Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!

Chapter 112

Third Person

The Red Moon Pack bustled with anticipation and excitement as Chassy embarked on her journey to bring Ethan back from the training center. Left behind in the heart of the pack, Xander took charge of the preparations, his heart filled with a unique blend of joy and pride.

The pack members moved with purpose, adorning the packhouse and its surroundings with vibrant decorations. Banners swayed gently in the breeze, displaying symbols of unity and strength. The scent of fresh flowers and the lively chatter of pack members created an atmosphere of celebration.

In Xander’s office, he found himself surrounded by the familiar scent of pine and warmth that defined the packhouse. His desk was scattered with papers and reports, but today his attention was elsewhere. His thoughts revolved around Ethan-his son, his pride, and a testament to the strength of their pack.

As Xander moved through the packhouse, he couldn’t help but notice the infectious excitement that permeated the air. Pack members, from the youngest pups to the seasoned warriors, were engaged in various tasks, each contributing to the welcoming atmosphere. Some arranged vibrant flowers, while others hung decorative banners, and a few were preparing a feast to celebrate Ethan’s return.

He and Chassy informed the pack why Ethan had to leave and what he might become once he returned, and they all looked forward to it as well. Although it might pressure his son, Xander knew that it would also motivate him to do his best.

The Alpha’s footsteps echoed in the corridors as he made his way to the training grounds. The sun cast a warm glow on the expansive field, where warriors engaged in friendly sparring matches. Xander observed the training sessions with a proud smile, recognizing the unity and strength that had grown within his pack.

The energy of the pack seeped into Xander’s being, and his excitement soared. His heart swelled with paternal pride as he envisioned Ethan’s arrival, imagining the look of surprise and delight on his son’s face as he stepped into the adorned packhouse.

Returning to his office, Xander took a moment to stand by the window, gazing at the sprawling territory that stretched before him. The lush greenery and towering trees whispered tales of the pack’s resilience and shared victories. Today, they celebrated not only Ethan’s return but also the bonds that held them together. He couldn’t wait to witness the transformation his son had undergone during his time at the training center. The pack’s unity, the vibrant decorations, and the tangible sense of pride and love-everything culminated into a moment that promised to be unforgettable.

With a final glance at the preparations underway, Xander took a deep breath. The excitement that bubbled within him mirrored the collective spirit of the Red Moon Pack. They stood united, ready to welcome Ethan with open arms and hearts full of love. The Alpha couldn’t help but feel grateful for the bonds that defined their pack-a family that extended beyond bloodlines, forged through shared triumphs and the promise of a brighter future.

As Xander immersed himself in the patrol guards’s report in his office, a sudden and inexplicable unease settled over him. The bustling sounds of the packhouse once filled with joy and anticipation, seemed to fade into the background as an unsettling fear gripped his heart.

Leaning against his office desk, Xander’s brows furrowed in confusion. He tried to shake off the ominous feeling, attributing it to mere nerves or the heightened emotions of the upcoming celebration. Yet the unease persisted, whispering doubts in the back of his mind.

His fingers drummed on the disk’s surface, an unconscious manifestation of his growing apprehension. Xander’s thoughts, initially centered around the festive atmosphere and Ethan’s imminent return, now swirled with worry. He couldn’t pinpoint the source of his unease, but it hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the joyous preparations.

“Is everything alright, Alpha?” Limuel, the loyal beta, noticed the subtle shift in Xander’s demeanor. The concern in his eyes mirrored the unease that Xander felt.

Xander ran a hand through his hair, attempting to dispel the inexplicable fear that gripped him. “I don’t know, Limuel. Something doesn’t feel right. It’s like… a premonition, maybe?”

Limuel’s expression tightened, acknowledging the weight of his Alpha’s words. “Should I send out a patrol, just to be safe?”

Xander hesitated, torn between the desire to dismiss his unease as baseless and the responsibility to ensure the safety of his pack. “Hold off for now. I don’t want to cause unnecessary alarm. It could just be my nerves playing tricks on me.”

