. She was found guilty on all counts; conspiring against the kingdom, conspiring to kill the king, assisting in the murder of the king, assisting in the kidnappings of the future, now Queen, destruction of Kingdom property, conspiring against the kingdom to entice a war, aiding and abiding a murderer. I watched her reaction, her face fell, as she was sentenced to death. I looked around at the court and everyone seemed to be satisfied with the verdict.

She would be injected with a decent amount of silver. The silver would flow through her veins and slowly take her life away. Her body would then be put on display for being a traitor on the Kingdom walls for everyone to see. I felt nothing for her; no sorrow, no worries, and absolutely no sadness. She deserved this, she deserved to die. She has been an infected thorn in my side and just a pain in my ass from day one.

She growled and everyone began to back away from her. Somehow, her Lycan was fighting the silver chains, obviously in complete desperation to get free. She struggled and pulled at the chains. I looked at her as she was halfway through shifting when I stood. For whatever reason, I walked over to the table. Everest called for me and I shook my head. I wasn't afraid of her or her desperation.

"Stop." I looked at her.

She continued to struggle against her chains.

"Stop, show some grace for once in your life." I watched her slowly stop and she shifted to her human form.

I turned and walked away, pausing by the guards. "She is all yours."

I sat back down next to Everest, placing a hand on his lap. I could feel his anger at me rolling off him. I get it, she was in a dangerous state and I could possibly be pregnant. But, he forgets that I can always be one step ahead of everyone. I decided to send him a mind link. "I just wanted to save her from any more embarrassment. I knew nothing would have happened."

He squeezed my hand in his own, "I know that you feel you can not be hurt, but you are not invincible, my love. I just wish you wouldn't be so half hazardous to your own life, possibly our baby's life too."

I returned a soft squeeze to his hand, "I know, you are right. I am sorry for worrying you. I will be more careful in the future."

He looked over at me and gave a little nod. "Thank you."

The council decided to push back Dexter's trial until tomorrow morning. It was going to be a long trial to go through the details for both kingdoms. The trial members going over his sentencing would be double. Southern and Northern members would be deciding his fate, together.

We walked out behind the guards who were walking Sarah to the injection room. They took her into the room as we went to the protective glass in the neighboring room. The glass allowed us to watch what was going on, all the while the others on the other side could not see us. I watched as they strapped Sarah into the chair. She sat very still and watched them as they worked. She knew, even if she was to try to fight, she would be dead regardless. The guards were armed with guns, fashioned with silver bullets.

The guards were on either side of her with a needle of silver. They wore protective gear to shield them from any dripping from the liquid silver. She made a face of pain and cried out. I knew the silver was rushing through her blood stream. We watched as her life slowly slipped away. When the guards confirmed her death, they moved her body. They changed her clothes into traitors' attire and moved her to be displayed for all to see.

It was quiet throughout, as everyone seemed to understand the dark cloud hanging over the Northern Kingdom. Tomorrow will be a day with so many people's involvement, emotions will surely be running high. Who knows what could really happen? If anything happened at all, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Dexter would soon meet his fate. His would be much more painful than Sarah's death.

"Babe?" I heard Everest speak to me.

"Yes?" I looked over at him.

"Let's go take a test." He smiled.

"A test?" I frowned.

"Well, let's go get one so you can take the pregnancy test in the morning." He told me.

"Okay." I agreed as I walked with him. Tomorrow, tomorrow, will be the day that everything changes.

Truth be told, I had a feeling the test would turn out to be positive. I couldn't explain it really, I just knew it would be positive. We will be having a baby in just a few short months. I smiled to myself as we walked together, hand in hand, holding onto one another. I was afraid if we let one another go, something would surely separate us.

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