My Most Precious Human

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

I gasped while my hammering heart constantly reminded me how close I was to a state of complete

panic. Yet, I needed to focus. I had to clear my mind and force some logic and rationality into my


"Stop the car," I commanded firmly.

"I thought I told you, we have no time for it," Sariel grunted.

"You look like you are going to lose consciousness any second, so stop the damn car!" I roared.

"And who is going to drive?!" he fumed.

"I will," I stated, composedly.

"Do you even have a driving license?" He smirked.

"No, but I know how to drive," I replied confidently.

He sneered and kept driving. It seemed like he put so much confidence in his abilities that he had

never even considered that he might need help from someone else. I had to take a different approach.

"Have you called Leo? Have you told him that you found me?" I asked, knowing that he would rather

contact his right-hand man.

"No," he responded unwillingly, "I mean, I did call him, but he didn't answer the phone."

"What?!" I called out, startled.

He shrugged as if it didn't matter, but I figured that he had just shaken off everything else, aside from

the fact that he needed to get treatment at the castle as soon as possible. However, I found that fact

completely odd.

"The most devoted to you person doesn't pick up his phone, and you think it's not a big deal?!" I burst


"I'll call him when I need him," he muttered, irked.

"Call him now," I hissed.

"Call him yourself." He shrugged, pulling out his phone and giving it to me.

I swear I wanted to punch him just to crush his overgrown ego. I took a closer look at him; he looked

worse than before. The poison was acting fast. Sariel's phone was unlocked. The time popped out on

the screen. It was 8 PM. Right below the time, there was another, more alarming piece of information: it

was the full moon tonight. I gulped. My hands were shaking, but I took a deep breath and called Mr.

Gotha. He didn't answer… again.

"Something must have happened at the castle. I'm sure of it," I said worryingly, and I looked at Sariel.

"Nothing's wrong. Leo is the most capable person I know. Whatever the problem is, he will deal with it,"

he said, but his current expression seemed less confident than before.

"He might be capable, but he is not invincible," I grunted.

He sighed heavily. I knew he shared my concerns, but he chose to remain silent. He sped up even

more. We were going over 110 miles per hour. I trusted Sariel's driving abilities, but his condition was

getting worse by the minute. He was determined to get back to the castle, but I didn't even know how

far we were, or how long it was going to take.

Suddenly, we passed the road sign, and I froze. I glanced at Sariel in disbelief. Seriously, I wanted to

strangle him.

"We are three hundred miles from New Argent City!" I called out, "There is no way you are going to get

there in that state by yourself, and definitely not within an hour!"

He looked into my eyes. His expression seemed too weak to hold anger. My heart ached merely at the

sight of his condition being overtaken by the poison.

"Sariel… please. Pull over. We need to find some other way to help you," I said, barely keeping my

voice from trembling.

"Fine…" he mumbled and pulled over at the side of the road.

I sighed in relief. He turned off the engine and leaned his back against the driver's seat. The faint, blue

lines found their way up to his face. He was breathing heavily and was nearly unconscious. I gritted my

teeth, knowing that in my veins I held the cure to his condition, the one cure he kept refusing to take…

I got out of the car and tried my luck with calling Leo once more. Still, there was no answer. He was

Sariel's general, and as far as I knew, the only person who was allowed to contact Sariel directly. Well, I

couldn't blame the Duke of Calver, future King of Vampires, for having trust issues, especially with so

many enemies that clearly wanted him dead. Nonetheless, I really started to hate the fact that on his

phone, he had no other numbers from anyone within his household except for Mr. Gotha.

"I swear, I'm going to get myself a phone after I get back, and I will take numbers from every maid

working at the castle, just in case!" I fumed to myself while going through Sariel's contact list.

Finally, I found Gabriel's phone. I didn't know how much Sariel trusted him, but I couldn't think of

anyone else I could call. I called his number and hoped he would pick up the phone.

"Sariel?" Gabriel answered, clearly surprised.

"Thank God…" I muttered, "Mr. Foubert, it's Lilith. I'm with the Duke. We are about three hundred miles

from New Agent City… Something happened, and we need your help," I said, feeling how my heart

started to race. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I should have known the Duke was away… It's easier to attack the town when the sheriff’s away. But I

guess everyone has a rough evening." A bitter chuckle left his mouth.

"What do you mean..?" I asked, confused.

"There have been a series of attacks all over the city," Gabriel explained, sighing heavily.

"What kind of attacks?" I inquired, my heart pounding even harder.

"Someone burned down every possible blood bank around the city. It's a full moon tonight, so it's going

to be hectic with all the vamps running around, trying to satisfy their bloodlust." He gritted his teeth.

I instantly thought that it might have been the reason why Mr. Gotha didn't answer his phone. Perhaps,

he was too busy replacing New Argent City's "sheriff". Yet, no matter how difficult the situation was

around the city, I had a more urgent problem…

"I don't mean to sound rude, but there is something I really need you to help me with," I started.

"I already guessed you wouldn't be calling me otherwise. Besides, if you are the one calling, that

means that Sariel cannot speak for some reason, right?" Gabriel snorted.

"This is really serious. Something happened to the Duke. We are far from the city, and he needs blood-


"He has you," Gabriel stated shortly.

"That is not an option. You know that," I responded angrily.

He gave out a long sigh and then asked, "Where are you exactly?"

I sent him our coordinates over the phone. He checked them and asked me to wait. I stood there,

holding the phone and nervously glancing inside the car. Sariel looked like he was sleeping. I didn't

even know how much time he had or what could happen if he didn't drink blood fast. Would he die?

Would he fall into a coma? Would he lose his sanity and attack me?

"All right, I have a solution for you. I'm not sure if it helps much, but the Calvets have one of their

estates about ten miles from the place you are now. Every estate has its own blood storage, freshly

supplied at least once a week. I'm sending you the address," Gabriel said, clearly proud of himself.

"Thank you!" I called out agitatedly, "But… how will I get there? Do I need a keycard or something?" I

asked, gazing at Sariel, who seemed to be unconscious.

"There is a scanner by the gate. If you don't have a key and the password, you will have to use Sariel's

blood to enter. That should do it," he explained.

I thanked Gabriel a few more times before I ended the call. I had the address, but now I needed to get

there. I opened the door on the driver's side, and gently patted Sariel's shoulder.

"You need to let me drive. I will take you to one of your estates and find blood for you." I hoped that my

words would wake him up.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. His grey pupils immediately turned red. I flinched and stepped

away from the car. I glanced at the sky. The full moon was rising. I was running out of time.

"Sariel, you need to switch seats with me," I state firmly.

Somehow, he obeyed my words, got out of the car, went to the other side of the car, and then sat in the

passenger's seat. I observed it all happening, slightly surprised but also relieved that something finally

made him listen. I sat in the driver's seat, adjusting it before I started the engine. Sitting in Sariel's coat

turned out to be quite uncomfortable. I started taking it off of my shoulders.

"No…" Sariel suddenly mumbled while frowning, "Don't take it off…"

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"There is a scratch on the back of your head… Your wrists and feet are wounded as well… I can smell

every tiniest drop of your blood… Only the stink of dog's blood is keeping me from…" He didn't finish,

but I already knew what he was going to say.

I smiled sourly and started the engine. I only hoped that I would find enough blood to cure him and

satisfy his full-moon's bloodlust…

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