Mommy daddy is the lycan king

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“If I knew you were visiting, I would have done a better job at getting ready to receive you,” Camila said

as she handed Fiona a glass of milk, which she knew she used to like whenever she visited.

“I didn’t know I would visit either. Julian had gone to Bayland on matters of peace, law, and order. Now,

more than ever, that is what we need. Julian asked me to come along, but I said no. There was so

much to do in the capital, and I couldn’t abandon that for a sudden three-day trip.”

After everything was restored in the werewolf world two years ago, she came to visit Camila along with

her boys. Camila was delighted to see her and the boys alive and well. She told them how worried she

had been in the months of her absence.

Fiona didn’t go into every detail, but she highlighted the important ones. She was getting married to the

Lycan king of the werewolf world, the father of her sons.

Camila was more than delighted at the news and begged for an invitation, and Fiona didn’t deny her.

The visit was also to ask her to be her maid of honour. She was her only true female friend, and Fiona

needed her presence. Camila promised to give her a yes if she promised to return the favour when the

time came. Fiona gave Camila her word, and they sealed the promise.

Since then, their friendship had only grown stronger, and she had visited as often as she could

whenever she came to the human world on protocols.

Camila had always been a good friend to her, and so though her status has changed to that of Luna,

Queen of the werewolf world, they will remain friends.

“Then why do I sense regret in your voice as you speak?” Camila asked and sat beside


“I don’t know, just a bad feeling I have had since he left yesterday. I have no idea why I have it; he will

be back tomorrow.”

“He will, and you have nothing to be worried about.” She reached out and tapped her knee gently

before getting up and moving to the shelf in the living room, where the books were neatly arranged/

“I guess you are right,” she said. “How is Peter?”




Chapter 69

“He’s fine,” she answered in a small voice after a long pause.

“Why do I feel like there is more to this story?” Fiona raised a brow at her.

She sighed and turned to her, lifting a ring in her hand. “He asked me to marry him.”

Fiona’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped. “Really? Congratulations! What did you say?”

“I said yes, but now that I have thought about it, I don’t feel like ‘yes’ should have been my answer.”

“What do you mean by that? The two of you are so perfect for each other.”

Fear flashed in her eyes. “He is perfect for me; I don’t think I am perfect for him.”

Fiona laughed in disbelief. “You are. I have seen you a few times; I think you are afraid, and that is


“We are rushing things.” Camila said, coming up with another excuse.

Fiona rose to her feet and stepped towards Camila, who still stood with an uncertain look on her face. “I

was engaged to the Lycan king after six months of serving on his estate.”

“That is different; you said he was your mate, and you two already have history.” Camila argued.

She took her hands and said, “We had a one-night stand. When it is right, time isn’t the most important

factor. You are afraid, and that is okay, but this is good for you. You two were friends before you started

dating, and that was two years ago. Peter loves you, and you adore him; this is a good thing.”

Camila pulled her into a tight hug, and smiling Fiona hugged back, providing as much comfort for her

friend who needed it.

Three days later

Julian had said he would return after two days, but it had been three days since his initial date of return,

and he had yet to return to Rayfield. She would have been afraid and thought the worst if she didn’t

have the mate link. The link was stronger than ever. She didn’t want to go looking for him because they

revealed the timeline of his stay in the east to no one else. She had to give him time.

Not to moan, but she had given him time three days ago, and there was still no sign of



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Chapter 69

his return. It was evening, and that made it five days since he left for the east. He had always called

whenever he was away, and he did four days ago, and he told her everything was going according to

plan. That was the last call she got from him.


She handled her affairs at the Citadel and also kept a close eye on the Hightower. Today, unlike when

she started, she closed the latest.

After finishing her duties, she retired to the mansion to rest, but she knew rest was something she

hadn’t had for three days now.

“We go again tomorrow,” Ken asked as they made their way to the door.

Julian had kept him in charge of protecting her.

She nodded and replied, “Tomorrow.”

He nodded and turned to take his leave when she called to him, “Ken.” He halted and turned to her.

“You were in the east, and you took longer to return; I believe it was a day.”

Last week, Julian told her Kenneth had stayed a day longer than he should have, which wasn’t part of

their plan. Perhaps he would know a thing or two about Julian’s delay


“It was twenty-three hours.” He answered, giving the specifics.

She nodded. “Why did you stay longer than necessary?”

He remained silent, and that didn’t feel right to her. His silence was the last thing she needed now.


“Something came up, and the plan changed.” He answered, and his gaze moved from hers. And that

was suspicious.

“What came up, Kenneth?” she asked.

He stepped back. “I cannot reveal anything to you. I am sorry.”

“I am your Luna queen; you do not keep anything from me. You accord me the same level of respect

and loyalty as you do the Lycan king and ruler of the werewolf world.”

“I am sorry, my queen,” he bowed his head.

She stepped closer to him and said, “I do not need your apology; I need the truth. What happened in

the east? Did you tell Julian this? Did you tell him something came up to


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07:50 Sat, 20 Jan le

Chapter 69

change your plan, or did you lie?” she demanded.


He stared up at her as if he didn’t know what to say. He knew something; it seemed he knew a lot.

She wasn’t going to let him go because there were a lot of things he wasn’t revealing from the look of


Kenneth was the most trustworthy and loyal man on the Lycan King’s team, and if that had changed,

she wanted to be the first to know about it.

“Speak, Kenneth, while you still can.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I would say there is fire on the mountain.” Julian said from across the

balcony, and Fiona broke her gaze with Kenneth and turned to him.

Relief washed over her face, and she ran over to him and threw her arms around him for a tight hug.

They stayed that way for a while before pulling away.

Her small hands came to cup his face. “I was growing weary; you were to return three days ago, and

when you didn’t, I became worried.” She revealed it to him.

He smiled and took hold of her hands. “I know. The plan was to return as fast as I could, but something

came up and the plans changed. I had to stay and fix it all before returning.”

She frowned at him, realising it was the same line Kenneth had used earlier with her. “You could have

called and told me that. My worry grew because you didn’t think to call and keep me up to speed with


“My bad. Ken was doing exactly what I told him—to say nothing.” He said and then turned to Kenneth,

who still stood quietly behind, “You are dismissed, Ken; I will carry on from here.”

Ken nodded and took his leave without uttering a word.

Though her mind wanted her to ask questions about what happened in the east, she was glad he was

home and just wanted to spend the night with him in quietness. “The boys will be so excited to see


“The boys?” He repeated it and looked a little lost.

Her brows narrowed at him. She had always called June and Jashin the boys since she could

remember, and he always knew what she meant.






Chapter 69

“The boys-your sons. June and Jashin.” She told him and saw his eyes light up at the clarification.

He ran a hand over his forehead, and his lashes fluttered briefly before exhaling. “My mind was a little


Her heart went out to him. “It must be from stress.”

He nodded, agreeing with her words. “It is. I cannot wait to see them too, but it is already late; I do not

want to go to them looking this exhausted.”

“That would be tomorrow. Come inside, and you can shower and have a good rest.” She didn’t wait for

his answer before taking his hand and pulling him inside.




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