Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 22_ Paying her off 1

Damien and his mum swiftly turned to the direction of the door to see Aldrin rooted to the ground..

Anita’s lips suddenly curved up, she walked to her husband and held his arm..

“Did you hear that honey? we are grand parents!”

Aldrin gasped in shock and faced his son, in as much as he wanted to be happy about this news, he couldn’t because Damien was about to get married..

“You got a girl pregnant Damien? when you have a fiancee?”

Anita smacked his arm to shut him up “The baby has been born already, I think he did the right thing, now those browns won’t get a chance in our family”

Aldrin’s jaw dropped as he listened to his wife’s words, how come this mother and son support each other so much even if they were in the wrong?.

“Great! now how are you going to break this news to father? or the Browns?”

Damien sighed, he wondered what he was going to do, he cursed his fate so much, of all girls in the world, why Olivia?..

“Leave all that to me, I’ll fix it”

Aldrin sneered, there was nothing to fix in this situation, there was no other choice left other for him to choose between the two women..

“How exactly?.. look Damien I know you’re old enough to make decisions for yourself, but just so you know, your grand father won’t accept this..”

Anita snorted and walked to Damien, she embraced him warmly patting his back..

“Don’t listen to your dad, do what you have to do and remember, I don’t like Rihanna”

Aldrin shook his head slowly, these two didn’t know what they were doing, his dad won’t be happy with this news..



Bianca peered down at Olivia’s sleeping face, her poor friend had cried her eyes out before falling asleep..

She heard the doorbell ringing downstairs, she slowly lifted Olivia’s head off her laps to a pillow before moving out of the room..

“Who could it be?”

Bianca pulled the door open and her eyes fell on two ladies who were glaring at her in surprise and anger, perhaps they had expected another person other than her to come out..

She immediately recognized them, the one putting on a armless peach gown on black heels was Alexa Sterling..

While the other one putting on a black ripped up blue jeans and a pink top was the daughter of the Browns..

She closed the door behind her and stepped out to avoid disturbing Olivia’s peaceful slumber..

“Oh! you live here too!” Alexa scorned, she looked around her surroundings and shuddered in disgust..

“What do you want?”

Rihanna snorted and walked past Bianca in an attempt to go inside the apartment, she hadn’t forgotten how this lady slapt her because of that little boy..


Bianca reached her hand out and pulled Rihanna back to stand in front of her by her hair tied into a ponytail.

“Ouch! are you trying to pull out my brains?! you psycho!”

“I’ll give you two a minute to leave here or you’re gonna regret it!”

Alexa snorted and took a step forward “As far as I know, my family calls the shot in L. A and no one, not even you can tell me to leave this place!”

Bianca raised a brow and nodded her head, she was just about to go back in when she heard the scream from the two behind her..Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“The heck?!”

Bianca turned back to them and was surprised to see them covered in yellow paint, her eyes darted to the opened window to see Olivia’s mischievous smile..

Oh boy! and here she was feeling bad for her whereas she had something up her sleeves..

The two raised their heads to the window in anger..

“You little b*tch! how dare you?!”

“Come on you you two.. scurry out of here” Bianca said with a giggle before going back into the apartment..

And just then Olivia ran down the stairs ready to go outside but was held back by Bianca..

“Alright ma’am, you’ve done enough damage to them.. it was hilarious, good job bestie”

Olivia snorted, she felt like that wasn’t enough, she couldn’t help but pin this whole phase she was going through on Damien..

“This week has been a bit of a bad luck for me, maybe if I had just left after I was fired, I wouldn’t have gotten to know the truth”

Bianca sighed, they weren’t back to this again right? she had honestly run out of words of comfort for Olivia but when she recalled what Olivia did a minute ago, she doubted if she needed it..


Anita glanced around the large room she found herself in with a scrunched face, she rolled her eyes and walked to one of the sofa’s..

She swiped a finger on it to check for dust before sitting on it..

