My Most Precious Human

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Suddenly, I felt the wind blow and a splash of thick liquid covered my face. I opened my eyes and met

the blonde's dead stare. A second later his head fell off of his body, while the rest of his corpse

collapsed on the floor. I slowly raised my hand to wipe off my face and realized it was that vampire's

blood that dirtied me. I heard brief screams of pain coming from those two other vampires' mouths until

the silence came. I was too tired to process what was going on, and why I wasn't dead already. The

agonizing pain clouded my thinking. I closed my eyes again.

"Lilith! Lilith open your eyes!" I heard Sariel's voice, although I couldn't tell whether it was real or just

something I longed to hear before I died.

I smiled feebly, keeping my eyes closed. I vaguely heard some other voices, but they didn't matter. The

voice I yearned to hear was Sariel's.

"Lilith! Look at me, Lilith!" He sounded like he was nervous, even frightened.

I thought that I wanted to see him one last time before I died. I opened my eyes and saw him covered

in blood. The blood certainly wasn't his.

"Thank God," I muttered, grateful that he was safe.

"Lilith! Don't fall asleep! You cannot sleep now!" he shouted, shaking my shoulders.

"I'm… tired…" I mumbled.

"Don't close your eyes!" He yelled and disturbed my drifting away.

He took me in his arms and lifted my body. I was too weak to hold him and just hung motionless while

he carried me at a great speed somewhere. When I managed to open my eyes again, the bright light

violated my pupils. I found myself lying on a medical bed, covered in sheets that used to be white, but

were now painted red with my blood. There was a needle in my arm with a drip connected to it. The

pain seemed to be less painful. Sariel was standing beside my bed, he was talking to someone. I knew

that other person. It was Will, Doctor William Duarte.

"You know she will die otherwise," he said harshly to Sariel.

"Find some other way. I could be accused if the word comes out. This time is too crucial." Sariel glared

at him.

"Don't give me that bullshit! You've done it before, and there is no other way! She will die!" Will yelled.

"What if it affects her?!" Sariel shouted.

"She took it well last time, didn't she?" Will smirked.

"Fuck!" Sariel growled, then took a scalpel from the table and cut his own arm.

"Don't…" I mumbled weakly, seeing his blood dripping from the cut.

Will looked at me, clearly surprised that I was awake.

"He is doing it for you. Don't worry, you will be fine." He smiled nervously.

I had no strength to say another word. I couldn't even process what I heard. I closed my eyes again

and would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for something cold that suddenly touched my lips.

"Lilith, you need to drink this." Will's voice ordered.

As my eyes regained their focus, I noticed a glass with a dark-red liquid inside. Will was holding it

against my lips, trying to make me drink it. I slightly opened my mouth, allowing him to pour the fluid in.

At that moment, I would drink any kind of poison he would give me. I did it without any thinking.

"Good girl. Swallow it slowly," he said, a hopeful expression appearing on his face.

The liquid was thick. It had a sweet and metallic taste. It was blood, Sariel's blood. I drank more than

half a cup of it.

"That's enough. Your body is beginning to regenerate." He heaved a sigh of relief, taking the glass from

my lips and putting it on the table.

Suddenly, the agonizing pain started to leave my body. Instead of that, I felt as if the skin around my

wounds started to burn. I was too weak to scream. I formed my mouth into a faint grimace while a

single tear drew a line down my cheek.

"You can sleep now, Lilith. You'll feel better after you wake up." Will's voice sounded incredibly


I closed my eyes like an obedient patient and lost consciousness. The sound of the drops falling down

in a tube woke me up. It was dark in the room I was in, although I couldn't say if it was day or night

since the window curtains were closed. I felt strange because I felt no pain at all. My body was numb.

Instinctively, I tried moving my arms and legs to make sure I wasn't paralyzed. Feeling the soreness of

my muscles drew a faint smile on my face. Then the memories of everything that had happened in the

archives came to me at once, flooding my mind with images. I remembered that I was badly hurt, and I

was dying. I raised the sheet that covered me and hesitantly looked underneath. I was naked, with

gauze covering the wounds on my body. There was dried blood on them, but now I couldn't feel any


"How do you feel?" I heard Sariel's deep, alluring voice.

My heart instantly throbbed while my eyes searched for the source of the sound. Only then did I notice

Sariel sitting on the side of my bed. He must have stayed silent to give me time to fully regain my

awareness before he said anything. I couldn't see his face clearly, since there was only a faint light

coming through the curtains, but his expression seemed worried.

"I feel… better… Thank you." Voicing out those last two words drained tears from my eyes.

"You have nothing to thank me for," he grunted.

"You saved me… again. I owe you my life…" I cried.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"Yes, you are right." He smirked coldly. "I own you. You belong to me, and don't you forget it." He

tossed harshly and left the room.

I couldn't understand. What did I do to make him mad? Was it my tears? Then I remembered that

Sariel had cut his arm, and later I drank his blood. I didn't feel disgusted with it, but I wondered why I

needed to. Was it his blood that saved me from dying? Was he mad at me because Will forced him to

give me his blood?

I wanted to get up and find someone who would give me answers. I slowly lifted my upper body and

moved my legs, trying to sit on the bed. As soon as I uncovered my feet, I accidently unfolded the

bandage around my ankle. I reached my hand down to correct it, but then I froze. I remember how the

flesh around it was ripped, and there were supposed to be stabbed wounds from the vampire's claws,

but my leg seemed completely fine. There wasn't even a single scratch.

"What the hell…?" I muttered, touching my foot and wondering if I wasn't seeing things.

"It's a pretty intensive shit, isn't it?" Will chuckled as he entered the room.

He turned on the lights, slightly blinding my eyes.

"Don't worry, your sight will adjust in a minute. It might still be the blood's doing," he explained a bit


"Blood's doing… You mean the blood that I drank?! Sariel's blood?!" I burst out.

"Yes, but it would have been better if you could have kept that secret." He winked at me and grinned.

"I will, but could you please tell me more about it? Did the blood… Sariel's blood really saved my life?" I

asked nervously.

Will sighed. "By now, you should be completely healed. We kept your room dark, because you could

have been temporarily allergic to the sun and strong light."

"Wow…" I mumbled, "But now Sariel seems mad at me…" I lowered my head.

Will chuckled. "He isn't mad… He is just worried."

"Worried about what?" I inquired. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

"It's kind of illegal for vampires to give their blood to humans. The only exception is when a human is

about to be turned into a vampire." He smirked.

Sariel was going to be the next king of vampires. I could assume that if any of his opponents knew that

he had given me his blood, it could be used against him.

"Just out of curiosity…" I laughed nervously. "What is the punishment for breaking that law?"

Will's expression became deadly serious as he locked his eyes on mine.

"The punishment is death to both the vampire and the human."

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