My Blind Wife Wants Divorced


Chloe couldn’t hide her dislike. Her hands were folded across her chest. If only she could see the face of Leonel sitting next to her, she would have given him a disapproving look. Maybe even with great annoyance. Chloe had sighed many times, trying to suppress her anger from bursting out.

“Did I ask the wrong question about Darren?” she asked.

“No,” Chloe quickly replied.

“But I feel like you’re angry with me, Sa.” Leonel gently rubbed his face. The exhaustion from his journey back home, from taking a flight from Cattle Village to New York City, hadn’t been relieved yet, and now he was met with his wife’s sullen expression. Leonel had hoped that this time Chloe’s reception would bring them closer again. Ah, thinking about it, his expectations were too lofty. He had often mentioned to Ester about divorcing Chloe. But now? For some reason, he had a strong desire to keep Chloe by his side.

Call him crazy, unstable, abnormal, selfish, stubborn, or oblivious, but he doesn’t care. His current desire was to fight for what he believed in. Even if he had to beg for forgiveness from Chloe, Leonel would do it. He felt responsible for the pain Chloe expressed now, resulting from his behavior all this time.

What more could Chloe want from him? Just because she agreed to their arranged marriage, right? Besides that, Chloe always tried to be the best person in this house. As for himself, he could only blame himself. He could have fun outside at his own expense.

“Think about it yourself,” Chloe rose from her seat, trying to reach for her cane. She still needed it to navigate from the living room to her bedroom. She was confident that Peni was nearby and ready to assist her.

“Chloe,” Leonel quickly approached her, embracing and helping his wife move forward. Chloe, who was aware of her husband’s presence, seemed tense. Perhaps because of the sudden touch and the unintentional breath Leonel exhaled, it brushed against Chloe’s face, causing her to stiffen. That was also what made Leonel smirk slightly. “Relax, Sa. I don’t want to do anything weird. Just helping my wife. It’s my duty, right?”

“You seem to need brain therapy.” Chloe tried to suppress her surprise. She gently pushed away Leonel’s hand on her shoulder.

“Chloe, I want to help.”

“No need. Just take care of yourself. You’re used to not caring about me, right?”

“True. I don’t want to argue about the past. I was wrong. I won’t get tired of apologizing for that. But at least allow me to help you now.”

Chloe sneered. “Oh? Now? Is your past suddenly erased from your mind, along with your behavior?”

Leonel let out a frustrated sigh but didn’t want to retreat now. He would continue to restrain himself, constantly cornered by Chloe. As long as Leonel obtained forgiveness and Chloe was willing to mend their relationship, it didn’t matter. Throughout his time in Cattle Village, he had made up his mind. That’s why he had been honest with Ester. Although it seemed painful, Leonel also knew that reversing this situation wouldn’t be easy.

But what else could Leonel do? Chloe’s image danced before him whenever he was on the verge of closing his eyes, including her wounded eyes that suffered daily because of him.

“No, but I’m begging you, Chloe, give me a chance to fix it.”

Chloe’s steps halted. She didn’t want to turn around, but her chest trembled intensely. What did he say? Did her husband forget some of his thoughts? Why did he suddenly seem indecisive?

“I can’t imagine if you were with someone else, Chloe.” Leonel slipped his hand between Chloe’s fingers, holding it tightly as she tried to resist. “Can you?”

As Leonel insisted on holding her hand, Chloe also tried to pull away, but he seemed adamant. So Chloe allowed their hands to have each other. No, it does not fit. She also felt a light kiss on the back of her hand. She knew who it was from; Leonel.


“Have you ever thought about what it’s like to be in my shoes, Leonel?” Chloe stared at the figure in front of her. In her field of vision, the figure stood tall. There was a color similar to black but not as dark as usual. Maybe her husband was no longer wearing black shirts. Who knows. “What I stimulate in my mind, Leonel so that you know. You work, have many meetings, and meet many clients. Not grappling with cheap women like Ester without clothes.”

Leonel closed his eyes tightly. If he denied Ester’s involvement, Chloe’s anger would only increase. He let Chloe express her desires.

“What do you imagine me to be like? Am I your trophy? You should be able to let go of this marriage gracefully. Set me free, so you can do whatever you want with Ester.” Chloe clenched her fist. “There’s nothing you or I can fix. I’ve tried to fill in all the holes you’ve created. Now I can’t do it anymore. I’m human, a woman. Not a man who can withstand strong storms out there. I’m fragile. I’m weak, Leonel.”

Chloe wiped her suddenly wet cheeks.

“Set me free. Never ask me for that chance again. It’s pointless. My mind can’t erase all the betrayals you’ve committed.”

“But, Chloe,” Leonel still tried to restrain her. “Is there nothing at all?” He had to assert this now, even though his heart ached to hear Chloe’s complaints and pain.

“Or… what if I give you that chance?”