“Hmph! ours is much more comfortable than this” She mumbled beneath her breath and almost immediately she heard a voice behind her..

“Oh my! look who’s here!” The woman who just appeared..

Tracy, the lady of the Brown’s and also Rihanna and Asher’s annoying mother, as Anita had thought..

However, apart from being surprised to see Anita in her home, the smile on her face was also priceless.. Tracy couldn’t help but wonder why she was happy..

Anita stood up from her seat with an evil smile “Come on! I’m here to celebrate after all my son will be getting married soon”

Tracy’s brows drew together, she knew something wasn’t right here, on a normal day Anita wouldn’t smile at her and not to talk of being happy about her son’s marriage to Rihanna..

“Fine! spill it, what are you up to?”

Anita beamed, she couldn’t describe the feeling she felt within her after learning about her grandson earlier today..

“Nothing much, I just wanted to let you know that my son has found a better match other than your ugly daughter!”

“What? what are you talking about? Asher told me everything that happened over there and how you also tried to oppose the idea of this alliance…

Anita nodded in understanding “Well did he also tell you that my handsome little boy Damien has a son with his real lover?”

The smile that was on Tracy’s face froze like ice, she was just about to retort when she spotted her daughter and Alexa rooted to the ground and at the same time surprisingly covered in yellow paint..


Anita enjoyed the look that crossed the face of the mother and daughter..

“Oh, the ugly daughter is here looking more ugly, didn’t I tell you that my son will never have anything to do with you?”

“Damien loves me! and I’m very sure that we will get married soon!”

Rihanna made an attempt to move only to slip on the polished marbled floor..

Anita chuckled and walked closer to the lady on the floor..

“I’m not sure why you’re covered in paint but whoever did this to you deserves some accolades, actually it looks nice on you, this way no one will be able to see your ugly face”


Anita raised her head to her daughter, she walked to Alexa, grabbed her arm and pulled her out with her..

“I don’t want to see you with her anymore!”


The door to Damien’s office was pushed open, after which a young man forced himself in despite being held back by Bella..


Damien turned his swivelling chair around to face them, he murmured a few words to the person over the phone before placing his phone back on his desk..

His grey orbs were fixated on the person who bardged into his office..

“Boss I tried to stop him but he..

Damien gave her a nod and soon after she left leaving the two alone in the room..

“What do you want?” Damien’s irritated tone came, the last person he wanted to see was this guy in front of him..

Asher sneered “You’re asking me that?! I should be the one asking you that Damien! what exactly do you want?!”

Damien stood up to his feet, one thing he wouldn’t take was someone yelling at him after badging into his office without an appointment..

“I’ll give you to the count of three to leave this place..

Asher stepped forward with a raised brow “You’re still acting all high and confident?! while my sister is crying her eyes out! if you knew that you couldn’t love her or be faithful to her, then why did you choose to propose to her?!”

Damien had a confused look on his face, he wasn’t in bad terms with Rihanna, he spoke to her a few hours ago, so what was wrong this time?

“What do you mean by that? don’t piss me off! I have a lot on my plate right now!”

“Is my sister also on that plate? I guess not! or perhaps I guess your new girlfriend and her kid are on your mind right now”

Damien shot Asher a surprised look, no one else knew about his son with Olivia, other than his parents..

“And as for your mum.. warn her to keep her mouth in check otherwise I won’t hesitate to…

Asher hasn’t even completed his words when a punch was thrown at his face by Damien..

Few seconds later, two of Damien’s men came in after receiving the gesture they needed from their boss, they seized Asher and pulled him out of the office..

“I’ll make sure you regret this Damien Sterling!”

Damien exhaled deeply and picked up his phone that rang out, he stared at the caller’s id..

“Yes grandfather? I’m in a meeting call back later”

“Come home this instant!”

Judging from his tone, it must be really urgent, or could it be that he found out already?

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