My Most Precious Human

No goodbyes

No goodbyes

I wasn't certain how, but I forced myself to walk away from them. My feet turned around slowly while

struggling to maintain balance. My heart dropped a thick curtain on my emotions. I stopped feeling

anything at all. As I walked away, I met Mr. Parson's eyes. He grabbed my wrist worryingly.

"Are you all right, Lady Lilith?" The distorted sound of his voice hardly reached my ears.

Slightly curling up the corners of my lips was the only sort-of-tactful response I could give him. I walked

past him and bumped into Beta Ari. His questionable gaze on me made me wonder what kind of

expression I must have had. Unfortunately, the trick with the pretended smile didn't work on him.

I heard him say, "Wait here. I will find Alpha Draven."

Of course, I didn't wait. I could hardly control anything about myself. Seeing Draven could have only

triggered the surfacing of the worst, weakest version of me. I kept walking forward. I knew that no one

could fix my state. My state was absolutely unfixable. I knew it would be better to stay alone.

I didn't know what happened after that. I wasn't sure how I walked back to my chamber. The next thing

I knew, I was standing on the balcony, blankly staring at the stars. Perhaps I should have cried,

screamed, or cursed Sariel and Elora, but I didn't. I entered the nothing zone, a space of ideal

emotional anesthesia. It was my temporary solution to resolve the pain I felt each time my love for

Sariel tried to surface. It didn't disappear, but I came to the verge of sanity, and this was the only way I

could save myself. Nonetheless, I knew this was a light bandage placed on the cut that needed

stitches. I was also more than aware that I wouldn't survive another cut like this. If admitting it made me

weak, then that was what I was.

As immature as it might sound, maybe I would have endured Sariel with Elora longer knowing that

Sariel suffered just as painfully seeing me with another man. Yet he didn't bat an eye at the fact that I

spent most of the evening with Alpha Draven. He acted as if he couldn't care less… I needed him to

care, goddamn it! I needed to see it in his eyes… Just this once… One time would be enough…

It all came down to one question: would I be able to face the same situation again? As the query

appeared in my head, my falling tears became an answer. I took out a suitcase in which Martha packed

my things when I was moving here from Calvets' Castle. Then I opened the closet and started packing

clothes that I could call casual, leaving the glamorous gowns, dresses, and female suits inside. I knew I

should hurry. If I wanted to leave this place, I had to do it quietly and fast.

"Lilith, calm down and think…" My rationality acted, "Do you even have an idea where you want to go,

or how you are going to get out of here?" I asked myself while reluctantly acknowledging my only

possible way out.

I walked to the window and gazed outside. Over ten black vans were parked in the Palace's driveway.

They belonged to the Moon Hill Pack. The wolves were already packing their things. From what I heard

while sitting by their table at dinner, they were going to leave at 5 AM. It was nearly four o'clock. Would

it be ok to go with them?

Let's face it, I was running away. I wasn't choosing a side; I wanted to leave the poisonous

environment. I merely hated the fact that I was running from being protected by one man, hoping to get

protection from another. That dependence was sickening. I might have no longer been physically weak,

but I was lacking something very basic: a place I could call my own.

I closed my suitcase. Then I grabbed a few sheets of paper and wrote a letter to Martha, explaining

why I couldn't stay here any longer. I thought that I owe her at least this much. I also wrote a letter to

Kanan, explaining in detail how I was interpreting the meaning of the messages I decoded. I truly

hoped that he could make some use of them. I felt guilty leaving all of it behind, but I had had enough

of being a masochist.

I glanced out of the window. The wolves were gathering by their cars. It was now or never. I grabbed

my suitcase and headed downstairs. I opened the east wing entrance, put out my luggage first, and

then walked out, quietly closing the door behind.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sariel suddenly appeared a few inches away from me.

He was heavily panting, as if he had spotted me from afar and was running towards me using his

superspeed. Anger and confusion painted his expression. At that moment, I was grateful for my

unemotional state of mind since it took away my perception of Sariel's intimidating glare.

The corners of my lips curled up vaguely while my eyes reflected the amount of pain I felt, saying, "I'm


I had never thought that any kind of word could taste this bitter. The unbearable flavor squeezed my


"What?" Sariel's voice was trembling.

He locked his eyes on me, slightly shaking his head as if refusing to believe my words. And yet he

forced me to say it again.

"I'm leaving, Sariel." This time my words sounded stronger, more decisive, but not a bit less painful.

"You can't be serious, Lilith." His sneering tone cut me like a knife, building anger within me.

I glared at him and started walking towards the driveway and the vans that were just around the corner,

dragging my suitcase behind me. He grabbed my wrist, violently stopping me.

I hissed. "Let go of my hand."

