Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return

Chapter 68: She Really Loves You

Chapter 68: She Really Loves You

Days passed. Samantha was missing Ethan so much that she eagerly awaited his return on a Thursday.

While inside the kitchen of the First Diamond Hotel, Samantha repeatedly checked the time.

Before Ethan left, he told that a private jet was unavailable, and thus, he and John took a shared flight, booking first class on the way back to Braeton from Laton City.

Killing the time, Samantha kept herself busy, randomly tasting how the chefs have prepared the dishes for their lunch service.

When one of the station chefs, Jane, reported late for her shift, she came into the kitchen mumbling, "Sorry I'm late. There is this big traffic due to fire trucks and ambulances, rushing into the airport. Apparently, there was a flight that crashed on the runway at Braeton airport!"

That immediately shifted Samantha's attention to Jane. She frowned and asked, "A plane crashed at the airport?"

"I don't know the details. I just heard people talk about it on the way here," answered Jane.

Samantha did not know why, but she felt her heart racing. She immediately stepped outside the kitchen and went to the lobby to hear about the news through the internet.

It was a plane, coming from Laton City that was unable to bring out its wheels as it landed at the airport. It resulted in the plane to crash landing on the runway.

From the concierge area, Samantha covered her mouth in fear. Her eyes widened in horror as she exclaimed, "Oh, my god! Ethan's on that plane!"

"Really, Chef Sam?" Asked Cindy, one of the front desk.

When Samantha could not reach Ethan's phone, she frantically called for Edgar, asking him to take her to the airport with him.

She only left Cindy a message for everyone in the kitchen, telling them how she had sped off to the airport upon Edgar's arrival.

Panic and fear drowned her heart as Edgar drove her to the airport. She wound up crying as they were on the road while still in her chef uniform.

From inside the car, Edgar kept looking at Samantha from the rearview mirror and told, "Mrs. Wright, from what I heard, there weren't any casualties during the crash. The plane was already in its slow landing and the crew managed to get everyone out of the plane... I'm sure, Mr. Wright is okay. All the more, they will prioritize those who are in the first-class cabin."

"I." With tears running down her face, she said, "I can't help it Edgar, I can't seem to reach Ethan."

Samantha easily looked back at her memorable weeks with Ethan, being his wife, and she honestly could not imagine being without Ethan. All the more, the thought of her children losing their father. The idea utterly made her break down in tears.

"I'm just so afraid, Edgar. I - I can't help but be so worried." Placing a hand on her chest, she revealed, "My heart hurt so much. I just want to know that he is fine."

Edgar had to repeatedly console Samantha, who was clearly alarming about the news.

Arriving at the airport, Edgar accompanied Samantha to the arrivals area, especially speaking to representatives of the airline.

There was a long line of other concerned individuals whose family members were on the same plane.

It was chaotic. Samantha was not the only one who was panicking and being concerned for their loved ones.

On one side, a lady in a megaphone was announcing that the passengers were still being attended to. Some are still going through security checks and will be out in a few minutes. "Rest assured, there was no casualty during the crash. We just need to make sure there are no serious injuries, so we have a medical team checking on each of the passengers before they are brought out."

Together with Edgar, Samantha lingered on one of the benches, constantly inspecting passengers who were exiting the doors. However, after nearly an hour passed, there was no sign of Ethan.

It made Samantha utterly nervous that she returned to get in line, hoping to speak to the airline representative and hear about Ethan.

It took several minutes for Samantha to finally get in front of the counter and while there, the first thing she said was, "Ethan Wright. My husband was on the flight from Laton, riding on first class. Please, I have been waiting for almost an hour, but he has not gone through the arrivals area!"

"I'm sorry about that. Let me check for you," said the lady.

"Ethan Wright?" The airline representative probed, raising a brow. "The CEO of the Wright Diamond Corporation is your husband, miss?"

