Olympiad is Falling, The Rise of Artemis

Chapter 20- Alpheus

Damn my brother to hell. I paced the throne room. How did he even get involved in my plans?

‘I almost had her!’

Blasted angels should have put up more of a fight. I sent six of them and they couldn’t take on one simple angel. Granted Artemis is a goddess and likely had a hand in the defeat, but still I expected more. I expected to have Artemis by my side and in my bed tonight. I had to wait another night until she was mine.

This wasn’t the army I was taking to take down gods that was for sure. They couldn’t even handle a dinemus. I left the throne room and found myself in the empty war room. All the generals were out making sure my plans were seeing the day of light. Soon, Queen Here’s territory would be in my sights.

I was alone with my plots and schemes starting at me. Though, a vital part of my plot was with my brother. Damn it, I feared she developed feelings for him. I didn’t care I knew it was nothing. It couldn’t last and it had no root to the ground. What Daylen didn’t expect is where I fit in this equation.

The double doors burst open. Unfortunately I was still in a bad mood and the person who walked in nearly got their head smashed off by a vase I hurled to the door.

‘You have a visitor your highness,’ The trembling servant said.

I ran a hand down my face. I didn’t take visitors this one would be imprisoned just because I wanted to.

‘I don’t care, have who ever it is cuffed and chained to a wall!’

‘I’m sure you don’t mean that,’ I looked over the servant and almost rubbed my eyes clean.

‘Jason?’ Well this should be interesting. There was no way the high and mighty Solaris knew about this.

‘How did you even get here?’

‘I have my ways,’ he shrugged.

My brother wasn’t the most exposed person. For one he came to the realm of dark angels in full bloom royal attire. He was asking to be beat up. The guards behind him were itching to torture him.

‘Shall we throw him in the dungeon your majesty?’ The one we called Olga asked.

Jason whirled to look at him then me.

‘Of course not you, idiot. I gave orders don’t fail this time.’ They nodded and left. I wasn’t giving up on Artemis, luring her in with the innocent glasses look would take time and time was something I didn’t have.

‘Forgive me were little low on furniture in the castle. We’ll have to make due in the war room.’ I said.

I settled on the head of the table and scrutinized my brother. Why was he really here? Jason glanced around the room, taking in the black walls the stainless windows that told the story of our kind. I hadn’t seen him since I fell. I fell months ago and I hadn’t heard from anyone in the castle unless it was to tell me to halt my troops. I got along well with my brother, Jason was soft and unlike either one of my parents. Soft enough to be pushed by Solaris to betray me.

‘Are you here to spy on me brother?’ I asked.

Jason finally sat down at my right. ‘Why would I?’

‘I wouldn’t put it past Solaris to make you do it.’

‘I make my own decisions Alpheus. She can’t make me do anything.’

I hid my smirk with my fist. ‘Solaris is a master manipulator Jason.’

He ran a hand through his blond hair. ‘I know that. She’s taken Daylen into her court. I’m sure you remember him.’

If I was drinking something I would have choked on it. She had a reason for her actions. Was she playing Daylen the way she toyed with everyone else? Daylen was probably a bigger idiot than I thought.

‘Yes, I remember him. Why… why would Solaris do that? Daylen must be an incredible worker.’

I suspected I was the only living person that knew about Solaris’s secret son. That’s probably because she doesn’t know I know her secret. I don’t know all the details, but I learned that Jason doesn’t have a full hold on the throne that Solaris named another son in the stars and it certainly wasn’t me.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jason groaned, ‘No, father said he discovered they have secret meetings in the castle.’

I wanted to burst into laughter, but I could tell this was a serious issue for my brother. If only he knew how disgusting it was. Avon was just paranoid. He would never have a hold on the queen or anything in the kingdom. He thought he was losing control that he never had.

‘You think that’s true?’ I scratched the base of my chin.

‘Of course. He’s using her to climb the ladder and who knows what else. He had the guts to stand up to General Storm and mother defended him. Can you believe that?’

I never liked Storm. He’s on the top five list of people to destroy when I gain power.

‘Have you spoken to mother or Daylen? You seem really distressed brother I wish there was a way I could help you.’

Unfortunately, I couldn’t. I suppose Jason only came here to vent. Affairs of the queen’s court were entertaining, but they didn’t help me with any of my plans. I had kingdoms to conquer and a goddess to tame. I should be concentrating on Artemis.

‘Maybe you can Alfie,’ Jason smirked.

‘How many times must I tell you not to call me that?’ I grumbled.

He laughed, ‘There is a way you can help me.’

‘Oh yeah? How so?’

‘Daylen poses a threat to my empire. I need you to take Daylen out.’

I never would have thought. Paradis’ precious heir to the throne and most eligible bachelor came down to the slums to ask an angel of darkness to do his dirty work.

‘Are you in?’ He leaned on the table and arched his brow. I should feel every used.

‘But of course.’

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