As Limuel left the office to relay Xander’s instructions, the Alpha couldn’t shake the persistent feeling of foreboding. His gaze drifted to the window, where the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the pack’s territory.

The minutes ticked by, each one accompanied by a growing sense of urgency. Xander’s mind raced, conjuring images of Chassy and Ethan encountering unforeseen dangers on their journey home. The unease evolved into a knot of fear, tightening in his chest.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Unable to suppress the rising anxiety any longer, Xander reached for his phone and initiated a call with Chassy. “Honey, are you and Ethan okay? I’m feeling… uneasy.”

The connection remained silent for a moment, intensifying Xander’s worry. Then, Chassy’s voice echoed in his ear, a soothing balm to his fears. “We’re fine, Xander. Just a little delay on the road. There is nothing to worry about. We’ll be home soon.”

Relief flooded through Xander, the tension in his shoulders easing. Chassy’s reassurance quelled the fears that had gripped him. Yet a lingering sense of caution persisted-an unshakable awareness that, in their world, danger could emerge when least expected.

As he awaited their safe return, Xander couldn’t help but reflect on the complexities of leading a pack, where instincts and connections transcended the tangible. The unease, while momentarily quelled, lingered as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of their lives and the responsibility that came with protecting those he held dear. He continued reading the reports and was taking notes on the areas that needed his attention.

‘Alpha, the patrol is on high alert. I want to make sure as well.’ Limuel mind-linked him.

‘Thanks, Limuel. I appreciate that.’

‘No problem. I don’t want to be complacent as well. Sometimes our gut feelings can save us.’ replied his beta before they cut off the link, but Xander kept his link open and accessible to everyone. He felt relieved that Chassy and Ethan were safe, so he thought that his uneasiness was only because of his excitement for his son’s return. He shrugged his shoulders and continued what he was doing.

In the quiet moments that followed, Xander allowed himself to reflect on the invaluable assets that comprised the strength of the Red Moon Pack. Gratitude swelled within him, a powerful emotion that often went unspoken amidst the daily challenges of leading a pack.

First and foremost, his thoughts turned to Limuel, his steadfast beta, whose loyalty and unwavering support provided a stable foundation for the pack. Limuel’s dedication extended beyond duty; he shared the burdens and triumphs, standing by Xander’s side with a resilience that reinforced the pack’s unity.

His gamma, Jack, emerged in Xander’s thoughts-a guardian of the pack’s borders, ensuring their safety against external threats. Jack’s vigilance and strategic mind contributed significantly to the pack’s security, allowing Xander to focus on broader responsibilities.

Warriors, the backbone of any pack, held a special place in Xander’s heart. Their commitment to training, their willingness to stand against adversaries, and their unyielding loyalty formed the core strength of the Red Moon Pack. Each warrior was a testament to the pack’s resilience, embodying the spirit that defined their collective purpose.

Gratitude extended to every member of the pack, from the youngest pup to the seasoned elders. Their interconnected lives, shared experiences, and the sense of belonging they fostered created a vibrant tapestry that defined the Red Moon Pack.

As Alpha, Xander recognized that the success and harmony of the pack were not solely his achievements. It was the result of a collaborative effort-a symphony of dedicated individuals harmonizing to create a strong, unified whole. His pack had become a family-a collective force that stood tall against the challenges that arose.

In the quiet solitude of his office, Xander felt an overwhelming sense of thankfulness. The burdens of leadership were lightened by the shared responsibilities and genuine bonds that formed the backbone of the Red Moon Pack. The strength he drew from his pack members fueled his determination to lead with wisdom, compassion, and a deep appreciation for the family he was entrusted to guide.

His lips curve into a smile after all his realizations. He thought that his uneasiness earlier was only because of his excitement. He got back to his work and tried his best to finish everything so he would be more focused on the celebration later.

‘Alpha! Rogues!’

‘Alpha! Rogues!’

‘Alpha! Rogues!’ The patrol guards mind-linked him at the same time.

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