Leonel blinked, gazing at his wife’s different expression. There was a smile there, and it filled Leonel with joy. “I promise I will change. Maybe love and affection haven’t emerged quickly, but I’m sure that if I have a chance to be near you, to talk about our marriage as it should be, I won’t have a pessimistic feeling anymore about our marriage-”

“You’ve been having an affair for five years, right?”

Leonel fell silent, his tongue tied, even though he had much more to say. Suddenly, his courage waned as he listened to Chloe’s following words.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“For the next five years, we will continue the marriage with me openly having an affair before you. You can’t protest. You can’t stop me. I’ll still fulfill my role as a wife, but not for you in bed. Just like how you treat me.”

Leonel widened his eyes. “Where did that idea come from?!” he shouted.

“You made me think of this idea.”

Leonel clenched his jaw tightly. His eyes glared sharply at Chloe, who appeared calm. The smile on her lips was still there, but Leonel realized it wasn’t the sweet smile that often adorned Chloe’s face. It was a disdainful smile filled with so much hurt.

“For five years, I endured low self-esteem because I thought, what was lacking in my service when I was in your bed? Or maybe my body couldn’t satisfy you. But if I recall, every time we spent the night together, you always reached climax. In my mind, I struggled with thoughts of what I should do to make you satisfied. Until you sought pleasure elsewhere for the past five years.”

Leonel clenched his hands tightly. He couldn’t believe Chloe could utter those words.

“And now it’s my turn. I’ll seek pleasure elsewhere, with someone else, chasing pleasure. While I continue our marriage, just as you want.”



Ester gazed at the tall building as far as her eyes could see. The glass of soda accompanying her since earlier was now only half full. Her emotions had been chaotic since she returned to the apartment. The night events at one of the famous clubs in Cattle Village were hazy in her memory.

But Sofi happily recounted everything without holding back.

“Fool,” she muttered softly. She couldn’t deny that everything she did was a form of her disappointment towards Leonel. How could these five years be considered only as his sleeping companion? What was it if not a bedmate wrapped in lies? She was deceived.

Leonel said that the man loved her, and Ester knew that. She felt the presence of that love. But why was it now turning against her? Especially when she was so close. Besides, Ester had also entered that house, hadn’t she? Oh God!

“Damn it!” She gulped down the remaining soda. She had insisted on drinking alcohol again, but whether she should thank Sofi or curse her, the soda was served to her, who strongly opposed her.

She said, “This time, I’ll forgive Miss Ester for drinking soda. Hopefully, tomorrow morning when I come, Miss will be in much better condition. You’re alone in this apartment. If you get drunk, it could be dangerous, Miss.”

She roughly placed the empty glass on the wooden table, not caring about

The cracking sound it made. The glass indeed split in two, just like her heart was shattered because of Leonel. She waited for her lover to free himself from the trap of the unwanted marriage only used to fulfill his parents’ desires. She didn’t mind wasting time because Ester felt her days were filled with Leonel.

But since the accident happened, everything started to change.

She faced fierce resistance. Not to mention Leonel’s wavering stance. One moment he followed Ester’s desires and the next, he sided with his wife. Not to say her eyes witnessed Leonel’s behavior towards Chloe while in her house. Is that what they call a forced marriage? It was ridiculous!

She closed the balcony door made of fragile glass. She didn’t care if it caused cracks or even broke. She needed an extra outlet for her anger toward Leonel. The clock on the wall in the living room showed nine o’clock. It was still too early for her to sleep, but her fatigue wasn’t just physical. It was in her head too. It felt like being repeatedly punched with boxing gloves.

If she slept now, things could return to normal tomorrow morning. Meeting Leonel was something she would do amidst her busy schedule. She was making sure that what the man said was a lie. Because honestly, Ester couldn’t bear to end her love for Leonel.

The ringing of her cell phone interrupted her steps toward the bedroom. She furrowed her brow slightly because, on nights like this, it would usually be Leonel or Sofi calling her. But when she glanced at the screen of the soft pink device, a big question arose in her mind.

“Yes, Josh?”

“Sorry to disturb you, Ester. I want to ensure that the collaboration with Jana is good for you, right?

Ester sighed softly. She chose to sit on one of the sofas nearby. “I saw the proposed contract draft, and it’s very beneficial for me, Josh. I can’t refuse it.”

“Oh, Ester, you’re a foolish woman if you do.”

Ester winced slightly. She decided to take a seat and listen. “Sofi also said that the timeframe is after I finish my work at your place. So we won’t interfere with each other.”

“That’s good.” Josh sounded satisfied. “Don’t forget about the Mountain Pte birthday party.”

“I’ve prepared for it,” Ester suddenly didn’t want to talk about Mountain Pte.

“Is there something bothering you, Ester? Why aren’t you excited?”

“It’s none of your business, Josh.”

“My concern is ensuring we get what we want, Ester.”

“I’ve prepared myself, Josh. Is that not enough?”

Josh laughed on the other end. “Almost there. Or do you want to join my plan?”

“What’s in it for me?”

“Let’s see. Tomorrow morning? Coffee latte?”

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