My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 131 Losing It All

Chapter 131 Losing It All


I slipped into the robe, moving quietly so as not to disturb Jacob as he had finally drifted off to sleep after a long hour of reassurances. Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure what I was reassuring him about-I was simply trying to shield him from the pain. And if the truth was the source of his suffering, then I'd shield him from it. He didn't need to face it if it meant enduring even more agony.

Picking up the packet of Jacob's cigarettes and his lighter from the table, I made my way to the balcony. Leaning against the railing, I retrieved a cigarette, lit it up, and placed it between my lips.

Yes, this was basically my first time smoking, but I already knew I could handle it judging by the extreme amount of stress pressing down on me right


As I took the first drag, the ashy, bitter taste of the smoke stroked my throat, and I exhaled slowly through my mouth and nose.


No wonder Clara smoked when she was stressed. This shit definitely felt like an escape.

I took another drag, tapping the ash onto the railing carelessly.

Opening the recent news on the web, my chest tightened as I saw news related to Jacob everywhere. The fucking media... they ruined it for us more than Tyler did. Of course, they were paid to do so. I scrolled through, frustration building with every headline that popped up.

"Fuck that bastard," I muttered, exhaling the smoke.

Lost in my own thoughts, struggling to find a way out of this nightmare Tyler Ricci had created for us, my phone suddenly buzzed. With the advantage of it already being in my hand, I quickly silenced it, glancing back at the room to make sure I hadn't woken Jacob.

Looking at the phone screen, I saw the number was private.

"Not again," I groaned before reluctantly picking up the call.

"What the fuck do you want now, you piece of shit?" I snapped the moment I answered.

"Well, not even a hello?" He chuckled, his voice grating on my nerves. If there was anything I'd love to hear or see, it was him choking on his own blood. "Quite the hot-headed one, aren't we?"

"I'm not here to chat with you at this fucking hour, Tyler. You can fuck off!"

Just as I was about to end the call, he spoke up again. "Tell me the reason for why such a beautiful lady is smoking at this hour, and I'll hang up." Wait, what?

My body froze.

That bastard could see me...

For a moment, I was speechless, not knowing how to respond. The fact that he could fucking see me made me feel uncomfortable and terrified at the same time.

I found myself looking around, searching for any signs of him in nearby apartments, but there were none.

"You can't see me, Bella Donna," his voice came through the phone, making me flinch. "But I can. I have to admit, even from afar, you look as exquisite as ever."

"I can report you to the police for stalking me like this, Tyler. And then you'll have no less of a scandal than the one you trapped Jacob into." "And I can buy the police like I have countless times," he mused. "So drop these idle threats. They're not going to work on me."

"They're not just idle threats, you piece of shit. You play the social media game quite well, don't you? Stir up some drama and then sit back. Well, I can play that game too. You think the media wouldn't love a juicy scandal for more clicks and views? I could easily play the victim card and gain sympathy, while you'd be caught in a scandal. I doubt that would bode well for Ricci Corporation, now would it?"

"I'll hand it to you, you're sharp," he chuckled. "But let's be real here. You know you're not going to pull any of that because you understand how much worse I'll make it for your precious boyfriend if you do. So, let's cut to the chase for now."

Before I could speak, his voice cut through. "I called you tonight to give you an offer, Evelyn. A fair one that could help you save both your lives from a lot of pain and separation."

"And what makes you think I'll agree to anything you have to offer?"

"Because that would be the wisest move right now," he continued with a twisted smile. "The smartest choice for you, as I'm on the brink of stripping everything from both of you, is to spend one night with me and reclaim all that I've already taken away."

This bastard...

"Spend one night with me, Evelyn. And in return, I promise, you'd have every single penny back that I've snatched from your boyfriend."

Over my dead body will I ever sleep with him.

"And here's some fair advice for you, Tyler. Shove your ridiculous offer right up your ass, and get the hell out of my life." "You're making a mistake, darling," he cooed. "It's only going to put Jacob in more trouble."Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Whatever obstacles come our way, we'll face them together. You might think you can tear us apart, but you're mistaken. You won't win. I won't let you win. So, bring on whatever schemes you have up your sleeve. I'm standing by Jacob, and you won't lay a finger on me. Remember this-you'll never have control over me."

With that, I cut the call.


I sat in the bedroom, anxious and fumbling with my fingers as I heard the conversation between Jacob and the investors who had bothered to show up at our place.

"So what's your plan, Mr. Adriano? What do you suggest? We twiddle our thumbs while you try to sort out your mess, knowing full well there's no way you'll ever recover from what you've done? You've screwed over your employees. It's not our concern to sit idly by, hoping you'll magically bounce back. We want our money back, and we want it pronto."

God! They were all jumping at him like hyenas.

