Mommy daddy is the lycan king

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

She had been here before, days ago, when she came to officially meet the Lycan king, but the shivers

she felt on stepping in made it feel as if it was her first time.

The house was beautiful, beyond the words in her head. It was a paradise of its own, and the very idea

behind it made her marvel.

Jace reached a side of the house and didn’t go further; instead, he handed her over to the se rvant in

the house to lead her over to where she needed to go.

She didn’t complain or say anything as she silently followed the se rvant behind. It was a two-minute

silent walk to get to the main area of the house, and just as she came to a stop, she found the Lycan

king climbing down the last stair. He was in white long sleeves and black trousers. His hair was in a

neat bun, and his beard, unlike earlier, seemed to have been trimmed alinle to give his face a neater

look. His choice of clothing was simple, but it looked sophisticated on his b*dy. His shape and fit made

the clothe hug all his b*dy, and she didn’t mean to gawk, but that was what she did.

His eyes met hers, and a smile appeared on his l*ps. She smiled back warmly, and again she felt the

butterflies in her stomach make themselves known.

She tamed the feeling and focused on the night and the people she came to meet. Speaking of which,

she didn’t see Lady Nina beside him as she should, and this made her raise a curious brow. “Where is

Lady Nina?” she asked, her curiosity and expectancy of her presence showing in her voice.

He pressed his l*ps together, and she could already tell the lady would not be joining them, and now

she wanted to know why. Did she not approve her arrival? Was there a dispute between them that

triggered her absence? Did it have to do with her?

It couldn’t have been about her, could it?

“May I ask why she is not here?” She rephrased her question.

“She went to be with her family,” he told her. “It’s the wedding ceremony of her sister, and she needed

to be there to give her away, and she had to leave immediately.” He told her, and this countered her

initial thought, which was a good thing.

The last thing she wanted was to be the reason that would disrupt this wonderful union.

“I would have told you, but I didn’t want to go back on my words.”

For a moment, she didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She looked forward to officially

meeting the lady of the estate, but now she knew it would be some other time. “Oh, was all she said.

“You don’t look very happy about that, he pointed out, as if reading into her thoughts. She wouldn’t be

surprised if he could; he was the Lycan king after all.

“I am happy to be here; I was looking forward to having her.”

At least her presence would have helped stop her from fantasising about the man before her. Knowing

he belonged to someone and knowing that person was at the table would have been a calming force

for her raging emotions. Now she had to tame her désires on her own. She didn’t know if she could do

that successfully, especially with the way the king looked tonight.

He smiled. “Perhaps some time in the future, you will get the chance to,” he assured.

She nodded, and he led her towards the dining room. He helped pull out a chair for her, and once she

was comfortably seated, she thanked him. He moved to take his seat as well.

It felt awkward because when she got ready for the date, she didn’t envision being alone with the king,

she envisioned three people at the dining table, and now she didn’t know how to act.

The cooks soon walked into the room with steel trays and plates and placed them on the table before

moving away.

“I didn’t really know what you might like, so I made them cook a variety of food. He said and moved to

serve himself his meal. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

She wasn’t really picky with food; as long as it was good and well prepared, she would eat anything, so

he shouldn’t have bothered making the cooks make so much. But the deed was already done, and

there was no changing it.

“I’m not very picky, my king.”

“Good then, because I am.” He answered.

She opened the tray in front of her and served herself, and she ate quietly. The cook had done an

excellent job-preparing the steak and macaroni, and it tasted heavenly. She didn’t think she had ever

had anything like that in all her life,

She heard a chuckle from the side of the Lycan king, and she realised he was looking at her. Her

cheeks heated up, and she kept her head down, not wanting to meet his eyes. He had seen her

fanning over the food; how embarrassing.

“You can still have more if you want.” He urged her, and she took more to eat, and after the second

plate, she was filled.

