My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

My lips part and I can’t help but stare at Adam in awe. I’ve been fighting my feelings for him since the beginning, but a gesture this minor somehow manages to melt my barriers.

I noticed the looks of envy in the eyes of the girls who were praising me just a few minutes

ago. They all want Adam to themselves; him showing any affection towards me would stir the jealousy within them. Yet, they still try to fake their friendliness towards me.

My parents chose that exact moment to butt in. “Amiera,” my father says, glaring at Adam.

“Let’s go home.”

Adam folds his arms and looks the least bit bothered by my father’s nasty glare. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Tavoid eye contact with him as I nod my head and follow my father out of the crowds and towards our car, where my brother and sister are waiting for me.

Belle runs to me and gives me a long hug. “Congratulations, little sis, you’ve made us all

incredibly proud!”

Noah shuffles my hair, “I always knew that you were special. I’m glad that everyone else is

finally able to witness this.”

“You’ve made not only your family proud today but every single person from our kingdom.” My mother praises me. “I’m so proud of you sweetheart, come here,” she says as she pulls me in for a hug..

“We will host a grand event in a few days to celebrate your achievement. You’ve done

what no one in any of the kingdoms has ever been able to do. You’ve been revealed as our long-awaited flaming whisperer. You’re a blessing to us all, my child.” My father praises.

It’s weird to hear my parents praise me this much; I’m so used to them correcting my


When we enter the car, however, I’m hit with a very frustrating question.

“I don’t think that you’ll do anything to upset us,” my mother says. “But I still have to ask. Is there anything going on between you and that dark whisperer?”

I take a deep breath and try to avoid the look that Noah gives me. I know that he already

saw the lipstick incident between Adam and me, and now this. I’m worried that he would report

this to my parents now that they‘re asking.

“No, mother.” ilie. “I’m also surprised that he showed so much attention to me today.” My hands gripping onto his hoodie tightly quickly loosened, afraid that they would read into it.

I noticed that my father’s hand tightened on the steering wheel. It’s a wonder that he didn’t let the driver return with us. They probably knew they were about to bring this conversation up

ancient objects connected to the flaming whisperer. He must have sensed something in you that no one else did. It will explain how he knew to choose you to bring upon the stage.”

So my father did also have speculations that Adam already knew who I was before anyone


else. But it was good that he did; this would excuse the exchange that took place between us.

“You must stay clear of any dark whisperers more than ever now that they know who you are.” My mother warns me. “Especially that one.”

How did I explain to her that I was already tied to him in our own twisted way?

Despite what I already knew, I still made a promise that I could not keep, “yes, mother.”

Later that day, I’m invited to a party that’s hosted in my honor. It’s the first time I’m

attending a party just for me, minus those other times my parents hosted boring birthday parties for me, but that didn’t count; there weren’t ever many people present at any of those


I’m dressed in one of the fanciest dresses that my sister has ever owned—a beautiful

short sequin red dress with a slit up to my leg towards my hips. I don’t think I’ve ever worn

something this scandalous before; I also don’t think I’ve ever felt this kind of confidence before

either. Could this be part of the fire that has suddenly awakened in me? But do I know if the fire

has truly been created? The truth remained that I still did not know how to create fire. I had wings that brought with it blazing eyes, but what else could I do?

I shake my head; I didn’t want to think about this now. I had a party to focus on. A party that included people who have insulted me my entire life. I was optimistic that Bryan and Aria would be here. I was also wondering if Adam would show up; I believe that was the only reason

I agreed to attend this thing.

“Do we have to be here today?” Noah asks; he seems the least bit interested. I did force my siblings to also attend with me. Something about attending a party just for me by myself

didn’t sit well with me. I mean, Abigail would also be there, but I needed someone to walk in with me; I didn’t want the spotlight to be on me alone.

“Shut up and enjoy the party, Noah,” Belle tells him. “It’s Amiera’s day today.”

“She doesn’t need to attend a party with a bunch of frauds to feel appreciated. She has us;

that’s all that she will ever need.” Noah snaps.

They’re talking about me like I’m not even here. I agreed with Noah, however. I wouldn’t be

here today if I didn’t want to see Adam.

The moment that I enter, all eyes are on me. I’m the center of attention, the exact thing

My eyes search the crowd while everyone comes to greet me; they are finally treating me

like the princess I am.

I’m not looking for their phony attention. I’m still searching for the person I came here for. And then I spot him, leaned up against the wall, gazing at me. He’s not alone; Lizzie is here also, standing next to him. Seeing them together sparks the jealousy and anger within me once


I can’t keep doing this to myself. I can’t keep wishing for something between us when he

hasn’t once shown that he wants me to.

That wasn’t exactly true, was it? I’ve seen passion and need in Adam’s eyes before. All of which was directed straight at me. Then how can I say he hasn’t shown me any signs of wanting to be with me? But I also wasn’t sure what exactly was going on between him and Lizzie. I didn’t want to be like Aria; I didn’t want to be with someone already in a relationship. Everyone keeps saying that they aren’t back together, but it’s hard to believe when I saw them kissing just a few days ago.

“Hey,” Jackson, a guy from class, greets me. He hasn’t spoken to me before, and I know he’s only showing me attention because of who I am.

“Hi,” I respond with kindness.

No one said that I shouldn’t try to get to know other men. If Adam didn’t come clean and

tell me what I meant to him, why should I wait around for him?

“Can I have this dance with you?” he asks.

I don’t know why I look Adam’s way when he asks me. To my surprise, he stops leaning against the wall and straightens his back; it’s as if he’s waiting to see what I’ll respond to Jackson. I can’t explain the thrill of excitement I feel from knowing that he’s watching me.

To test his reaction, I agreed to dance with the guy in front of me. However, I’m not happy when he places one hand on my waist and pulls me close to him. I don’t like to feel anyone else

touch me but Adam. This feels nothing like when the dark prince touches me. His touches are

so very different; they leave me wanting so much more.

I feel a shiver of disgust when he runs a hand up my leg. I’m about to stop him when someone grabs me from behind, picks me up and pulls me out of the house. Just by the scent alone, I know that it’s none other than Adam. It’s the only reason why I haven’t protested as


Igasp when he slams me against his jeep and leans into me. His eyes are dark with anger,

and was that jealousy I sensed? Was Adam jealous that I danced with Jackson?

“Why?” He growls. “Why the f**k would you let him touch you like that?”

I shiver from his question, not because I’m scared of his tone. No, it’s because I can tell how much my actions have angered him tonight. He’s angry that I let another guy touch me. Shouldn’t that be all the proof I needed? Shouldn’t this tell me that he felt something for me like I felt for him! It couldn’t be just me; he had to be feeling all of these emotions as well.

“Why?” I ask with a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t know, Adam. Maybe it’s because I can’t tell what your true feelings towards me are. Maybe it’s because I always see you around your ex-girlfriend. Maybe because you kiss other women and let me see, so from now on, I’ll let other guys touch me. And that will have nothing to do with you.”

His eyes grow to a blood-red, and I can tell that I’ve managed to hit a nerve.

gasp when he unlocks the jeep and opens the door of the backseat. He grabs my waist and shoves me inside before I have a chance to protest.

“What are you doing?” He gets in beside me and shuts the door. “If you’re willing to let other men touch you. Then let me be your f*****g first customer.”

I don’t have time to respond when he pulls me under him and settles himself between my legs.

He pushes my two hands above my head and slams his mouth against my neck. I’m about to protest when I’m hit with emotions so strong that I cry out from the pleasure.

Oh. Oh my

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