"Stop it, Lilith. Stop acting like that. There should be a limit to your childish sulking-"

I slapped him. The sound of it echoed across the courtyard. My hit was hard. It came out with all the

anger and pain I felt. Sariel tilted his head and rubbed the spot I hit. Still, I had the feeling that the one

who truly suffered from the slap was me… I used the hand, trembling from hitting his face, to release

myself from his grip and then continued walking towards the van.

"Lilith… why are you doing this?! You know how I feel about you!" Sariel's roar resembled the cry of a

wounded animal.

My chest squeezed, and I was a second away from going back to him, but I knew this wasn't going to

change anything. It would only hurt me more. I kept walking. He ran after me, passed me by, and then

blocked my way.

"Stop, Lilith…" he muttered softly, grabbing me by my shoulders. "You are my concubine and the one I


"Am I?" I asked, only adding my heart's torture.

I looked into his eyes. His pupils burned red while his expression painted his face a sorrowful pale


"I don't know if my existence means anything to you anymore…" I mumbled, lowering my gaze.

"How can you say that?!" he shouted angrily, strengthening his grip on my shoulders.

"You are hurting me!" I called out, using all my strength to push him away.

My voice alarmed the wolves. With a thundering growl, Alpha Draven stormed between us, shielding

me from Sariel.

"Step away, Draven! She is MY marked one!" Sariel bellowed.

"I don't give a fuck! I'll step away only if she tells me to!" Draven snarled, glancing at me and my


I stepped back. I didn't mean to cause such a complicated scene or to drag anyone into my drama.

Both Sariel and Draven were looking at me, waiting for my reaction. I didn't waver. I had already made

my decision, even though I felt that my heart was slowly breaking apart, increasing my agony by the


"Does… does your offer still stand?" I muttered, hesitantly glimpsing at Draven.

I registered a brief victorious smirk on his face that quickly turned into a slightly frowned, serious


He nodded, "I want you in my pack," and then he reached out his hand towards me.

Sariel jumped at Draven, using full force to push him away. When Alpha fell on the ground, he put his

arms around me, wrapping me in his sudden embrace.

"Lilith, you can't leave with him…" he whispered into my ear, "We share a blood bond. You will always

belong to me…" He tightened his grip and gently kissed my forehead.

I placed my palms on his chest and shoved him away from me while tears flooded my face in widening,

uncontrollable streams. I knew what I had to do. I didn't know how, but at that exact moment, I

remembered the words I had heard before… the words I had thought I was never going to use…

I locked my eyes on Sariel's. "I am breaking the blood bond between us-"

"Don't, Lilith! Don't say it!" He called out while something close to fear surfaced in his eyes, but I knew I

had to finish what I started.

"No drop of my blood will be yours from now on. I am no longer yours like you are no longer mine."

He stepped away from me, violently placing his hand on his chest as if something had pierced right

through him. I looked at him, confused, but felt my chest squeezing a second after. I cringed. For a

second, I felt that my ribcage was going to explode. My lips formed a soundless scream that ended in a

painful, soft sigh. Relief. Strange relief and a new kind of pain. I looked at Sariel. He stared at me in

silence while keeping his hand in a place of his heart. His face seemed still, yet his eyes betrayed

something I had never seen before: despair. That sight of him brought hesitation into my mind.

"What have I done…?" I muttered under my breath, a split second away from running towards Sariel. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I would have run back to him if it weren't for Draven.

"We should get going, Lilith." He took my hand gently, wrapping it with his huge palm.

I felt as if taking my eyes off of Sariel took me eternity, and after I turned my head away, I knew he

watched me walk away with Draven towards the row of black vans. Sariel didn't follow us, and God, I

was glad he didn't, because I was less certain of my decision with every second I was looking into his


I brushed the tears off my face right before facing the rest of the pack members. Alpha Draven's

statement that I was going to become the new pack member went without words. He just lifted his

hand, holding mine high as if he was holding a trophy, while his lips formed a sly grin. The wolves

accepted the news with excited howls and laughs. Beta Ari gestured at one of the wolves, and instantly

my suitcase was carried into one of the cars' trunks.

"Let's go, Lilith." Draven pulled my hand, walking to the front of the long row of vans.

Although his touch seemed awkward, I didn't resist. I only wanted to leave this place. The sooner, the

better. As we were getting closer to the front, Draven pulled out a car key. It certainly didn't look like he

was going to open a van. I shot him a suspicious gaze.

"What?" he chuckled. "You didn't think I would let you ride with my warriors, did you?"

"Well… I… actually…" I mumbled as an awkward kind-of-laugh escaped my throat.

"You're going with me," he said while opening the door of his Lamborghini Urus for me.

His confident and roguish tone only made me more nervous. I formed a faint smile as he helped me

take my seat in his car. He shut the door, waved a signal to the rest of his pack, and then all the long

column of cars started heading towards the main gate. I looked through the window on my side and

couldn't resist the urge to look where Sariel had stood… He was no longer there.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled. Perhaps it was meant to be that way. It was time to start

another chapter in my life…

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