She picked up the tablecloth and wiped at her mouth. “It is really good.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. He said, and from the corner of her eyes, she saw his eyes on her, and they

strayed from her face and down to the dress she wore tonight.

For the first time, she felt uncomfortable because of his stare and also because of her choice of

clothing. She felt she had overdressed for the night. When she picked but this choice, she didn’t want

to appear underdressed at the table. She believed Lady Nina, in all her grace and elegance, would

overshadow her look at the table, and so she had nothing to worry about. Lady Nina wasn’t here,

though, and her dress now felt like overkill:

With the Lycan king’s eyes on her, she couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. She knew he

wouldn’t S**ualise her, though; he wasn’t that type of man. He wasn’t like Henry; he respected his lady

too much to do that.

She could S**ualize him because she didn’t have a partner, hence, she wasn’t cheating on anyone with


She nodded. “Yes, I did; thank you.” She played with her fingers under the table, not knowing what else

to do. “Why did you invite me on a date?” she asked before she could stop herself. “You never told me.

His eyes flickered, and she didn’t know if he was offended by her question. He stayed silent for a while,

and she almost opened her mouth to tell him he didn’t have to answer if he didn’t want to when he


“Lady Nina and I wanted to get to know you; we wanted to tell you a little about ourselves in the hopes

that you would do the same. We believe this is a way to build trust between us and break down any

wall of confusion that might have existed before, but only if it’s okay with you.”

She felt the nut in her stomach tighten. He wanted to know more about her; what exactly did he want to

know, and what did he hope to use that knowledge for?

She nodded after realising she hadn’t given him an answer to his suggestion.

“Fine, then, I am Julin McQueen, the Lycan king. I was born in Rayfield, and my father was Kol

McQueen, the formal Lycan king, but he died trying to protect and preserve this world from the plague

two decades ago. I became his successor immediately after and have worked to keep the plague out

just like he did. I thought I succeeded fifteen years ago, as we succeeded in isolating the plague among

us, but I didn’t, and there was an outbreak five years ago, I almost failed at the task of maintaining the

werewolf world like my father and his fathers before him did. I try to keep the peace, and I try to enforce

the rules just like my father did. I have done things in the past, things I wasn’t proud of, but I try to make

it up by correcting my ways and doing what is right now.”

“How has that gone so far?” she asked.

He smiled and said, “Well, there will always be rebellion and disobedience. But I only hope the good

outweighs the bad.” He answered, “What about you? What is your story?”

She hesitated because she didn’t want to say anything about herself, but then realised the Lycan king

had crossed the line of

vulnerability just to tell her his story. The least she could do was tell him a little about herself. Besides, it

wasn’t as if he knew her story; only Alpha Carl and Luna Bianca, her biological parents, did.

“I don’t know where I was born, but I was raised in Reign by two amazing couples. I never really fit

among the other Lycans in this world, and as an omega, I suffered a great deal of pain and

discrimination. It was from one nightmare to another, and it was that way until I left for the human world.

There I started over, and though I thought I would be hated and discriminated against, I wasn’t; I was

treated like an equal. Everyone was. I’m not saying there is no evil in the human world, but I am saying

it was what I needed. They gave me the hope I never had.”

He smiled, but it wasn’t a happy smile. “I am sorry you went through that. I understand now why you

didn’t want to come and help us, even though we were your kind.”

Her head dropped. “I didn’t make the right decision then. It didn’t matter what I had been through, my

healing ability wasn’t given based on my merit. It was a gift from the moon goddess, and I shouldn’t

have said no.” She couldn’t completely blame herself for making that decision. She didn’t know the

Lycan king would be such a person. A man of integrity and noble character.


you for everything you have done, and thank you for proving yourself better than the world that hurt


She smiled and said, “You are welcome, my king.

“What about your sons?”

Her smile vanished. “What about my sons?” she asked, returning his question with another question.

Her tone had also changed to a defensive one. That was a line she didn’t want anyone crossing into.

“How did they come about? Who is their father?”

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