My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 56 Shattered Illusions

Chapter 56 Shattered Illusions


"That damn bastard," Mason muttered under his breath, holding me tightly as my tears soaked his shirt. Jennie hugged me from the side, offering me comfort, while Nancy paced back and forth in my room in stress.

It was 3 AM when they discovered the whole ordeal. Jennie had come to check on me after failing to reach me through numerous phone calls. When she found me curled up in my room on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, she freaked out and called Mason and Nancy. The truth spilled out from my mouth to prevent the situation from spiraling further out of control.

"Don't cry, Evie," Jennie kissed my cheek, "We'll find you a better guy than him. He didn't deserve a beautiful girl like you anyway."

"He said he loves Chloe..." I sobbed, unable to hold back the flood of tears that had consumed me since the incident with Jacob. My eyes and nose were red and swollen, a clear testament to the heartbreak I was enduring. "It hurts, Jennie. It hurts so damn much. I love him..." I buried my face into Mason's chest, trying in vain to suppress my sobs, but they continued to escape.

All I could think of were the moments Jacob and I had shared. His smile, the way he held me close, and the way he whispered my name. If it was all a lie, then why did it feel so painfully real when he told me he loved me? That night in that ocean, midst of the gentle waves, with our bodies entwined, our hearts beating in perfect harmony, when he said he loved me... it felt as true as my very soul.

Those beautiful moments, etched in my memory, how could they be all fake? Were they just cruel tricks my heart had played on me and made me think they were real?

"Then let him," Mason seethed with anger, his arms around me pulling me even closer, while Jennie soothingly rubbed my back, "He's going to regret his choice anyway. She's toxic, and from what I can see, he's equally venomous. A damn shithead who can't appreciate the blessing he had in his messed-up life," Mason growled, "Let him be with that toxic bitch. You just dodged a bullet."

"But I love him..." I whispered, feeling utterly defeated. "And he said he loved me. But now, it's like I don't even recognize him. He's acting like a complete stranger, even after we've shared so many incredible moments. It all feels like a never-ending nightmare."

"I'll knock some sense into that motherfucker," Mason muttered under his breath before placing a gentle kiss on my temple. "Consider him a bad memory. There are thousands of guys out there, even better than him."

But how could anyone be better than him? He was my definition of perfection.

God, I couldn't forget Jacob. His scent was lingering in my mind, his touch on my skin, and his kisses on my lips. The thought of losing him forever made my heart stop. I couldn't grasp onto the situation let alone accept it as reality.

"I can't forget him, Mason. I just... can't."

Each passing second felt like an eternity, and I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of longing for him, missing those nights when we were tangled in my bed.

I had believed he was mine, completely and unequivocally.

"Guys, something doesn't sit right with me. There's more to this," Nancy interjected, her brows furrowed in confusion, "What could that woman have possibly said to make Jacob change his mind so abruptly? Nothing seemed amiss even at the party. He was looking at her like he was desperate to be near her. And now, he's saying something completely different. It just doesn't add up. Something's not right, I am telling you."

"Nothing's wrong, Nancy. He used me, plain and simple. And now that his ex is back, he wants to be with her," I replied, my voice strained. "Fuck, I don't even know if he was fucking her behind my back; maybe he was. I'm the biggest fool on the pl for letting him use me. I feel disgusted with myself."

"Why are you trying to find excuses for that bastard's behavior, Nancy? He messed up, he fucked up everything," Jennie snapped, sitting up to glare at her, "What reason could possibly justify breaking someone's heart like this? There's no excuse for what he did. And how dare he lead Evie on when he knew he couldn't get over his damn ex? Ugh! I want to rip him apart."

"I'm in, let's do it," Mason chimed in, his anger palpable, "I had high hopes for him, thought he'd treat Evelyn right, but that bastard disappointed me. I could hire some goons and take care of him for a couple of grand."

"You two need to calm down," Nancy intervened. "You can't make decisions based on anger. We should think this through. Evelyn should talk to him later. I believe there's more to his sudden change of heart."

