Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 90

The next few days, everyone was on edge. When learning about Sophia's brother, Sebastian, it was understandable. I stood on one of the balconies looking over our city below. I let out a sigh. Why were they doing this? Why me? I couldn't understand what they could possibly want with me, other than the prophecy of me bringing all kinds of magical beings together. I was lost in my thoughts when Melissa began talking to me.

"Have a plan?" She asked me.

"No, I don't. Do you?" I looked over at her.

"Yes, but also no." She let out an obviously stressed laugh. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

"How are your people getting along?" I turned to face her more.

"They're doing well. Your people have welcomed us all with open arms. I know that is difficult to do but they trust their King and Queen to do right by them. They know you wouldn't have allowed us to be here if we were dangerous." Melissa gave me a warm smile.

"Good, I am glad. You're right though, I would never allow anything bad to happen to my people. Well, as long as I can help it, anyway. I would fight tooth and nail and risk my very own life if it meant my people could live happily and comfortably." I looked down below with a small smile on my face. I saw all three of my boys laughing and cutting up.

"That is admirable and makes you a great leader, and an even better mother." Melissa reassured me and lightly patted me on my back. "Come on, let's discuss our nonexistent plans. Well, better yet, let us make some plans together on how we are going to handle this whole situation. Other than the main plan of ending them." She offered me a warm smile and I nodded my head.

We walked together into my office and I sat behind my desk and looked across at her. "So, what are we going to do now? How can we go about this successfully and with as many lives intact as possible?" I thought aloud with a frown now on my face.

"Hmm.." I heard the soft sound of Melissa in thought.

"Whatever we do we will need to wait until Miranda is fully changed." I looked at her.

"Yes, yes we will." She agreed and cleared her throat before continuing, "But, that is not to say that they will wait for that change to happen. They could be surrounding us now as we sit here and speak. We do have people who can cloak us, shield us from others when we don't want to be seen. But then again, maybe they're losing followers and wanted to seem more powerful. I wish I knew who I can still trust that is on the council ." Melissa sighed.

"Well, let me give Miranda a call really quick to make sure everything is normal there." I picked my cell off of the desk. I went to her contact name and pressed the call button. The phone rang five times before I heard her voice at the other end.

"Hello Avalynn! Is everything okay?" She seemed happy to have received my call and it caused a small smile to tug at the corners of my mouth.

"Well, yes and not exactly. Here, let me place you on speaker phone. I am here with Melissa." I pulled the phone away from my face and tapped the speaker option and placed the phone on my desk, right in the middle. Melissa moved to the edge of her seat to sit closer to the desk.

"Okay Miranda, can you hear us?" I asked her.

"Yeah, so what is going on? What happened?" Miranda asked.

"Well, Sophia and Sebastian happened." I sighed.

"Who is Sebastian?" Miranda questioned and you could tell by the sound of her voice she was curious yet confused.

Melissa spoke this time "Sebastian is Sophia, well, Cassandra's brother. Who is not the least bit stable."

"Oh, I was afraid of that." Miranda let out an annoyed sigh.

"What? You know about him?" I sat forward in my chair a bit.

"Know of him? I know him, you guys. I didn't know who he was at the time of knowing him. He told me his name was Craig, but later I found a letter addressed to him as Sebastian. He said he had been in hiding and, well, yeah, we may have slept together a few times." You could hear the disgust and embarrassment in her voice.

"Oh, shit." Melissa let out a gasp.

"So I wonder if they were here, thinking you would be coming back with us?" I asked them.

"Well, it is certainly a possibility that I will not rule out. What else happened, Miranda?" Melissa asked her.

"You see, he basically wanted to get married and I wasn't too keen on getting married to a man who lied about who he truly was. He went from not being a magical being to a-full-blown psychotic warlock. He ended up stalking me for a few years and then he just disappeared. I found out he had murdered a bunch of humans in a small town and I guess they took him to be locked up. He's out though, so this is not good. Maybe I should hold off on my transition. What do you think?" By the end of speaking, Miranda's last few words sounded sad.

"No, go on with your change. Don't let these two hold you back any longer than what they already have. They have made a real mess of things," Melissa told her.

"If you think it is the best and safe," Miranda sounded hopeful.

"Just do not leave the castle, whatever you do." Mmelissa instructed her.

"Got it." Miranda acknowledged.

"Put up a protection spell, make it good and strong. Oh, make sure it can keep those who seek harm out." Melissa added.

"And make sure you tell him what is going on too. I am about to go speak with Everest and our warriors." I added.

"Of course. Let me hang up so I can fill him in. Thanks for the heads up you two." Miranda agreed with us.

"You are welcome. Call if you need or hear of anything. I am worried they're headed to you guys now. Be safe, goodbye." I told her.

"Good bye, you guys be safe too." With that, I clicked the red button on my phone to end the call.

I looked across the desk at Melissa. She had already sat back in her chair and she looked more comfortable and more at ease. I could tell, even though she looked comfortable, she was thinking about what her next move would be.

We sat in a comfortable silence as I sent Everest a text requesting that he gather our warriors for an important meeting in one to two hours.

"Hey love, would you do me a favor and gather all of our head warriors for a short meeting?"

He responded almost instantly, "Of course, my love. An hour should be fine. In the main hall?"

I smiled at my phone. "That sounds perfect to me. Melissa and I will meet you there in one hour."

I sat my phone back on my desk and Melissa was now wearing a smile.

"You look extra happy." I commented and she gave a small nod.

"I think I may have figured out a way to see how much the council has been taken over and if they're all loyal to Cassandra and Sebastian or if they're acting out of fear." She was still smiling.

"Oh really? How are you going to manage that?" I frowned.

"I am going to send a letter to one of my longest friends. Someone I have known for over fifty years, Sybil." She leaned over taking a pen out of my pen holder and smiled. "May I have a sheet of paper?"

"Yes, of course." I opened up a drawer, pulled out a few sheets of paper and handed them to her. "Can you trust her to not double cross you?"

"I could tell you yes, but I always have doubts about everyone. Except you and Miranda, of course. Your prophecy is legendary and has been passed down for many, many years." She looked up from her paper and smiled.

I watched her write and noticed how beautiful her penmanship was. I marked that as another thing I admired about her. I watched as she folded the paper in the shape of almost a plane. She snapped her fingers and it was transformed into a beautiful little finch that had the markings of a strawberry.

"Wow, what a unique looking finch. He looks like a strawberry with his markings." I smiled as he hopped over to me. I held out my hand and he fluttered his wings and sat in the palm of my hand.

"That is exactly what he is. He is called a Strawberry Finch. They're not native to the area but they are beautiful." I watched her lean down and whisper, "Now you beautiful little bird, take the words written in you to who they're intended for. Fly strong and fast. Do not get caught. If you do, self-distruct into the flames that bind you." He hopped off my hand and flew over to the window that was behind me. I quickly moved to open it as I watched him fly away to complete his mission.

"Well, thank you for your guidance today. It was very helpful, not only for me and my people, but the south as well. I need to head to this meeting. Would you like to attend?" As I was already standing, I pushed my chair in and looked across my desk at her.

Melissa stood and shook her head. "I thank you for the invitation, but I had best get some food into my system soon and rest. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I also want to check on the spell over the castle that we have set." She bowed her head to me and left the room.

I put the paper back and walked to the main hall where they were all waiting for me.

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