Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 20: Late Night Conversations.

Chapter 20: Late Night Conversations.

"Everyone has their own ways of expression.I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle’ - Criss Jami

I laid in bed that night staring up at the walls, my eyes didn't dare shut.

My body was still in full panic mode, I've been home for around four hours and as far as I know, Axel nor Rylan have come home yet.

I figured I would have heard Axel walk up the stairs or shut his door but every once in a while I would get out of bed and knock on his door just to be sure he hadn't sneaked in without me knowing.

Shouldn't he be home by now? He should definitely be home by now.

My brain has this really bad habit of jumping to the worst possible scenario, so It was no surprise when thoughts of them being detained behind bars or even worse, lying somewhere hurt on the mountainside struck through my head like lightning.

They're okay, I kept reminding myself.

The girls and I waited downstairs for hours, hoping they'd walk through the door at any moment but they never did.

Camila was the first to leave, she wanted to spend time with her brother before trying to sleep.

Kina went to her room shortly after that, she could barely keep her eyes open.

I would have still been down there if it wasn't for Rose telling me I needed to get some sleep.

I was confused as to how Axel has lived here for seven years and Rose seemed to be oblivious as to what is going on here, under her own roof.

A part of me believes she knows what Axel has gotten himself into but she turns a blind eye.

I mean, how can she not know? I've heard her ramble on all the time about the police showing up to drop off Axel.

I should really sleep, I had to be at the cafe in two days and the last thing I need is to have an abnormal sleeping schedule.

But between the scare of today, the boys not returning, and the memories of the man in my room I couldn't sleep.

Ever since I walked in on someone breaking into my room I've been terrified to fall asleep in here, I couldn't help but think, what if they break in while I'm asleep? I still don't understand how they got up here, I know they had a rope but my window was closed.

How could anyone humanly open a window that's on the third floor? Not to mention the rope was tied to the windowsill, indicating the person was already in my room beforehand.

So the only logical explanation I could think of was they must have walked through the front door, right? Either way, it was enough to ensure sleepless nights for me, not like I would want to sleep anyway.

My nightmares have been taking their toll too, but really, they weren't nightmares.

They were more of memories, flashbacks of the horrible people I've encountered, everything they've done to me.

My own head was forcing me to relive my torture every night like once wasn't enough.

I tossed and turned in my bed, constantly pulling the blankets over me and then moments later kicking them right back off.

I huffed and puffed and tried readjusting my pillows at least twenty times but I still couldn't get comfortable.

The sound of the single gunshot still echoed in my ears, did Axel shot Noah? Surely he wasn't that stupid to kill Noah, Axel was a lot of things but dumb wasn't one of them.

I still couldn't help but wonder why Rylan would run into the woods after knowing what was happening, it was like it was second nature to him.

As far as I knew, he wasn't apart of Black Spades, Rylan was the star of the freaking school's baseball team for the love of God! There was no way he could juggle both.

Maybe Rylan just wanted to make sure Axel was okay, which I could understand but I don't know, it just seemed weird.

I jumped in shock when my bedroom door swung open unexpectedly, I saw the tall silhouette of someone clumsily feel around the wall for the light switch.


They spoke childishly when they found it, flipping the switch.

A sigh of relief left my mouth when I saw it was Axel, he was safe.

I watched as he stumbled towards me, taking his shirt off in the process.

My eyes widen at his bare chest and the way his muscles tensed with each movement.

The smell of alcohol filled the room which made me ruffle up my nose in disgusted.

Axel was drunk.

I could feel my vein start pulsing as he took steps towards me, I've never been around Axel when he was under the influence of liquor. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I couldn't help but to feel on edge, I didn't have a good track record with people who were drunk.

Axel barely made it to my bed because he was swaying left and right so bad, his feet tripping over each other in the process.

Eventually, he made it close enough and belly-flopped, landing in the middle of the queen-size bed.

Axel's shoulder blades relaxed and a sigh of relief left his mouth, I looked at the dark-haired, tan- skinned boy with wide eyes.

After several moments of silence and me awkwardly trying to connect the dots, Axel spoke.

"Massage, Axel mumbled, his face buried in the mattress.

When I made no effort to move Axel's head snapped towards mine, his eyes big and round.

"Massage now!"

He demands, whining like a little baby.

I still didn't move but I was trying to fight the urge not to laugh at his crybaby behavior."Go to your room, Axel)’ I told him, pointing to the door.

I couldn't talk to him while he was in this state.


He shouted, throwing his face back down in mattress.

"Please massage."

He muttered, not bothering to lift his head.

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

I asked him, amusement dancing in my voice.

"Sit on my back: He slurred, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I mentally debated with myself, but I was scared if I didn't give him what he wanted he would throw a temper tantrum right here in my bed.

I carefully crawled toward Axel, his long body reached past the bed granted, he was only laying in the middle but still.

I lifted my left leg and put it on the only side of his body before sitting in the small of his back.

My fingertips grazed over his smooth skin, I felt Axel shiver underneath me and I couldn't help but smirk to myself.

I quickly applied more pressure to his back, running my hands up and down his shoulders toward the middle of his back.

His skin was so soft that I could have almost mistaken it for silk.

I started moving my palms in circular motions, being as gentle but firm as I could be.

"Up, up, down, no too far! Back up."

He instructed his words jumbled.

I rolled my eyes at him, glad he couldn't see me.

Soon enough I felt Axel's tense muscles relax under my touch, his body laid limp and unmoving underneath me.

I looked down at him and noticed the small scar that was sat right behind his ear, it was almost shaped like a crescent moon.

I also just now noticed how long his eyelashes were as they rested on his cheeks peacefully.

The sudden urge to run my fingers through his dark, soft hair hit me out of nowhere and because I thought he was asleep I did.