"Or maybe he just fucked that slut while he disappeared from the party and then realized she was a better fuck than me," I blurted out loudly, "That's why he ran back to her- it's the only plausible explanation."Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Evie..." Nancy began, but before she could continue, there was a knock on the door, followed by a familiar female voice.

"Can I come in, Evie?" It was Clara.

Oh, shit!

I hastily sat up, wiping my tears away, while Nancy and Jennie's eyes widened. Mason, on the other hand, seemed more focused on another idea. "Great, she's here. We can leave Evelyn to her and beat the crap out of that jerk and his so-called love," Mason suggested.

"Mason, zip it!" Nancy whispered-yelled, and Jennie hurriedly grabbed a tissue to wipe away any trace of my tears.

"Stay calm, Evelyn. Don't let her see you cry," she advised.

I nodded and took a deep breath, attempting to regain my composure. "Come in, Clara."

The door swung open, revealing

Clara, surprise flickering in her eyes

as she took in the sight of all my friends gathered in my room. "Well...hi, guys. I guess the party isn't over for all of you." She had changed into pajamas, her makeup was gone, and her hair was neatly


combed―Clara had always been an organized and neat person. Ever since her relationship with my dad,

she had been the one to clean up my messes, whether they were

problems with dates or simply

messing up on exams. Content

belongs to

I had always confided in her, sharing my secrets and problems. But this was the first time I was keeping something from her, the only mess that had brought me to my knees, and torn me apart, and I had no one to help me in the way I needed. And the worst part was, I didn't even know how I needed that help.


"We were just about to leave, beautiful," Mason chimed in with a chuckle. "Evelyn wasn't feeling too great, so we came over to cheer her up. Clara's concern was evident as she walked over to me, her eyes finally taking in the state of my puffy, tear-stained face. The dim lighting in the room had hidden it from her until now. "What happened?" She asked with a furrowed brow. "Evie, have you been crying?"

"No, not at all," I tried to brush it off with a laugh. "It's just a cold. You know how easily I catch them."

She sat down beside me, her eyes revealing her disbelief. Moments later, she reached out and wiped away a stray tear from my chin. "Why are you lying to me, Evie?"

"Clara, I'm... I'm not," I struggled to

speak, my voice quivering. I

despised the weakness that was creeping up my throat like spiders. didn't want to feel this vulnerable but dann Jacob Adriano; he had shattered me today without even touching me. He had laughed in my face and crushed all my dreams and hopes underfoot, and the worst part was that it hadn't taken much effort. Just a few words from his mouth.

"Evelyn? Answer me," Clara's voice reached my ears, breaking my trance.

Had she asked me something?

"Oh, yeah, sorry, did you ask me something, Clara?"

A peculiar look crossed her face. She had undoubtedly sensed that something was wrong with me; she knew me too well not to notice.

"Well, guys, we'll give you two some

space," Nancy spoke up, breaking the ice. "Evelyn, talk to Clara, okay? I'm sure it help you feel better." She gave me a knowing nod before-

leaving the room, followed by

Jennie, who left after planting a gentle kiss on my cheek, and Mason, who departed after kissing my forehead.

The door closed, leaving just Clara and me. She seemed to have a thousand questions swirling in her mind but held back from uttering a single one.

I fidgeted with my fingers, feeling as though the weight of the world was pressing me down, forcing me to the ground.

"Do you have something to tell me, Evelyn?" Clara asked softly.

I wish I could tell you, Clara. I wish...

"Well..." I cleared my throat, tears threatening to well up in my eyes once again. "It's just that—"

"Did you and Jacob have an argument?" Clara sighed, and this time her question jolted me, making my eyes widen as I looked at her in disbelief.

Did she... Did she know? No, I must have heard it wrong.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"I know, Evelyn," she said, grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know. You don't need to hide anything from me."

Okay... now, that was a shocker. And I had no idea what else lay ahead for me, aside from this revelation.

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