I found myself standing up and creaking the door slightly to have a view of the scene. Jacob stood opposite them, taking in all their frustration and shouting.

My poor Jacob...

"I am not suggesting anything. I am just asking all of you for a little bit of time until I get things sorted. And besides, those news, those are just allegations. I just need to find a way to prove that I have been set up," he said.

"Nobody's going to buy into this 'set

up' story after everything we've witnessed," the man in the impeccably tailored white suit

interjected, his British accent

dripping with skepticism. "Last


st time

you bounced back, you didn't have

nearly as much on the line asy

you do

now. But with your projects halted, and assets seized, you're in a bind. You're out of funds and out of

options to dig yourself out of this mess."

"Moreover, our alliance was purely business. With your company tanking and assets frozen, there's no incentive for us to linger. So, fork over our damn money-we need it to invest in more promising ventures and turn a profit, not drown in debt," another man chimed in.

"I'm not saying I won't pay you back, for fuck's, just calm down," he finally snapped. "All I'm asking for is a little more time to sort things out. It's not a small amount we're talking about here. I owe you all millions, and my bank accounts could be frozen at any moment. I need to take care of that first before I can repay you!"

"God, Guarda il suo atteggiamento,"

the one who appeared younger than the rest chuckled. "You're the one in debt to us, yet you're the one throwing a tantrum? Impressive, Mr. Adriano, You've hit rock bottom. You're on the edge of homeless and yet your ego remains intact," he rose to his feet. "Let me offer you some sound advice: starbbehaving like a decent human being because soon enough, that's all you'll be. You're no longer a millionaire. Tyler really did a number on you this time."

My eyes widened with realization.

So, these people were here because of that bastard...

He was behind it again.

"So he was the one who sent you," Jacob lowly chuckled. "No wonder why, out of all the investors, you six decided to show up here."

"Even if he has, it's still none of your damn business. We're here for one thing only—our money back, pronto," the younger man interjected sharply. "So quit yapping like a mutt and cough up what you owe."

No, this was not going to end well.

"Listen up, you worthless piece of shit," Jacob growled, his temper flaring as he seized the man's collar, pulling him close. "Just because I owe you money doesn't give you the right to treat me like garbage. You dare disrespect me again, and I'll make sure you fucking regret it for the rest of your

sorry existence."

"What are you going to do, huh?"

"I am gonna tear you down into pieces."

"Oh shit..." I ran out of the room, quickly reaching Jacob, brushing past those men, and grabbing Jacob's hands.

"Jacob, stop it."

"I might have lost my company, but I haven't lost myself. And let me tell you, I won't think twice about greasing some palms and giving you a taste of

your own medicine," Jacob spat with venom. "After all, society has already slapped me with every label in the book-criminal, womanizer, you name it. So why not be it?"

God! He was uttering nonsense again, and judging by the smirk on that man's face, I knew this was what he wanted. God knew if any of them had any hidden cameras on them or not.

"Jacob, please calm down..." I pleaded. "Don't do this-please."

"You should listen to your woman, Mr. Adriano," another man spoke up. "After all, she seems smarter than you."

Jacob's dangerous stare fixated on him made me scared; he wanted to hit him-I just knew it.

"Listen up, Mr. Adriano. You think

you're ready to throw down? Sure, you might have the muscle for a fistfight, but in the arena of wealth I've got the upper hand. With one stroke of my pen, I could buy up everything you hold dear. So in the long haul, you're fighting a losing battle. My advice? Take a cue from your lady friend and loosen your grip on my collar before it's too late."

"Jacob, listen to me..." I whispered, desperate. "He wants you to hit him. Trust me. He wants just that don't let him win. Let him go. Please. For

God's sake-let him go."

I saw his muscles stiffen, his veins protruding on the side of his neck and forehead, and his hands-he wanted nothing more than just to rip him apart

-I could tell.

"Jacob, please..." I begged, and a few moments later what seemed like an eternity, he finally let go of his collars.

"All of you, get the fuck out of my apartment," he spat. "Right now!"

"Sure thing, we'll wait," the man replied with a malicious glint in his eyes. "But just a little reminder for you, Mr. Adriano-you've got three days to

cough up our money. Otherwise, you'll be spending some quality time behind bars. So, best of luck." With that, he strolled past Jacob, leaving the


"The clock's ticking. You better hurry," the British one chuckled before he followed suit and walked out with the rest of them.

As they left, I looked at him. "Jacob..."

"I need a few moments alone, Evie. Please excuse me," he said before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door shut.

A sigh slipped past my lips as he went out of my sight, and I dropped onto the couch. I had to do something....

Things were getting out of hand.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Bianca's number. As she picked up, I spoke, "Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto, Bianca."

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