Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 22

[Kevin’s Perspective]

“Sir? Do you want any starters?” The waitress asked for the nth time.

This is really starting to piss me off. This waitress has been approaching us a couple of times already to ask what we would like to eat, and everytime she does she covers my view of Nina.

“We don’t want anything for the moment. Thank you.” I said while not keeping eye contact. My gaze is fixed on Nina alone. I missed her.

“Well, would you like to start on the main course right away?” The waitress asked again but I did not bother answering her. I am currently preoccupied with something else.

“Sir, We have a new set meal for two. It comes with three dishes. The appetizer is a shrimp risotto, the main entree is grilled steak and the dessert is red velvet soufflé.” The waitress continued when I didn’t even tell her to do so.

I’m starting to get really annoyed. Can’t he just leave us alone?

“No, we are good. Maybe later.” I tried to sound as polite as I can. She is really testing my patience.

“Oh okay. Then would you like something to drink?” She asked again.

I lost it.

“Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want anything? Let me tell you this again. I don’t want anything, okay? Do you understand?”

I was definitely annoyed this time. I slammed the table so hard it made the vase fall and break. The vase that was the centerpiece of the table. The shattering of the glass made the people look. The waitress was shocked at the sudden outburst of my emotion. She stood quietly for a moment before her expression changed and looked at me.

“Sir, then if you want anything then please leave. We don’t want you to disturb the other customers having their meals.”

A lot of people turned their attention to our table. I looked at them and all of them stopped eating. Nina and Andy were no exceptions. I immediately regretted my actions. I wished for the ground to swallow me whole. I didn’t know what to do.

“I’m sorry. I have just been a little stressed lately. Please put the cost of the broken vase in our bill too.” I hastily apologized to the waitress.

“I didn’t tell you that I don’t want anything” my girlfriend suddenly spoke up and directed her question towards the waitress.

The waitress’ face went pale.

“You only gave him the menu. So how could I order? I know you are star stucked honey, but what you did was a little offensive.” She sarcastically remarked.

Now, the waitress was fiddling with her fingers. She was obviously panicking.

“I’m sorry Ma’am. Let me get one for you.” The waitress said and immediately left.

If my girlfriend did not point that out, I wouldn’t have noticed that all this time, she didn’t have a menu with her. I was so busy with Nina that I haven’t been paying attention to her.

When the waitress got back, she quickly handed my girlfriend the menu. She stood next to our table while waiting for us to order.

While my girlfriend was busy scanning through the menu, I took a quick glance at Nina. When I looked at her, she was already looking at us. I was embarrassed with the sudden eye contact so after that I didn’t dare to look at Nina again. Did she recognize me? Does she know it’s me?

“I’ll take one strawberry shake paired with some fish and chips.” My girlfriend’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.

“What dip would you like to go with that ma’am?” The waitress asked.

“What are my options?” She replied.

“Oh, we have mustard, ketchup, ranch or cheese”

My girlfriend thought for a little while.

“Can I get two dips?” She

“Yes Ma’am. You could.”

“Okay. I’ll get the ranch and cheese then.”

“Okay ma’am.” The waitress replied.

“Are you really not going to eat anything?” My girlfriend asked me.

“I…uh…I will have what she’s having.” I said towards the waitress, flustered.

The waitress nodded then turned and left.

“Are you okay Kevin?” My girlfriend suddenly asked

“Huh? What? Why?” I asked her.

“You seem a little bothered. Is someone you know eating here right now?” She asked then turned her head to look around.

I panicked at her question. Is a girl’s instinct really this strong?

“No. I just saw an email sent by my agency. They want me to do a promotional video for our partners again. But I don’t want to, because it’s really tiring.” I reasoned out with her.

“Aww. You must be so tired then, baby” my girlfriend looked at me with affectionate eyes.

“No, it’s okay. It’s my job after all. Actually that’s the reason I took you out today, because I’m afraid I will be so busy for the coming days, I might not even have time to date you.” I lied smoothly.

“Oh! It’s okay. I’ll just come and visit you then.” She happily suggested.

“Well, I’d really love that.” I lied again.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I cannot be caught right now, right?

[Nina’s Perspective]

The person I suspected as Kevin a while ago, happens to be the Kevin I know, my ex boyfriend. I can’t believe he is actually dining at the same restaurant right now. Something tells me that neither of this is a coincidence.

He got my attention when he quarreled with the waitress and even broke the table centerpiece. To be honest, he wasn’t like this before. He never mistreated others. I don’t know what happened but I think a lot has changed about him.

“It looks like Kevin is apparently here. Why don’t we go over there and say hello?” Andy asked while his attention was also directed at the scene Kevin started.

He looked at me while he waited for my answer. I think that Andy was being cautious. He knew what happened between me and Kevin so he wanted my opinion on the matter first before deciding.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

“Are you sure?” He tried to confirm something from me.

“Yes, I am. I’m fine now. I already forgot everything that happened between us. Look at him, he even has a girl with him. It might be his girlfriend so saying ‘hi’, wouldn’t be a big deal.” I said and smiled at Andy.

After that, we both stood up and approached Kevin and his companion’s table.

“Hey! Kevin? Is that you? It’s nice to see you again.” I greeted him.

“Hey! Nina, Andy!” Kevin replied with a smile.

“It’s a really small world is it? I can see that you have a companion. Why don’t you introduce her?” I said with a smile.

“Oh! This is my friend. I joined her to chill and have fun.” Kevin said. Somehow, the girl sitting across from him did not like what he just said.

“Oh! A friend. Hi I’m Nina and this is my friend Andy.” I introduced ourselves.

The girl only gave out a small smile before she glared back at Kevin.

“Are you here to have early dinner?” Kevin asked again, obviously trying to keep the conversation going.

