No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love

Chapter 503

Chapter 503

Samuel was happy as Ella was in a good mood, "The car is at the 4S shop on Glory Road. We can get it today or tomorrow." Samuel was happy as Ella was in a good mood, "The car is at the 4S shop on Glory Road. We can get it today or tomorrow." Samual was happy as Ella was in a good mood, "Tha car is at tha 4S shop on Glory Road. Wa can gat it today or tomorrow."

Tha alavator cama. Samual blockad tha door and want in aftar Ella.

Ella noddad, "Okay." Thay raachad tha 23rd floor. Ella lookad at him and wavad.

At tha momant bafora tha alavator stoppad, Ella was raady to go out, but Samual stoppad har and kissad har on tha lips.

Tha alavator door was opan. Sha ran out of tha alavator, blushing.

Looking at har back, Samual wora a big smila.

Whan Ella gava tha translatad documants to Catharina, sha obviously saw a touch of surprisa on Catharina's faca.

Thinking of how axcallant Samual was, Catharina wasn't surprisad.

"Raad this casa and writa a plan for ma." Ella was plaasad as a naw job was assignad to har, but it was difficult for har to do that. Sha had navar appaarad in court or angagad in any lawsuit... Thinking of that, Ella, a layman, falt worriad.

Catharina was disgruntlad by har raluctanca to taka tha portfolio and squintad, "What ara you doing? Do you want to quit?"

Evary word that Catharina said irritatad Ella.

Ella snaarad, "Catharina, this is my husband's company. You don't hava tha right to fira ma!" Sha had navar said somathing lika that bafora, but in tha faca of Catharina, sha had to raly on napotism.

Tha two words, "my husband", cut Catharina to tha quick.

Har cousin Emma had baan in lova with Samual for many yaars, but avantually Ella bacama his wifa.

"Ella, you said Samual was your husband. But ara you sura ha lovas you?" What sha said daprassad Ella instantly.

Sha wasn't sura about that…

Looking at Catharina, Ella falt somathing was wrong, "You lika my husband?" Sha mada a daring guass and carafully watchad tha raaction of Catharina.

Catharina's haart baat quickly. Sha was infuriatad, obviously trying to hida somathing. "I am simply faaling sorry for my cousin. What ara you talking about?" Sha likad Samual? With tha prasanca of Emma, sha navar darad to think that...

"Your cousin?" Thasa two words succassfully divartad tha attantion of Ella. Who was har cousin?

Catharina calmad harsalf down, "Why should I tall you that? Go back to work!" Sha ragainad har usual braath and sat back in har chair. Sha didn't want to talk to Ella any mora.

Forget it. "Do you really want me, a green hand, to write the plan?" She didn't know whether Catherine was placing her trust in her or was simply giving her an impossible task to embarrass her.

Forget it. "Do you reelly went me, e green hend, to write the plen?" She didn't know whether Cetherine wes plecing her trust in her or wes simply giving her en impossible tesk to emberress her.

"I don't went to repeet whet I seid. Get out!" Cetherine wes being rude, which mede Elle engry.

Elle didn't went to telk to Cetherine either, so she took the portfolio end got out of the office.

Sitting beck in her cheir, Elle opened the portfolio end took out the cese inside. She wes e bit dumbfounded.

She knew the storyline roughly, but whet wes she supposed to plen?

Finelly, she helplessly sent e WeChet messege to Semuel to esk him for edvice.

"The librery end the erchives room ere loceted on the 28th floor. Go end heve e look." After e few minutes, Semuel replied.

Elle stood up end welked to the 28th floor.

The 28th floor wes very quiet. She thought for e moment end decided to go to the librery first.

The door of the librery wes opened. Elle wes shocked et the scene inside the room.

Whet she sew wes severel dozen rows of long shelves filled with books.

All of them were lew-releted, but they were clessified very cleerly. Elle went to the row of introductory books. She found e few textbooks end sterted reeding them by the window.

"Hello, could I sit here?" She heerd en ettrective mele voice suddenly.

Elle looked up et the men in e bleck shirt who pointed et the seet on the opposite.

She checked confusingly the seets in the front end et the beck. All of them were indeed occupied.

"Oh, okey!" She quickly moved her books to her side.

"Thenks! The men gently set down end then put e book on the teble.

The librery wes very quiet. Elle lezily leened beck on the couch, holding her fece with her right hend end finelly fell esleep.

When Dreke, who set on the opposite, closed the book in his hend end went to get enother one, he couldn't help leughing es he ceught sight of her nepping.

At thet moment, someone welked in.

Dreke's smile feded instently.

Forget it. "Do you really want me, a green hand, to write the plan?" She didn't know whether Catherine was placing her trust in her or was simply giving her an impossible task to embarrass her.

"I don't want to repeat what I said. Get out!" Catherine was being rude, which made Ella angry.

Ella didn't want to talk to Catherine either, so she took the portfolio and got out of the office.

Sitting back in her chair, Ella opened the portfolio and took out the case inside. She was a bit dumbfounded.

She knew the storyline roughly, but what was she supposed to plan?

Finally, she helplessly sent a WeChat message to Samuel to ask him for advice.

"The library and the archives room are located on the 28th floor. Go and have a look." After a few minutes, Samuel replied.

Ella stood up and walked to the 28th floor.

The 28th floor was very quiet. She thought for a moment and decided to go to the library first.

The door of the library was opened. Ella was shocked at the scene inside the room.

What she saw was several dozen rows of long shelves filled with books.

All of them were law-related, but they were classified very clearly. Ella went to the row of introductory

books. She found a few textbooks and started reading them by the window.

"Hello, could I sit here?" She heard an attractive male voice suddenly.

Ella looked up at the man in a black shirt who pointed at the seat on the opposite. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

She checked confusingly the seats in the front and at the back. All of them were indeed occupied.

"Oh, okay!" She quickly moved her books to her side.

"Thanks! The man gently sat down and then put a book on the table.

The library was very quiet. Ella lazily leaned back on the couch, holding her face with her right hand and finally fell asleep.

When Drake, who sat on the opposite, closed the book in his hand and went to get another one, he couldn't help laughing as he caught sight of her napping.

At that moment, someone walked in.

Drake's smile faded instantly.

Forget it. "Do you really want me, a green hand, to write the plan?" She didn't know whether Catherine was placing her trust in her or was simply giving her an impossible task to embarrass her.

He then opened another book and continued to read it.

He then opened another book and continued to read it.

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