Axel hummed in pleasure as my fingers tangled themselves in his hair but when I knew he was awake I instantly pulled them out.

"Don't stop."

He whined.

I let out a small laugh before allowing my fingers to continue.

I slightly pulled at the ends of his hair but not hard enough to hurt him.

Axel must have really liked that because he groaned loudly and squirmed.

Deciding that was enough, I stopped playing with the top of his head and started rubbing his neck, squeezing slightly to work out the kinks.

I wasn't sure how long I was on top of him but it felt like forever.

When I went to get off him he whimpered lowly but didn't protest, which I was thankful.

I crawl back to my position before with my back against the headboard.

I brought my knees to my chest and stared over at Axel.

What on earth do I do now? I couldn't carry his dead weight to his own bed and I had a funny suspicion he knew that.

"I know I'm insanely attractive but that doesn't mean you can stare."

His voice sounding soberer than before.

"I've seen trolls more attractive than you.’ I scoffed loudly.

"Ouch, Angel.’ Axel picked his head up, grinning at me.

"Someone has a feisty streak.’ He teased, a lopsided smile on his lips.

"Yeah, it tends to happen when I'm around idiots.’ I smiled back lightly at him.


He huffed.

I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face.

It looked like someone ate the last Oreo right in front of him.

"You know Angel.’ Axel started, climbing up towards the front of the bed.

"I'm not the only one hiding behind a fake persona.

I see the way you crawl inside yourself on a daily basis"

He uttered, resting his head on an extra pillow.

"I get it through, you created two versions of yourself, one to protect the other’ The words spilled from his mouth.

"You and I aren't that different, Angel.’ He looked over at me.

"How would you know this?"

I wanted to roll my eyes at him but instead, I laid down on my own pillow.

"Because I watch you more than I care to admit"

He whispered, his dilated eyes staring intently at me.

My breath hitched in my throat from his words, I searched his face for evidence that he was lying but as far as I could tell, he wasn't.

"You're drunk."

I pointed out, blaming the alcohol.

"And you're breathtaking."

He stated simply.

I swallowed hard, the look in his eyes was paralyzing.

I couldn't look away even if I wanted too.

I tried to regain function of my body that always seemed to betray me and after a few minutes of me threatening myself, I finally managed to choke out a sentence.

"Did you shoot Noah?"

I felt compelled to ask.

Axel narrowed his eyes at me but then sighed deeply.


He slurred.

My breath hitched in my throat and I couldn't stop the panic that returned throughout my body.

"Did you-"

"Did I kill him?"

Axel interrupted.

I nodded my head timidly.

I looked down at my heads, picking at them out of nervous habit.

"Tell me, Mia.‘ I felt his long fingers lift my chin to look at him.

"How could I protect you if I was in prison?"

His sharp eyes soften.

"So you didn't?"

I questioned.

"I wanted too."

He says quickly.

"I really, really wanted too."

He repeated.

"But then I thought about how there wouldn't be anyone here to annoy you."

I saw the corner of his mouth turn up.

"And I couldn't let that happen."

A boyish grin came across his lips.

"So, I shot him in the leg instead and had Tucker call the police."

His face fell flat.

"Morgan told the police that Noah had tried to force himself on her and that I shot him in self-defense.’ His voice was barely audible.

I remembered Morgan, the attractive auburn hair girl from school.

Well, I remember the little show that she and Axel had in the middle of the hallway.

I haven't seen her since then but to be fair I wasn't looking either.

I'm surprised she agreed to be a cover story.

"Why are you drunk Axel?"

I whispered, knitting my eyebrows together.

"To celebrate of course!"

He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air lazily.

"Noah's going to go to prison."

Axel said in a "duh" tone.

I knew there was more that he wasn't telling me but I knew better than to push him.

Instead, I turned my head on the pillow to look at his face, his eyes never once left mine.

A comfortable silence sat in between us as we stared at each other.

I could feel my feet tingle from the zealous look in his eyes.

"God, stop looking at like that; I whispered, breaking the staring contest we were having.

"Like what?"

He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Like that;’ I noted to the intense look he was giving me.

It was like he was staring into my soul.

"Is this better?"

He asked, shutting his eyelids tightly.

"It's dark in here"

He stated with eyes still closed.

A wide smile spread across my face watching him mutter words under his breath with his eyes closed.

But yet, I couldn't help but feel sad though, I was sad that it took alcohol for Axel to talk to me like a normal human being.

"Okay, I get it"

I rolled my eyes.

"You Can open your eyes; I told him.

Axel's eyes automatically snapped open and looked over at me with an unknown emotion sweeping through them.

"This view is a lot better"

He stated, yawning loudly.

I couldn't control the yawn that slipped out of my mouth after Axel's.

I just realized how tired I really was in that moment, I was so afraid that something bad had happened to him and Rylan that is masked my exhaustion.

"Less talking and more cuddling,’ Axel spoke tiredly, pulling me closer to his topless body.

My body froze as Axel wrapped his arms around my waist and made his face comfortable in the crook of my neck.

I felt his breath hit my neck which sent shivers rippling down my figure that, might I add, seemed tiny against his.

I went to pull away from him because the smell of whiskey was almost too much for me to handle.

But Axel's arm instantly tightened around my stomach and his face dived deeper into my neck, holding me in place.

"Stay’ He practically pleaded.

"Please stay."

He added softly.

A fuzzy feeling spread through my entire body and it felt like the circus had come to town in my stomach.

I tried to relax in Axel's arms, not use the tender endearment.

But after a while, the circus left and my nerves calmed down.

I snuggled into Axel, making myself at home in his arms and I couldn't help but think how disappointing it's going to be to leave them in the morning.

"Goodnight Axel; I whispered.

And after a while he replied.

"Goodnight Faye’

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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