"Yes! He is my husband, tell me where he is!" Demanded Samantha, slamming her palms against the counter.

"Sam! Sam! There you are." Samantha turned to find Ethan walking towards her with John Garcia.

After all the waiting, Samantha's tears had already dried up, but seeing Ethan standing a few meters from her, she cried once more. She yelled, "Ethan!"

She ran in the direction of the man with her cheeks utterly soaked and her heart throbbing.

Wrapping her arms around him, she said, "Ethan, I was so worried! Thank goodness, you are okay."

Ethan, on the other hand, accepted the embrace of his wife. He repeatedly pecked her forehead and told, "Sam, I'm fine. I did not take the flight. There was a last-minute opening for a private jet and we took it, despite needing to wait for half an hour."

He let go of her hold to caress her cheeks and smiled. He repeated, "I'm fine. You are not going to get rid of me that easily - "

"Don't joke about that, Ethan!" She scolded before crashing back into his arms. She still let out her tears while she eased her chest. "I was so scared, Ethan. I just found you and I was really, really scared of the news."

To console Samantha, the couple lingered at the airport's arrivals area for a few minutes more before they finally left. It was already inside the car that Samantha interrogated Ethan.

Apparently, Ethan had called Edgar earlier, informing him of his adjusted landing. He requested to be fetched, but to his surprise, his wife was at the airport to fetch him instead. That was how Ethan found himself at the arrivals area, in search of Samantha.

"Why was your mobile off?" Samantha probed while wiping her face with a wet tissue.

"The pilots tell me it's safe whenever riding on a private jet, but I had made it a habit to turn off my phone while in the air." He leaned over and pinched Samantha's cheeks before saying, "Safety comes first."

"Why didn't you say you took a private jet instead?" She asked with a frown. "You had been all worried like crazy! You should not do that to me, Ethan! Remember, I am your first priority!"

A chuckle left Ethan's lips before he apologized, "I - I'm sorry, honey. I figured you were busy, and we agreed that I'd pick you up in the evening. I meant to call you when I land."

Ethan leaned over and pecked on Samantha's cheek and said, "I'm fine, honey. I'm fine. I'm sorry I caused you to worry."

"I'm just really upset, Ethan, but I'm." She took a big sniff and said, "I'm glad you are safe. Don't ever get me worried this way again."

"I won't. I promise," swore Ethan before reaching for another embrace. He pecked on the side of her face and softly said, "I love you, Sam."

Samantha hugged back and whispered, I love you so much too, Ethan. I love you so much." This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Since both Samantha and Ethan had work to finish that day, Edgar brought Samantha back to the hotel.

The couple shared a sweet kiss before parting, promising to make up with each other that evening.

It was right after Samantha closed the door to the car that Ethan smiled happily at the figure moving towards the hotel.

His smile granted Edgar to say, "She really loves you, Mr. Wright."

Ethan's smile widened. He nodded and acknowledged, "Yes, she does. She does." He put a hand on his chest and added, "I'm so relieved to know that she sincerely does."


Later that evening, before Ethan prepared to leave the office, he received a call from Aiden, his employed hacker.

On the phone, Aiden reported, "Mr. Wright, Connor and I have been working on tracking Catherine and Annie Davis since the formal Divorce papers were signed between Catherine and the General. Over the past few days, she has been making a phone call to a man on the east coast. Specifically, in Jansu Island... and it looks like they are headed there too. They had recently booked train tickets in that direction."

"Who is this man they are in contact with?" Ethan probed while closing his laptop bag.

"His name is Blake Taylor, a former military - rather the guy went on AWOL so he was dishonorably dismissed from the service," revealed Aiden. "The strange thing is, Mr. Wright... the man went on AWOL around the same time when Sarah Davis was reportedly killed in that car accident."

Ethan took a deep breath. He instructed, "Work with our contacts on the east coast. Have some men follow those two and investigate deeper into this man... Blake Taylor."

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