“Yeah. They say that the food here is great so we came to try it out.” Andy answered for me.

“Oh! Right! That’s the same reason we are here. Why don’t you join us?” Kevin suggested.

“No, we’re good. We’ll just eat by ourselves.” I declined his offer.

“It was nice meeting you.” Andy said and smiled as we walked away from them to get back at our table.

While we were walking towards our table, Andy suddenly whispered something to me.

“Hey Nina, did you notice that his new girlfriend is almost the same as you?”

I was shocked with Andy’s question. Was he observing the girl all this time?

“What? Are you sure Andy?” I asked.

“Yeah. Her personality is the same as yours too. She was quiet the whole time you were talking with Kevin. She only nodded and smiled.”

“Andy, that is all just in your imagination.” I said while sitting down on our table.

“No, really. Did you see how her expression changed when Kevin introduced her as his friend? She obviously did not like it.” Andy said while giving out a giggle.

I shrugged at his remark. Andy is being playful again. After a little while, they finally served our food and everything looked so delicious. I dug in right away.

Every bite I took was luscious and completely satisfying. The articles on the internet were not lying when they said that the food here was great.

Andy and I were enjoying our meal when suddenly a loud voice broke out in the restaurant. We immediately looked at where the voice was coming from and we were shocked to see that it was the girl sitting opposite to Kevin.

“Who am I to you Kevin? A friend? Really?” She said angrily.

“Stop it. Calm down. Just eat up.” Kevin tried to calm her down while looking at the crowd apologetically.

“How dare you introduce me like that? Who was she anyway? Was she your ex-girlfriend? Look at me and answer me, Kevin!” She shouted.

Everyone at this point has already stopped eating and their attention is all on Kevin and his girlfriend.

“Just stop this please. Just eat.” Kevin said again with a harsh tone. He was obviously starting to lose his patience.

“Why can’t you answer me Kevin? Are you hiding something?” She shouted again.

“Just sit down and eat first okay. Let us talk about this later after eating.”

“Do you think I like to eat right now?” The girl dared.

“Just… please. Shut up and eat.”

“No. I don’t want to. I don’t even know why we are here. We just ate a couple of minutes ago but you dragged me here because you said you were thirsty. But, apparently, it wasn’t because you were thirsty, you just wanted to see your ex girlfriend right?” She shouted at Kevin again.

“For the last time, can’t we just eat in peace?” Kevin said with gritted teeth.

The other guests started pointing fingers at them while murmuring. Meanwhile the staff of the restaurant did not even dare to stop them.

“No. I will not let you eat in peace. I deserve to know the truth.” She demanded.

“Oh! You want to know the truth? Okay then.” Kevin started off.

“Yes she was my ex-girlfriend and I dragged you here to see her. Are you happy now?”

“Oh, so that’s why you introduced me as a friend! You didn’t want her to know, did you?”

“Yes. I didn’t because you are nobody anyway. You are just my substitute. You want to know why? It’s because the person that I loved and still do is sitting right over there.” He paused for a while before continuing.

“Do you understand now? Huh? The reason I pursued you was because your personality and looks are greatly alike. I dated you because I missed her.” Kevin confessed which left everyone shocked.

I, too, wasn’t expecting his answer. I did not know that when we ended things between us, he wasn’t happy.

“Oh, I get it now. She’s the mermaid isn’t she?” Her question made the guests turn to look at me.

I immediately looked at Andy with shaking eyes. How did she know?

“Can’t say anything now huh? Is she the mermaid love you are talking about? Fine! Then I wish you two a wonderful and happy life together.” She blurted out.

Kevin did not answer her but he quickly stood up and tried to stop her from talking but she insisted.

“Everyone, listen to me. That girl…” she said while pointing at me.

“She is a monster. This girl you are currently dining with, isn’t a normal person. She is a monster because she’s a human during the day but she’s a fish at night. Just wait and see. It’s almost dinner time. She will evolve real soon.” The girl smirked at me.

Everyone’s murmurs became louder and louder. Everyone started doubting my apperance through thier whispers and side glances.

Being called a mermaid is something not new to me. Although it is true that I transform depending on the time of the day, hearing her say that I am a monster was just too much to handle. In addition, now, everyone in this restaurant now knows that I am a mermaid. The feeling was overwhelming. I thought that Kevin would respect me enough to keep my secret but I was wrong. Who else could he have told about this? Do more people know?

I felt incredibly heartbroken so I lowered my head and swallowed back my tears.

“What the hell are you talking about? Stop it” Kevin’s voice rang in the room. He was obviously pissed.

“What? Now, you are afraid that people know about your mermaid love” The girl provoked Kevin again.

“You are crazy. If you think you can come back to me after this, you are definitely thinking wrong.” Kevin said.

“Come back to you? Never! I will not go back to an asshole like you. You are a user and a great liar.”

After that, the girl walked out and left without even looking back.

“Nina, come on, let’s get out of here.” Andy suggested right away.

I couldn’t last a single second here anymore. The stares and gossips just keeps on getting sharper and louder. I’m so scared right now. I don’t even know what to do next.

When I did not answer Andy, he immediately left a few bills on the table before he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the restaurant.

“They are leaving. It must be true!” A diner said.

“Yeah. Maybe it’s time for her to transform already” Another diner said while looking at me..

“Everybody shut up and go back to eating! Whoever dares to say one more thing about my friend here will suffer the consequences. I will make whoever you are disappear from this world, no matter what way.” Andy shouted while he looked at the gloating people as a warning.

After his declaration, everyone fell silent and immediately got back to eating. I think they weren’t afraid of what Andy said. I think they were afraid because they knew I was a mermaid. Mermaids had powers after all so who wouldn’t be afraid?

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